Surprise Trip to Japan - Hanabi Festival

Through the holidays with Kevin Woo

It was July now, you've been dating Kevin for five months, and things were going perfect. He was actually in Japan doing promotions there with the band. He called every night though. You smiled thinking about the coverstaions and just how at ease you were when you talked to him, how made everything okay. No matter how bad work or school got, you talked to him and  his laugh made it all better. You were brought out of your thoughts by your phone lighting up. Kevin was calling.

"Hello, love" you answered your phone a smile on your face.

"Jagiya"  he said, he sounded happy but tired. "How are you" he asked.

"I'm good, everything okay in Japan? you sound tired" you replied.

"Tired doesn't cover it" he chuckled. "Don't worry thought I'm getting sleep, and everything is fine" he replied. "I'm actually calling because my sister is actually coming to Japan in a few weeks, I'd like you to come with her, I miss you and would like to see you" you could tell he was pouting he was using his pouty voice and it made you weak.

"I'll have to see if I can get off work and turn my school work in early" you told him. "I'd love to come though" you smiled over the phone. It would be your first trip to Japan.

"Good, I'll tell Deanna, she will help you. I really want you here that weekend" he smiled but he wouldn't say why, it had to be a surprise. You hated surprises, but since it was a Kevin surprise you knew you would love it.

"You know I don't like surprises" you teased over the phone.

"I know, but this one will be worth it" he told you giggling. "I'm sorry this phone call has been short but we are about to take the stage in a few minutes and I need to go" he said.

"That's fine I love you, Kevin, have a great show" you cheered him on over the phone.

"I love you too, Jagiya" he said, meaning it. "I'll call you again tomorrow, promise" he then hung up.


You were in the airport in Japan. You were looking for something familiar to stand out to show you that Kevin was there waiting for you and his sister.

"Do you see him?" you asked the girl next to you.

"No I don't, but he has to be around here somewhere he said he'd meet us" she nodded.

"Deanna, what is your brother planing?"  you asked.

"What kind of sister would I be if I gave his surprise away" she giggled. 

"My favorite kind of sister" you told her. She laughed. 

You were making your way, away from the luggage pickup when you felt arms around your wasit pulling you back into a firm embrace. You squeaked. "Shhhh _____ its's me" he whispered in your ear.

"Kevin" you whispered turning around and throwing your arms around his neck and holding him tight. You missed his hugs and just how safe and warm you felt in his embrace. You kissed his cheek learning away. "I've missed you" you pouted your eyes tearing up taking in his appearance. 

"Don't cry jagiya" he smiled as he wiped the tears from your eyes. He leaned down and gave your lips a soft gentle kiss making you blush.

"Hey, sister here.. you may not want to do that in front of me" she replied hands on her hips.

"Always good to see you Deanna" he smiled pulling apart from you to hug his sister. "You didn't tell ______ did you?" he asked.

"What kind of sister would I be if I did?" she asked.

"The bad kind" he shook his head giggling.

"Don't worry, love" you told Kevin. "She's been tight lipped" you pouted.

"Good, now shall we go the hotel? the others are waiting there. We are going to eat and tomorrow is your surprise _____" he said giddy. You could tell he was excited about it.


At the hotel you went to your room with Deanna and unpacked. "I can't wait to see what he has planned tomorrow" you told her.

"You will love it" she smiled. "Its one of my favorite times to be in Japan" she told you without giving anything away.

"Thanks. I'm nervous but anxious. I'm happy I get to have some time him with him." you told Deanna there was a  knock at your door and you went opened it.

"Kevin" you smiled. 

He came inside. "Are my two favorite girls ready for dinner?" he asked.

"I know I am" Deanna replied.

"You know I can always eat" you winked at him patting your tummy. He shook his head. "What am I going to do with you" he laughed. He put his arms out and Deanna grabbed one and you the other. "Shall we ladies?" he asked. You and Deanna both nodded and walked out with him to head out to dinner with him and the boys.


"And then he fell flat on his face into his food asleep" Deanna said re-telling some old Kevin tales of when he was younger.

"No way" you laughed as Kevin pouted. "I was really tired okay, I was up studying and I tried eating dinner and the next thing I know my face was in it and I was out.. I woke up to my mom washing my face and putting me in bed." he blushed as the others laughed. Eli pulled him into a sideways hug. "Its okay Kevin, I'm sure that has happened to us all at least one" he chuckled.

You all sat around the table eating sushi having a great time. There was nothing like true Japanese sushi.. It was much better then the store bought you always got at home.

