Team 2!

[Choose Your Own Adventure]: Seoul High School

"Okay, see you later, guys," Jungsoo says as they leave.

You are left with Donghae, Donghee, Hyukjae, and Sungmin. 

"Who do we interview first?" you ask. 

"Let's put together all the information we have so far first," Sungmin says. You all follow him to his room and he takes out a notepad and pen. "Haneul, when you left the campus, there wasn't any news about the culprit yet, right?"

"Yeah, people were still studying," you answer.

"Around what time did you leave? Do you remember?"

"Hmm, I think it was around 10pm? I came back past 11."

"So," Sungmin says, writing, "that just means that the culprit spread the photocopies in between those times."

"Someone slid a copy under my door at around 10:20. I checked the time to see who could have possibly sent me something that late during midterms week," Donghee says. "When I opened the door to check though, there was nobody there."

"He must be fast and athletic if he could pull that off," Donghae comments.

"Haneul is also... fast and athletic..." Hyukjae says.

Donghae smacks him on the head. "YA, we're trying to prove that he's innocent! Not the other way around." 

You smile at Donghae's defensive action even if it might just mean helping out a friend for him. 

Sungmin puts his hand on his chin. "I got mine... before 10:20. We're in room 202, which is after Haneul's room." 

"I don't remember what time we got ours," Hyukjae says. "But I think it's probably after that." 

"Let's go ask the other dormers," Sungmin says. You go out into the hallway with the others. 

"Oh wait, they're all not here," Donghee says. 

"Why don't we ask Ryeowook?" Sungmin says.

"The student council secretary?" you say, a bit nervous. 

"Yeah, a copy was also slid under their door."

"... But..."

"What's wrong, Haneul?"

"It's kind of awkward for me to talk to the student council now..."

"Don't sweat it. They know you're trying to prove your innocence so it might also be good if they see us investigating." 


Sungmin knocks on Siwon and Ryeowook's room. Ryeowook opens the door. 

"Oh, why are you guys here? What do you need?"

"Answers," Donghae says. 

"Uhhh... President-nim, some students are here with Kim Haneul and they want to ask us some questions," Ryeowook says, turning to Siwon inside.

"It's okay. Let them in," Siwon says.

You enter the room to see Siwon sitting at his desk. He turns his swivel chair (Why does he have a swivel chair???) to face you and the others directly. He has a peaceful gaze but somehow, you feel that there is some kind of electricity zapping behind those calm eyes. 

"How may I help you?" he asks.

"President-nim, we'd like to know around what time someone slid a copy of the answer sheets under your door," Sungmin asks.

"Hm, that was after Kim Haneul and Kim Heechul showed up. I took a nap for around 15 minutes, because that's exactly the amount of time I take up whenever I take a short nap. When I woke up, Ryeowook was hysterical and showed me the papers that he found at our door."

Jeez, this guy... 

"Oh, by the way, president-nim, why did you suddenly feel sick that time in the hallway?" Donghae asks curiously.

"I don't exactly know. I remember Kim Haneul and Kim Heechul told me that I looked pale and that I needed to rest. At first, I thought they were trying to make some kind of excuse or something because I didn't feel sick at all. Then when they were going to support me back to my room, my heart rate suddenly went up and I started feeling nauseous--"

"That sounds like me when I like someone," Hyukjae blurts out. 

Siwon glares at him but Hyukjae just blinks back.

"For your information, I am not a homoual. Besides, I also felt dizzy and I don't think that you get dizzy because of such psychological or emotional reasons."

"Uhh, okay, anyway," Sungmin says trying to ease the tension. "Let's go back to where we were. Haneul, you said that you came back past 11pm right?"


"President-nim, where did you come from before you arrived back at the dorms?"

"Jogging. I usually jog every night for 1 hour beginning at 10pm which is when I usually finish studying. That day though, I had, uh, stomach problems. So I went over my study time by 10 minutes. I finished my jogging at aorund 11:10pm which is when I also saw Kim Haneul with Kim Heechul."

"With that said, we can conclude that the culprit started by putting the photocopies underneath everyone elses's dorm rooms first before putting the last copy into the room of the President."

