Chapter 1



Chanyeol stood stock still as he watched the scene in front of him unfold. A man stood with a gun raised pointed in their direction, he was screaming things but Chanyeol couldn't focus on his words, all his attention was focused on the one standing in front of him. The one who stood between him and the gunman, the one who kept pushing him behind his back. 
"-Yeol...YEOL!" Kris said in a hurried tone.
Chanyeol couldn't respond. 
"Chanyeol! Listen to me, you have to run." Kris ordered.
The sound of his voice finally shook Chanyeol out of his trance.
"What? No, hyung! I'm not leaving without you!" He protested.
"You have to! I don't know what this guy will do." 
"Andue! I'm not leaving!" 
"Yeol! You have to listen to me, they don't want me they want you!" 
Chanyeol shook his head fervently. "No hyung!"
"Yah! Park Chanyeol! Didn't you promise me you would listen to me no matter what?"
"But Hyung! I can't just leave you here." 
"You can, and you will. Listen, I'll be fine. I can leave as long as I know you're safe. We'll meet up afterwards, at our usual place."
"H-hyung...please." Chanyeol pleaded.
"Chanyeol, if you don't leave right now, we'll both die right here."
Chanyeol shook his head and held onto Kris's arm.
"Go!" Kris yelled as he shook off Chanyeol's hold.
Chanyeol finally took two steps back, still staring at Kris's backside.
"Hurry! Go!" Kris yelled one more time.
Chanyeol took one last glance, then turned and ran. He didn't know how far he ran, but he didn't stop until his legs couldn't carry him anymore. He stood there breathing hard with dried tears hardening his face. He turned to look in the direction where he left Kris, there was nothing but darkness. He stared, hoping to see a figure following him, hoping to see Kris reappear. Minutes and hours passed, nothing. Chanyeol began to pace.
"What's taking him so long? He said he'd be here."
Chanyeol looked into the darkness one more time and finally a figure appeared. Chanyeol's heart lifted a little. 
"Kris?" He called into the darkness.
The figure stumbled towards Chanyeol. 
"Yeah?" A weak voice replied. 
Kris stumbled forward and stopped under the street light. Chanyeol smiled in relief at the sight of Kris and sprinted towards him. 
"I'm so glad you're alright." Chanyeol said as he reached Kris's side.
"Heh, told you I'd be okay." He replied in a strangled tone. 
Chanyeol looked at Kris skeptically. "Are you really okay?"
"Yeah... don't worry. Just let me rest here a bit..."
"A-araso...let's go over to that bench." Chanyeol replied
Chanyeol put Kris's arm around his shoulder and put his arm around his waist. There he felt a moistness that Chanyeol thought was sweat. Chanyeol slowly helped Kris towards the bench, but froze at the next street light. He looked down where his arm was holding Kris's waist and saw a growing red stain on his white v-neck. 
"Yah...You're hurt!" Chanyeol exclaimed.
"It's nothing... just a slight wound." Kris whispered.
"Stop lying! You're bleeding so much. It can't be a slight wound!" 
"It's nothing to worry about, I promise. I just need a little rest." 
"No.. No. We have to get you to a hospital right now." 
"Stop worrying... really I'm okay.." Kris grunted.
"Aniya, Hyung! Stop saying that. What do I do... I need to call an ambulance." 
Chanyeol pulls out his cellphone as they reach the bench and dials 119.
"Annyeonghaseyo! I have an emergency! I need an ambulance right now. M-my friend's bleeding! Please! I need one right now!" 
"Channie... stop yelling...." Kris muttered.
Chanyeol hung up after telling the operater their location.
"Araso, hyung... Just hang in there okay? Help's on the way." Chanyeol replied.
"Mmm... just let.. just let me rest my head for a little okay?" Kris sighs as he closes his eyes and leans on Chanyeol's shoulder.
"Hyung, don't fall asleep okay?" Chanyeol wraps his arm around Kris and places his free hand on Kris's wound, placing pressure to stop the blood flow.
A minute later, Kris's body goes limp. Chanyeol, feeling the change, begins to panic.
"Hyung... hyung?!" he asks frantically as he gently shakes Kris's shoulders. "Hyung, answer me. Hyung!" 
Kris remained there, motionless. Chanyeol shifts to grab Kris by his shoulders. "Yah! Kris Wu! Answer me right now! I told you not the sleep!" 
No response. 
Tears falls rapidly on Chanyeol's face as he struggles to get a response from Kris. After a while all he could do was hug him and cry.
"He can't be gone... no... he said it was only a small wound..." Chanyeol whispered in broken breaths.
Chanyeol was so caught up in denial that he didn't notice the ambulance's arrival. He was crying and screaming as the paramedics came to take Kris away. He watched in pain as they placed him on the gurney and performed emergency resuscitation. When they finally boarded onto the ambulance, Chanyeol hastily climbed in beside him and held Kris's hand and cried. 
"Hyung... Hyung... you can't go! You promised we'd be together... hyung!"
"Sir, you have to let go! Let the paramedics do their jobs!" one of the medics ordered.
Chanyeol reluctantly let go, but his eyes never left Kris's emotionless face. Suddenly, the medics stopped working. That was the only time Chanyeol's eye's left Kris.
"W-what's wrong?" Chanyeol asked with worry.
The medics looked at him with sorry eyes and shook their heads.
Finally one of them said, "Time of death...00:34" 
Chanyeol's ears rang with a dull ring and the tears fell anew. ""
"We're sorry... we tried." 
Chanyeol couldn't register their words and the world faded to black.
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Chapter 1: No, Kris can't die. He just couldn't! You have to bring hik back! Pleaase?
Kris can't die ;__;
Update soon please!