"Well.. I have embarrassing stories, but I refuse to tell them, because they are just horrible" you shook your heard and now you wish you kept your mouth closed.

"What, tell us" AJ said.

"No" you shook your head.

"Yes, you opened your mouth now tell us a story" Eli told you.

You sighed. "Okay...." you knew the story you wanted to tell but knew guys would be guys so you settled for something that didn't involve a swimming incident and a lifeguard seeing one of your s. You felt that one was best untold.

"Oh I know..." you slowly started your story. "A couple years ago I was at the mall with some friends and there was this guy I kind of liked and my friends dared me to get him to notice me" you shook your head. "Well I was eating french fries at the time and he was walking by so I thought I could try and be y while eating.. Well the fry landed on my shirt, not to mention the blob of ketchup as well, instead of landing in my mouth. Well, he laughed as he walked up to his boyfriend and walked away.." you're face turned pink and you laughed nervously.

"WOW BURN" AJ said.. "That's way embarrassing" he laughed. Eli joined in. "That's like a DOUBLE BURN" he said chuckling.

Kevin didn't say anything he had a pout on his face. You reached for his hand. "That was years ago, and crushes come and go, but what you and I have.. its much stronger" you told him lifting his hand to kiss the back of it. He smiled. "Good" he said. "Kevin you have nothing to worry about, I love you, no one else, you own my whole heart"

"GAG ME WITH A SPOON" AJ shook his head.. "Please I'm not going to need dessert if you keep up this sweet talk"

Kiseop nodded agreeing.

Soohyun just laughed. "It's nice seeing Kevin this happy though, she's made him so much better, his singing and emotion have went up immensly because of her" he told the group.

"Oh shush, as gag worthy as its, I'm glad Kevin has someone that makes him happy" Deanna said. "I already think of _______ as a sister" she smiled hugging you close to her. You blushed and Kevin go real red not knowing how to answer that statment. "Now that's embarrassing" Eli said. You shook you're head. You were glad she thought of you as a sister, but it was way to soon to even think about marriage.


After dinner you headed back to the hotel. "Tomorrow I have something special for you to wear its already in your closet" Kevin said taking you to your hotel room. 

"No more gifts, I thought I told you to stop buying me everthing" you poked his chest. 

"I know jagiya, but this is essential for tomorrow" he smiled at you. 

"Okay, until tomorrow" you told him. "Tomorrow" he smiled giving you a soft kiss before heading to his room. You slid the key into your door.

"I'm so glad Kevin found you" Deanna said as you blushed. "I've never seen him so happy"

"I've never been this happy either" You told her. "I just don't know how we are going to keep this going when I go back to the states next year" you said sadly.

"That is something you and he will have to talk about, but I think you should transfer to a college here" she said.

"That is in my thoughts" you told her as you grabbed your pjs to go change into. You came out of the bathroom all ready for bed you phone went off with the sound of a text. 'Good night _____ I love you, sweet dreams' Kevin xoxo

'I love you too, Kevin, sweet dreams my love' ______ xoxo

You smiled as you're head hit the pillow. "My brother" is all Deanna said as she noticed your smile and smiled at you. All you could do was smile and nod. 


You stared at what Kevin had hanging in the closet. It was the most beautiful kimono you had ever seen. It was white with cherry blossoms on it. You still had no idea what he had in store but you couldn't get over what you would be wearing. Deanna helped you get ready and put your hair up in a nice bun. When you and her ready you went across the hall to the boys room and knocked. Kiseop answered. He was wearing a red yukata with black swirls that went went on him.

"Wow, this is cheesy, I know you say I look like a cat but this yukata is crazy" AJ replied coming into view with a dark blue yukata with koi fish on it.

"I like mine" Eli replied. "Instead of pigeons mine has a phoenix" he nodded showing off his black yukata with orange phoenix with red flames.

Soohyun's was grey and black stripped with a red obi. Dongho was a light blue with gold fish on it. and finally Kevin came into view. You weren't ready for the sight of Kevin in a yukata. He looked amazing. His was a dark purple with different color fireworks all over it. He looked at you and he just stared. "Yo Kevin would you acknowledge your girlfriend man" AJ

"You look beautiful jagiya" he said coming over to you and giving your lips a soft kiss. You blushed.

"You look very handsome" you smiled and looked down.

"Okay lets go before they give us anymore cavities" Eli said.