"It sounds almost like it was planned," Donghae says.

"As if the culprit wanted to create a disturbance first before the President finds out so that they would make a much bigger deal out of everything," Donghee adds.

"Or maybe..." you start to say. You are hit by a sudden realization. "What if the reason why he did not put it under Siwon's door yet was because he knew that Heechul and I were in the room at the time?"  

"Ohhhhh," the others say simultaneously. 

"Mwo?" Hyukjae says, narrowing his eyes in an effort to understand, and tilting his head to the side.

"Well, if you think about it, by the time that he had finished putting the papers under most of the dormers' doors, people started going outside of their rooms and talking about it. He had to find the right moment to slide Siwon's copy underneath the door... so he must have waited somewhere. However, even though he did, he saw me with Siwon and Heechul. That made him back off because, uh... uh... Aaaagh, I can't think anymore," you say, massaging your temples. "Crap, I lost my train of thought."

"I think I can see where this is going, Kim Haneul," Siwon says as he stands up. "But I think you still lack evidence. Have you interviewed others?"

"... Actually, we haven't yet."

"Then go and collect everything you might need first," he says as he places a hand on your shoulder. "God bless y--" 

He freezes. His eyes go wide and he yanks his arm away from you. He examines his arm, still in a state of seeming bewilderment and confusion. 

This guy is quite scary... 

"What's wrong, President-nim?" Ryeowook asks. 

"I-it's happening again..." Siwon says.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO PRESIDENT-NIM??" Ryeowook shouts at you. 

"N-nothing! I was just standing here. He was the one who approached me!" 


"Secretary-nim, please don't shout. My ears are already ringing..." Siwon says in a weak voice.

"Omo, it's happening again just like in the hallway?" Sungmin asks.

"...Yes," Siwon answers. "Maybe I'm allergic to whatever pet Kim Haneul keeps attaching himself to... Do you have pets, Haneul?"

You remember the beagle Kyuhyun out in the garden. "Well, kind of? Why?"

"What kind of pet is it?"

"Um, a dog."

"I think I need to stay away from dogs from now on... From now on, no one is allowed to come close to me if they have been in contact with a dog and haven't taken a bath."

"Noted, sir," Ryeowook says scribbling it down in a notebook.

"You may take your leave now," Siwon says. 

All of you go out of his room. Suddenly, Donghae says, "Oh I forgot something inside. Wait for a bit." 

After he comes out again, you all go to the other side of the dorm while Jungsoo and the others haven't returned yet. On the way, Donghae pulls you aside. 

"Ya, Haneul-ah," he whispers. "Siwon isn't allergic to dogs." 

"Mwo? How do you know that? You saw how he reacted when he got close to me."

"I didn't forget anything in his room. I went in to check if his symptoms were gone after we left, and they were. I went up to him and patted him on the shoulder. Even gave him a hug. Nothing happened to him."

"... you have a dog?"

"I'd visit the dog out in the garden a lot too." 

"Oh? then that means..."

"Guys, let's start by asking the dormers on the other side of the floor," Sungmin says. You open the first door and ask the usual questions (What time was the copy of the answer sheet slid under your door? Did you see the one who did it? and etc). This goes on until you had finished asking basically all the dormers on the second floor (A/N: The seniors are on the 2nd floor. The other year levels are either on the 1st floor or the other dormitory building.).

The clock strikes 10pm and you wait for the other team at the dorm lobby.

"So we got a time period of around 10:20, starting with my room, all the way up to the student president's which was some time before 11:30 when he woke up and saw the papers, include the amount of time that he must have used up to talk with you in the hallway," Sungmin says as everyone gathers around him to look at him writing down his train of thought.

He's so smart. Dx I feel inferior... 

You look at the other guys and it makes you feel a bit stronger when you see that their faces are serious and determined to understand all of this and help you out. (Although Hyukjae looks like he's losing it.) You look at Donghae who has his hand on his chin, his eyes burning with a blaze of ideas and willpower. He doesn't notice you and he keeps his focus directly on the puzzle that Sungmin is putting together. 


