The Day You Met Me.

Pictures (Tribute To Cancer Patience)

It's been a week gone without news from that mysterious girl. I am still wondering if she still want those picture of her, so I keep it safe in my drawer. 

The day went by normally until I sense a familiar figure outside the store window.

"It's her.." my heart pounding loud.


The sound of the doorbell.

The door opened and stood a beautiful girl that I saw a week ago. 

She walk quickly to the counter and ask

" Can I take a picture?"

I contemplated for a while and snapped back to reality.

" Er.. I still have your picture from the last week, don't you want it miss?" 

She shook her head a couple of time

" No, it's okay, you can keep it, I want a new picture." She said smiling.

My mind wonder off somewhere until I heard a voice.

" Oppa!"

I turn my head to look at the pretty lady who is now sitting on a chair and ready to take a picture.



It's been three weeks now, and that girl keep coming to my store everyday. She insisted to take a new photo every single day and everytime I finish up the film clean, she'll gone. I kept her picture safe in my drawer in case she want to take it home. 

Today was no exceptional. I waited for her from the morning and exactly 11:30 AM, she will stand in front of the door with that bright smile of hers. I can't help but to notice her pale face.

"Miss, are you okay?" I asked

She look as if she's been running a hundred kilometre gone and back. Her sweaty face make me a little worried. Noticing my concern, she immediately flash a weak smile.

"Yes, I'm okay. Oppa, please make my picture extra pretty today.." She said.

I chuckled by her request and snap her picture. The day gone with another collection of her picture in my drawer.


The next day, I opened the store as usual and waited for her to come. It slowly becoming a habit waiting for this special girl. I can't help but to feel happy when I see her.

I look at the clock.


" Why is she not here yet?" I asked myself

" Maybe she have something to do" I tried to comfort myself

I waited at the counter until the sunset, I purposely closed the store late but unlucky for me, she didn't turn up in front of the door anymore.

I waited, and waited, and waited more for this girl, but she never showed up.


" Maybe I should stop waiting for her"


" Wae am I hurting?"


" Maybe I'm missing her?"


" Am I in love?"


I waited for a month but there is still no her. I decided to take a day off to find this girl. Eventhough, she always came to my studio, I never really have any courage to ask her name. I keep asking and showing people picture of her around the city and to my luck after 2 day of searching, I finally found her home.

*Knock* *knock* I knock on the door.

A middle age woman slowly open the door. I smile.

She look at me confusely but still greet me with a warm smile.

" What can I help you, dear?" she asked

" I'm sorry, but my name is JunHyung and I own a studio across the town, do you by any chance know this girl?" I ask while showing the girl picture.

Her smile immediately fade.

She sigh. 

" Hara...." She whisper.

" Herm?"

" Her name is Goo Hara and she live here." 

" Can I meet her, by any chance?" I asked

" Sure, but we need to talk first, okay?" I nodded and follow her into the house.


I sit myself at their dining table, while the lady prepared a drink.

She poured a cup of tea for me and sit across the table.

" How did you know Hara?" She ask

I scratched my head before answering her

" She always come by my studio to take a picture. Everyday, she would come and take a new picture. I waited for her for the past month, but she didn't came, so I thought maybe I should return all of her picture that I've kept.." I said while giving her the envelope that fill with the girl pictures.

Suddenly I hear a sob coming from somewhere, I look up to see the lady in front of me burst to tears. I panicked for a little until she hold on to my hand.

" I..I.. thank you so much for making Hara happy..." She said sobbing.

" What?" 

" You see, Hara is..... Hara is sick" 

My heart stop for a moment.

" Sick?"

The lady nodded.

" Well, can I see her, so I can visit her and..."

" It's not a normal desease.." she cut me off..

The lady suddenly got up from her sit.

" Wait here, I'll tell her, you came.."

I absentmindedly nod.

A minute later, she came out from the room and guide me in.

The room lit up from the sun outside, making the beautiful girl face in front of me glow. She was siting in her bed, her face, her long hair, it still like the first time we met, only she became paler.

I sat myself beside her bed.

"Hye.." I said smiling

She flash a weak smile and replied to my greet.

I held her hand  and I can feel how warm she feels. 

" Are you okay..?" 

She nod a couple of time.

" It's okay, I just had a 'cold'.." 

I put the back of my hand on her forehead 

" Did you take your med?" 

She nodded again.

" You didn't come to my studio for a long time, I was worried about you."

She held my hand tight. 

" I'm sorry..' She said.

" don't be.. I will still wait for you. Will you come again in the future?"

She smile weakly.

" I will..."

My eyes suddenly shifted to her pillow and I saw a lot of hair, and that's when I realized she had an uncurable desease.

I hel her hand tightly, unconciously I kiss them.

