Time for a Change

Why Am I In A Girl Group!!?!?!?!?

As me and my friends were going to our shoe locker, a cute girl suddenly said "Oppa, Annyeonghaseyo i'm a junior andmy name is Son Naeun (and yes she is from the group APINK but they haven't debuted yet so it's okay, plus she's very pretty). i know this is weird but please accept this gift". When she was finish talking i took the gift and she ran away, so i thoght "Man, she's cute and fast" Suzy started to tease me " Kevin's got a crush, Kevin's got a crush" but she says this everytime i get a gift from my a random girl.

 But to me this is a normal occassion, i get about 5 to 6 times a week.. But Suzy still makes it a big deal. when i turned around to check on my little sister *BADUM* a guy was flirting with her and i can hear his words clearly "How bout you and i go out this Friday? It's going to be fun, I'll make you a woman" after he said that he caressed my sister's face and no one touches her face but me and my family. so i went to theguy and took his hand off my sister's face and death-glared at him. i threatened him saying "If you touch my sister again, i'll make sure you'll regret for the rest of your life and you would wish that you were never born".

 After hearing what i said to him, he SERIOUSLY PEED his PANTS infront of everyone in school. When the guy was out of here, i ask my sister "Are you okay? He didn't do anything to you did he? Are you sure you can go to class safely? What if he came back? That's it, i'll you to class". My sister said "It's okay i can take care of myself and he didn't do anything to me and yes i can go to my class alone, plus i'm pretty sure he won't come back and i have my LOVABLE OPPA with me so it's okay". I was moved to tears but i'm a man. Man can only cry once in his lifetime. I'm blessed by god for having a perfect sister. It's not that i don't like her with other guys but i'm scared that the guys will take advantage of her. She's just so vulnerable. Plus i promise her that i will take care of her until the day i die *I actually hope that i'll live a long life* until she finds the perfect guy for her i'll continue to be her knight and shining armor even after she's married *I hope that day will come late*.

 Even after the riot, i still haven't change my shoes. It's a good thing that my shoe locker is just beside my sister's. When i opened my shoe locker letters came out of my locker like a tsunami wave (i'm exagerating) it was only till' my knee. Suzy suddenly said "WOW, MR POPULAR" this thing happens every day, so it doesn't bother me. You(readers) must've realise that my friend Suzy is the Suzy from the popular group Miss A. Truthfully, Suzy once confessed to me but i turned her down because i was afraid it might affect our friendship and i didn't feel the same, plus at that time i was so in love with my first love and by the way she was 5 years older than me. My brother called a Noona Killer because of that and still does. Since i'm talking about my brother. Let me tell you that he is a playboy but he doesn't bring any of those girls home, he just flirts with them and i've asked him why and he said "Eventhough i'm a playboy but i will never disrespect the ladies, i just flirt with them to release my stress but i will NEVER i'm repeating NEVER have with some unknown girl, plus even i have priide" after i heard him say that i uncounciously respect that eventhough his way of releasing his stress is wrong but i'll teach him the right way.

  Coming to the scene at the shoe locker.

 I purposely said "Why are you jealous, of my popularity?" Suzy said "I received more fan mail than you do, and my answer is no" When we start to talk this way, which only means only one thing, a 'Friendly Argue' or so to say. So the argument started to go from light to heavy and we almost swear to one another but Miyoung stop us by saying only this "Please stop, you guys are friends right?" only by saying that we forgot everything that had started the argument from the beginning. I'm kind of a fool to my sisters so they can overpower me easily. I don't really know if that's a bad thing or a good thing.

 Eventhough my sister said that she can go to her class without me escorting her but i did it anyways. I sent her until she went to her seat. When i entered the classroom the girls in the class started to squeal and gossip about me entering the class and sending Miyoung to her seat even the girls from the other class started to come to the classroom just to see me. Although it was flattering but it was every disturbing to me and i can't even have a private talk with my sister without someone taking a picture of me.

 After i sent Miyoung to her classroom, i went to my own classroom. As i was about to open the door  Suzy jumped on my back 


Causing to hit my on the door but if it was a wooden i didn't mind but the door was pure steel and you can even see the bruise on my head. When i head to my seat, Suzy kept saying sorry to me using her famous puppy eyes and i said "Okay i forgive, just stop with the puppy eyes" she jump with relief and hugged me causing the girls in the class to be jealous. My class was 2-A (the smart class). My homeroom teacher came in the class and started teaching. Everytime the teacher started teaching i would always look out the window cause i had an IQ of 444 (nice right) with the IQ level i could have already finished studying but i wanted to enjoy school life.

 Lunch time

  "Finally, eating time" Me and Suzy always have lunches together with my sister. it has always been the three of us ever since pre school. After finishing lunch in 10 minutes, we all went to the dance studio which is in the school. Suzy always brings along a video camera to record me dancing or singing. At first, i didn't like that she uploads the video on the web but now i don't mind. But i still asked "Where do you want to upload it this time" she answered me "Just somewhere". I didn't mind cause i already started dancing and singing. Suzy recorded everything from the start till the end. But for today it felt weird cause Suzy usually record only one song but today she recorded every song i dance and sang to.

 Usually i would find out why she act like that but for today i was to tired to think about it and just went straight home with my sister. Everytime i went home my brother would usually wear his boxers and run around the house but i felt a little proud of him today cause he wore LONG PANTS. After a i saw that i felt so proud and wanted to cry but a man must never cry and i controlled my cool and machoness. After having dinner with my siblings, it's time for me to sleep. The same thing will happen everyday but i never got tired of it, sometimes i think i was okay with everything but i was just afraid if one thing changes everything won't be the same.