10:20 pm  -  Room 202 and so on


11:05 - 11:15 - Haneul and Heechul brought Siwon to his room

11:15 - 11:30 - Siwon takes a nap


"We need more pieces of the puzzle to finally put this together..." Donghee says.

Sungmin continues to write.


10:20 pm  -  Room 202 and so on


11:05 - 11:15 - Haneul and Heechul brought Siwon to his room --> could be when the culprit put the original copy of the sheets in Haneul's bag

11:15 - 11:30 - Siwon takes a nap --> when the culprit slid Siwon's copy under his door (Last one)


There was a moment of silence.

"... Did  anyone notice anyone going into Haneul's room at around this time?" Sungmin asks.

"Not really," Hyukjae says. "Everyone was going wild outside. I forgot what I was doing then."

"Yeah right, you were busy copying the answer sheet into one of your notebooks in case it got confiscated," Donghae laughs. "Anyway, we were both inside our room that time." 

"I went back inside my room after I checked if there was anyone outside," Donghee says. "At that time, it was still pretty quiet. Then I took a shower so I guess that's why I didn't hear much."

You try to track back to remember who else you had seen in the hallway that day. You don't remember anyone else besides Siwon and Heechul. 

Wait... Heechul... He was the first one to tell me about the issue. Which makes him more suspicious because normally, I'd do that if I were hiding something to make it seem like I was the last one people would suspect. WAIT A MINUTE, WHY AM I THINKING THIS ABOUT HEECHUL?? He's my friend, for crying out loud! My room mate too! ... Which makes it more possible that he could have gone into my room without noticing...

Come to think of it, he initiated the "Siwon, you're sick" thing. And he probably knew that Siwon wasn't home yet so he waited for the right time to slide it under his door. When I came and we brought him to his room, he suddenly left me all alone with Siwon in the room. Was that when he put the original answer sheets in my bag? And when I went back to the room, Heechul wasn't there. And that could have been when he placed Siwon's final copy under his door...


A warm hand grabs onto yours, stopping it midway. "Ya, stop hitting yourself. You'll lose more brain cells," Donghae says.

"Sigh... Donghae-ya, I think I... know who the culprit is... but I just don't want to believe it. I mean, I'm not exactly sure..." you say.

"Really? Who do you think it is?" he asks, leaning in closer and putting an arm around you, making your heart skip several beats and your face heat up.

"... It's... it's..." 

"HEY GUYS, WE'RE BACK~" Heechul sings as the whole of Team 1 enter the dorm lobby. 

"Nevermind, I'll try to make sure of it first," you mutter to Donghae.

He pokes your side playfully, still not taking his arm off from around your shoulders. 

"Okay guys, what did you find?" Sungmin asks. 

"Actually, we found almost nothing," Heechul says frankly.

"Except for these," Jungsoo says, holding up a little plastic bag filled with less than an inch-long orange-brown, white and black hair strands. 

"What's that?" Donghee asks. 

You suddenly realize it and slowly turn to look at Donghae, who looks just as surprised as you. 

"Dog hair strands," Youngwoon says. "We found these in the Faculty room where the answer sheets were kept. I'm not sure what kind of dog it is though, or what a dog is actually doing in the school--"

"Moreso in the faculty room," Heechul butts in.

"YA, I'm talking," Youngwoon says loudly. "Anyway, we think it's useless evidence."

"... I don't think so," you say, taking the plastic packet from Youngwoon. You examine it thoroughly. 

There's no mistake about it. This is beagle fur. 

"Why? There aren't even any dogs on the campus!" Youngwoon says.

"There is one," you say. "Donghae and I both know about it. It's a beagle out in the garden." You decide not to tell them about Flashlight Guy. 

"Who else knows about this beagle?" Jungsoo asks. 

No one else raises their hand. 

That makes things more complicated then. Lee Donghae knows about the beagle and he said that he plays with it a lot, which is a good reason to have fur on your uniform. Heechul might be lying about not knowing about it though. Based on the concrete evidence that Jungsoo and the others found, I have 3 suspects now, even though I don't want to admit it : Kim Heechul, Lee Donghae, and Flashlight Guy. 