" Can I come to your house everyday..?" I asked.

She look confuse for a while.

" If you can come to my studio everyday, why can't I come to your house everyday too..?" I asked in cute way and made her laugh.

" Until your 'cold' cure, I will come here everyday to take care of you...." I said.



The next day, I closed my studio at 10:00 AM to visit her house again. I arrived exactly 11:30 AM, just like her when she came to my "house". I knocked on the door only to be greeted by her mother. She led me into Hara's room and she was there waiting for me. I saw her with her hat on.

" Hye.." I said.

" Hye.." she said while cough..

We chat for a while and I pointed out my finger to her hat.

" Why are you wearing a hat today?"

Her smile fade for a while.

She suddenly giggle.

" Ah., I feel a little trendy today.."

I laugh by her statement. I end up taking off her hat.

" You know, a pretty woman like you, doesn't need this hat to be trendy..." I said.

" Aigoo, look how messy your hair are..." She unconciously look down 

I grab a comb that's been sat beside her bed and brush her hair. 

One by one, her hair fall down, or stuck in between the comb. I make myself careful not to ruin her day today.

"There.." I said.

" That's a woman, whom I know. Pretty, bright and cheerful.."

Her face lit up a little.

I stayed at her house until she fell asleep and I repeated my action everyday for the next three weeks.



Today, I came early to her house. I didn't even have a chance to open my studio. For some reason I feel a little anxious to see her since yesterday. I arrived in front of her house and my heart stop for a while when I saw a doctor talking to her mother. I rush myself to them.

"..... ssighh.." I heard the doctor

Her mother tears dripping little by little.

" Madam, doc, what's wrong?" I asked

They both look at me with a dreadful, defeated face.

" She fought very strong and brave, but the desease took over her body.. and I think we didn't have any much time anymore.." The doctor explained the situation.

I quicken my pace to her room, to find her body lying weakly on the bed. I sat beside her just like everyday, holding on to her hand and whisper the same word greeting her.

In pain of her whole body, she still greet me with her cheerful smile.

Unknowingly my eyes started to fill with tears...

" Why are you crying..?" she ask..

" Don't....don't leave..." I said sobbing.

" I...I.."

" I love you.." I cut her word..

She was taken aback by my confession but she quickly replied with a big smile..

" I love you too.."

I kissed the back of her hand.

" Please don't leave me?" I beg..

" I can't.." her tears started to drop.

" I'm tired, tired of fighting, tired of hoping, tired of dreaming. I can't...anymore"

" Shush.." I hush her and kissed her forehead.

" I know.."

We stayed silence for a while. Word are not necessary at these moment. Only the warmth of our love fill the room. 

The night came and I asked for her mother permission to stay and accompany her a little longer and her mom agreed.

I fed her, and wipe her sweat. 

It's 1:00 AM in the morning. She suddenly whimper.

I look over to her.

" shush... It's gonna be over soon.." I whisper the word.

For the last time, I kissed the back of her warm hand, her forehead before she close her eyes.

" Goodnight angel." I said tucking her in.

I can see her face starting to get blue, her hand began to get cold.  May you rest in peace my love.



2 month later

I opened my studio like a normal day. Everyday is a blessed and a brightful day, because I see her in my studio. I hung her picture as one of my studio decoration. I never goes back without a smile. Even though she's gone, but her spirit always be with me.

*Kring* *Kring*

The front door bell rang.

I look over but I don't see any customer.

I walk back to my studio and I saw a pictures scattered around the floor.

I look at the picture and I saw the face that I miss the most, Goo Hara smiling brightly to me. :)



This fic is dedicated to them who fight with the desease and illness from cancer.

You may win or lose the fight.

We will always look up to you guys as a warrior.

A/N: The fic finally come to an end. Hope you guys enjoy every bit of the story, and sorry if some of them put you in a confuse mood. Thanks for reading. :)



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The last chapter were up! Enjoy and sorry for the grammar mistake. :)


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Chapter 2: So sad,
Keep up the good work author-nim

Why i feel like i hve watch movie /read comic that hv the same plot like this.. i could be wrong
Chapter 2: So sweet and heart goes to all those cancer patients who are fighting everyday. Thank you for this beautiful story.
Chapter 2: so sad..
now I know why this dedicated to cancer patience.. :)
keep up the good work,,fighting~~!!
hara_ya #4
Chapter 3: totally love it~
Chapter 3: Dongsaeng ah!!!!!! LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fluffydar #6
Chapter 2: So sweet and sad my friend's little brother who is not even 3 has leukemia and nearly 4 years since my aunty died of Cancer which was on mother's say
Chapter 2: That was so sweet, and nice and.... sad.. You did a good job, author-nim ^^~ *cry*
Chapter 1: Cool. Update soon :))))