 The next day

I felt something weird. Usually my sisters will wake me up but for today i woke up on my own. When i went down stairs my sister left a note saying "I left school early cause i have class duty". I was a little shock cause my brother already left for work and my sister usually wakes me up to go to school with even when she needs to go to school early. When i arrived at school Suzy wasn't there at the gate. I don't know why but i felt a little sad. But i just walk to my class and sat down at my seat. During lunch time i went to the roof hoping to see Suzy and my sister but luck wasn't at my side. So i just ate my food and went to the dance studio to practice my dancing routine and singing but i don't know why i did that. While i was dancing and singing i say 3 man's shadow and stop dancing. I went to the door and invited them in the dance studio. They introduced themselves one by one "My name is Lee Soo Man, nice to meet you and i'm from SM Entertainment" said the shortest guy, " What's up, I'm Park Jin Young from JYP Entertainment" said the tallest guy in English " And i'm Yang Hyun Suk, I'm from YG Entertainment". I said "Hi, my name is Kim Kevin and i'm 18 years old". Lee Soo Man said " The reason we all came here is that we want to recruit to come to our company and make you an idol. But Kevin-shi, you can only choose one company to join. So which company do you want to join. Don't worry i won't rush you and here's our business card call us if you have made your decision. And thank you for spending your time with us". I stand up and bid them goodbye. I was a bit confused and didn't which company to join cause Lee Soo Man is like the fatherly-type, while Park Jin Young is like an older brothe and Yang Hyun Suk was kind of scary but has a unique voice. "Arghh!! Why is it so hard to choose? This must have been Suzy's work. She so owe me an explanation"

When i arrived home

The house was dark, so i thought "They must've been asleep or maybe they all went out. Guess i'm alone again." When i opened the door i suddenly saw a brightly lit cake and they threw the confetti at me. The letters cake said "Congrats! Kevin, you're finally been recognised for your talents. Don't be gloomy always be happy". "Don't be gloomy always be happy" i remembered my first love said that when we first met and that's when i fell for her. Remembering all that made my heart thump faster and tears began to flow but i held it in cause man can only cry once. Suzy started to say "Yah! Don't cry it'll make me feel bad, come on blow the candles". After i blew the candles Suzy pushed the cake to my face making me look like santa claus (sorry santa). The place was in a havoc, i sat outside and watch the stars in the sky then, i felt someone tap my shoulder and when i turn around i saw Suzy. As soon as Suzy sat down, i said "Thanks for the party" Suzy said "You're welcome. Omo, Have you fallen for me already?" i said "I'm sorry, but i want to ask you something. Why did you sent those video clips of me performing to the CEOs of some Entertainment companies?" Suzy change her position and stared at me. "The reason i gave the videos to the CEOs is because... Did you remember the time your first love rejected you" I nodded. "I actually saw it, and i also saw you cried as well, when i saw you like that i felt like my heart shattered into a thousand pieces. After that, you were very gloomy at school and you lost your interest in everything. I felt like i need to make you happy again and i overheard when you first saw your first love said to you *Don't be gloomy always be happy* i remembered how happy you were when she said that. So i took your hand and brought you to the bench and said that to you and you know what happened next, that was the first time you smiled in a long time. Then i remembered you performing and everything and thought that you were very good at it so it thought that i shouldn't be the only who knew about it so i recorded it and uploaded it on the web so that everyone knew about you're specialty and that's how the CEOs knew and i'm sorry for not telling but i was happy when they told me that they want to meet you in person... i'm sorry for doing it without you knowing.... I'm sorry". I hugged Suzy because i never knew she had done so many thing just for me. Then my brother saw us like that and said "No fair, Don't hog Kevin all by yourself, i also want to hug Kevin" Without saying much i hugged my brother and sister thanking them for everything. Plus, i already made up my mind and called the company that i want to join ".......Hello" answered by a fatherly voice and i replied " This Is Kevin we met this evening, and i want to say i would love to join your company as a new Idol. Please take care of me" the CEO said "Thank you for choosing my company, i will make sure i can make you the most successful Idol ever lived" When the call ended.I bid farewell to my normal life and my free time but a little change doesn't hurt anyone right. And it's time i move on and time for a change.


Finally finished this is my 2nd episode of my first fanfic

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randrew1215 #1
Chapter 22: please still update this
stevenkosman #2
Chapter 22: Update soon please........
Is Kevin first love is chorong? or some other girl?
Chapter 21: Seriously ? Another One ? Oh WELL GOOD LUCK KEVIN !
Chapter 20: Yoonjyung should have let him explain.....is he going back to the dorm..wish there is more drama....update soon :)
Chapter 20: Ah Jinjja ! Yoonkyung Let Kevin Explain Himself.
stevenkosman #6
Chapter 19: How come there is so many girl love kevin??!!!
Anyway,update soon
Chapter 19: so kevin has feeling for suzy and so does suzy?? Pity yookyung.. Kevin like a player who like make a girl fall in love with him then he leave her for someone else.. Fighting for next chap :D
Chapter 19: LOL Suzyy Hahahahahah . Kevin , Dont Make Yoonkyung Angry :)
Chapter 18: Keviin :) GOOD LUCK :)
Iffah0801 #10
Actually after I finish this fanfic. I'll be writing a new one and the main character will be a girl group name SPICA. You guys should check this group out. They're pretty, great voice, great dance and very talented. I hope you guys can support them :)