You were blindfolded as you headed to the destination. Once out you smelled many different foods and heard excitement all around. You knew it had to be something special, probably a Japanese event or holiday he wanted to share with you. The blindfold was taken off and you were by a riverbank, one you'd seen in many animes thanks when it dawned you. "Hanabi, its the Hanabi festival" you teared up. "Kevin, I.. I don't know what to say" tears slid down your cheeks. He listened when you told him just how much you loved fireworks and always loved a good show.

He wiped your eyes. "Don't cry _____" he smiled. "I wanted to share this with you" he told you as he walked with you. "I'm going to go find a spot with ______" he told the guys.

"We will find you when we are done checking out the food" Eli said. "Want us to bring you anything?" AJ asked.

"Meat sticks" you replied. "I'm a little hungry for some good chicken on a stick" you smiled. 

"Yes bring us some of those and something to drink" he told his friends.

"We'll be back" Deanna said walking off with the boys. 

You were alone walking with Kevin finding the perfect spot to watch the fireworks later. You only walked for about fifteen minutes when you found the perfect place. There was a tall tree to lean back against and a nice hill for you and your group. 'Prefect" Kevin said as he took a seat against the tree and set you in front of him and putting his arms around you. "Are you happy with this surprise?"

"Very much so, why are you so perfect, I swear I don't deserve you" you turned around and looked into those soulful brown eyes loosing yourself. He took that time to lean forward and kiss your lips softly. They were soft butterfly kisses til he he pressed them firmly against yours in a longer kiss taking your breath away. "I've been wanting to do that since I saw you yesterday but with my sister around.. I didn't want it to be awkward." he chuckled.

"I'm glad we get some time together now" you smiled to him. 

"Hey, these booths are great, AJ caught a fish" Dongho replied. "He even has cat like reflexes to catch them" he shook his head. "You found a great spot hyung" he told Kevin as he stuffed his face with octopus balls.

"Oh Dongho" Kevin shook his head.

Everyone soon showed up and passed out the food and sat to eat it as the sun began to set. AJ's fish was in a bag next to him. He kept eyeing and watching it swim. "I think I'll call you Kevin fish" he teased.

Kevin shook his head and pouted. "I'm not a fish though" he told AJ

"You do make fish faces a lot brother" Deanna said. "Oh shush you" he teased his sister.

The sky was dark now and you started to see your first fireworks going up and lighting the sky. It was just beautiful.

You oooh'd and awww'd at all the right places and giggled seeing the ones that were in shapes.

"Look its Pikachu" Kevin said and sure enough there was the yellow pocket monster everyone was familiar with. You giggled you enjoyed being here with everyone including Kevin. You turned around and kissed him softly. "Thank you so much, I'll always remember today" you told him. "I love you so much" you said with teary eyes.

"I love you too _______" he smiled and kissed you again. You leaned back against him and watched the rest of the fireworks shows. It was one you'd never forget, it was the best one you'd ever saw and it was thanks to Kevin, your perfect boyfriend.

"That was a fantastic display" you said after you were up and walking back to the van you all traveled in.

"It really was." the others nodded and agreed in unison.

You fell asleep on the ride back to the hotel. The next thing you it was the next day and you were at the airport saying goodbye. "I can't thank you enough for tonight" you told him.

"Just knowing you love me is enough" he smiled. You kissed him one more time. "I'll call you when I get home" you told him. 

"You better" he said tears in his eyes. "I'm going to miss you"

"I'll miss you too, but you'll be back in a few weeks right?" you asked.

"I will our promotions end then and I can't wait to get back to you" he smiled. "I love you" he sniffled.

"I love you too" you said as you turned to board your plane tears falling. You would never forget this trip.

The End of his surprise.



Hanabi means Firework

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OMG THIS IS UBER CUTE <3 seriously author nim ur the best!!! <3 jgkagjjzsh its too cute to handle <3 hwaitng author nim! ~
erialc #2
Chapter 15: omg, the last chapter was freaking awesome. Must be a coincidence that my parents' wedding was on Christmas Eve As well. But Oh My god. I squealed so may times. you my dear, are an awesome writer. can't wait for the epilogues!
sujin_kissme #3
Do you wonder how you say things in Korean?
Do all Koreans love spicy food?
Is Plastic surgery normal in Korea? Do people think it's bad?
LEARN how to speak Korea or ASK your questions and get them answered.
Learn basic korean with a full korean girl - Lee hedi:
The valentines day was good. :D
erialc #6
Valentines day chapter was great~
erialc #7
I seriously thought Kevin was going to propose! HAHAHA. Promise ring :D