Star Rules

Starpop Roleplayers ツ

Hello ! Namjoo here . I am going to share some rules with you today :) .

How to join :

1 ) Seems like you're interested . So first , please subscribe to this account . ( Admin's Account )

2 ) Please reserve a character you would like to roleplay as :) Any characters .

3 ) Sorry , but we will only accept K - Pop idols .

4 ) Comment on the comment box below 

Eg . Annyeonghaseyo c: Can I book Soloist IU ? 

5 ) After your application gets accepted , go ahead and create your account . Mention base account to get verified . ( Do not create your account before the admins verify you )

6 ) We will write on your wall :

Hello ! _________ ( idol's name ) is all yours . Please create your account in 3 days or the reservation will expire . Thank you for booking and remember to have fun together with Starpop Roleplay . - Kim Namjoo @StarpopRoleplays

7 ) About your username , the admins are discussing about it . And we have decided that it should start with StarP . You might not understand so here's an example . Eg . @StarP_Namjoo or @StarP_KimNamjoo or @StarPNamjoo .

8 ) If you once is a troll in other roleplayers , the admins have the right to decline and disapprove your application .

9 ) Please please with sugar on top , follow our main account and Admins first . Then we will verify you via main account . 

10 ) Only after we verify you , then you can follow the other members and make friends . 


About you bio in your profile :) 

Your biography should start with " Verified Star in @StarpopRoleplay " After that , you can put anything in your bio . For me aka Namjoo , it needs to be : " Verified Star of @StarpopRoleplay , Apinkeu's angel Kim Namjoo imnida ! Nice to meet you :) Admin of Starpop Roleplay ".  Get it ? Good ^^


Basic Rules :

1 ) The admins can change the rules anytime . But we will inform all of you .

2 ) This is very important ! Only 1 account per RP . Because if you have 2 accounts , either deactivate 1 or get kicked out . We are sorry but this is really crazy if you do this .

3 ) This is a closed roleplay . But you are only to follow our members , real idols twitter accounts and @TheRoleplayLife 

4 ) Transgender is... what do you think ? The admins have deicided that it is allowed since we are in need of members .

5 ) Don't ruin your character image by bashing and cursing

6 ) Use [[ and (( for OOC talks , just to make sure members don't get confused .

7 ) Use ** or // or - - for actions in conversations :)

8 ) You have to be online at least twice a week or you will get kicked out due to being inactive .

9 ) DM the admins if you are either going on hiatus / semi hiatus or you would want to leave us .

Put [H] or [HIATUS] on your display name if on hiatus .

Put [SH] on your display name if on semi-hiatus .

Deactivate your account or change the usernames if you have decided to leave . 

10 ) Sorry , but if you do not wish to follow the rules , we can kick you out .

11 ) If you have any complaints about any members or the rules , just direct message us or email us :)


Relationships , Families and Babies :

1 ) If you have decided to go on a relationship , inform the Admins . Think of a couple name . Eg . The moon couple .

2 ) and Yuri is not allowed as we want all the idols to think straight . Lmao .

3 ) Marriage is always allowed . But if you want to divorce , both parties have to agree .

4 ) About adopting , you can adopt the ulzzang babies but we need to have ulzzang baby members first . And if the baby refuses , the chance to adopt will be low .

5 ) You are allowed to be the daughter or son or relatives of the other members .


Important :

Don't be a copycat and copy our things . A copycat will never suceed no matter what .

Up till now , It's Admin Namjoo amd AdminJ . 

P.S  Admin J stands for Admin Janice , she will not be roleplaying . 

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Hello . Is Rania's Xia available ?
- Cheryl@AlwaysLeChic Productions