"Okay, then it's most probably someone who's not part of our group of friends," Jungsoo says.

"By the way, we wanted to ask you guys questions too, because we lack information," Donghae says. 

"This is what we have so far," Sungmin shows his paper to Jungsoo's team. 

"All of us got our papers from 10:20pm onwards," Donghee says.

"Okay, let's see. I think I got mine at around 10:30pm or something," Jungsoo says.

"So it fits," Sungmin says, biting on his pen. 

"Um," you start to say. "Heechul-ah..." 


"Around what time did we get our copy?" 

"... We didn't get anything," Heechul answers.


"I only found out from our neighbors but nothing was ever slid under our door." 

"Ah, is that so?... Um, when you left me with Siwon, where did you go?"

"I went back to the room, and then I went out to get something. Why?"

You look at him for a moment, then look away with a spaced-out look. 

"... Wait a minute... you're not suspecting me, are you?" Heechul says in disbelief. 

"... No, well, I'm just trying to look at all possibilities..." you try to explain.

"Ya, I'm the one helping you. It's kind of disrespectful to suspect me when I'm doing this so that you can clean your name! Wouldn't it be contradicting your wild imagination that I might even want to frame you??"

"Hyung, he was only trying to piece things out. Please understand," Sungmin says.

"We need to look at all possibilities, Heechul," Jungsoo says. "We're all pretty much suspects here. Moreso with Donghae and Haneul since they both are connected to the beagle in the garden." 

Donghae looks like he's spacing out. You try to make the tension go away.

"Let's not fight over this anymore. I'm sorry for jumping to conclusions like that, Heechul hyung, even though I know from your personality that you'd never do something like that to a friend," you say.

You're still a suspect though. I'm sorry, hyung. As for Donghae... I don't really know what to think. I don't think he'd do something like that to me... would he? 

Heechul just sighs and scratches his head annoyed. "Sorry for losing my temper." 

"Guys, moving on," Jungsoo says. "are you sure you've asked every person in this dorm?" 

"Yes, we did," Hyukjae says. "We just skipped our hall besides Siwon because you guys weren't there. And now, we just asked you your questions."

"... No," Hangeng says. You are a bit surprised that he finally spoke up. "Did you interview Cho Kyuhyun?"

"... Not yet," you say.

How could I have forgotten? If someone was out to frame me, he'd be the first person on that list. How do we ask him though? He obviously won't tell the truth.

As if he just read your thoughts, Donghae asks, "How do we ask him though? He obviously won't tell the truth." 

It's shallow but I feel my heart fluttering because there might be some telepathy going on between us~~ STOP IT HANEUL. YOU'RE A GUY!!!

"Let's just try and see if we can psycho-analyze him or something. If that doesn't work, we can always ask his room mate," Jungsoo says.

"Room mate? Who?" you ask cluelessly.

"I never can really remember his name because he doesn't show up much. Pretty invisible. I guess that's why they made him room mates with Kyuhyun. He naturally stays out of everyone's way. Anyway, let's just go check and see if there's anyone in his room."

Once you get to Kyuhyun's room, Sungmin asks, "So... who wants to knock?" 

"I'll do it."

"I don't think he wants to see my face when he opens the door."

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Chapter 3: this is cool ^^ you were inspired a little bit by "to the beautiful you" right? it seems like it to me anyways, i love that drama ^^
Chapter 83: *waves poms poms* Go! Go! XD
Chapter 83: Hope the new version comes out soon. ^^ cuz it's a persona-like story plus it has interesting points and thrills. ^^
Chapter 83: I'll be waiting patiently author-nim~! :D
Chapter 81: Oh my gosh LOL, I want to know what happened, is Heechul just teasing him or does he know.... ahhhhh!
kpop_luv #6
Chapter 81: LOL LOL SUNGMIN AND JONGWOONS WERE SO FUNNY AND CUTE (so was everyone else's but that one was funny as h e double hockey sticks
yumikojou #7
Chapter 81: :D :D :D you're so building up the tension kkkkkkk...