Date or Outing?

► Joker's Dancing Queen ◄

[Hyuna POV]


The alarm clock ringing.


Aiissshhh~ *turns off the alarm*


Don' sleep...


*pulls blanket*


"Twit! Twit!"


Who is the unlucky person that messaged me in the morning?


*checks the message*


"Hey, are you free today?" 




I replied;




"I'm just asking...I'm bored so I'm gonna ask you for a date...haha just kidding. Outing maybe?"


Kidding? I hope you're not kidding, Junhyung. good that he's just kidding. o__o


"Okay then...well i'm bored too..."


"I thought you're busy?"


"Yeah...but not busy anymore."


"Wah! How quick you solve your work?"


" Are you going to fetch me here?"


"Why are you that excited? Hehe~"


"What? No! Don't tease me or I'm not gonna do this..."


"Okay...okay...I'm sorry...okay I will fetch you there...9AM ok?"


"What?! But now is 8:45 already!"


"Why? I thought you have taken your bathe and breakfast already? So just changing your clothes, that won't take a long time."


But...but...honestly, Junhyung...I even haven't get off from my bed yet.


"Okay then..."


Omg~ what to do?! What to do?! 


Oh I know!


I will just wash my face and brush my teeth...put on some fragrance...change clothes! :D


---15minutes later---


"Twit! Twit!"


"I'm infront of your house now...palli !" 


Oh yeah...I'm done now...


I'm just too genius...hehe~


I walked out the house and...I see a red ferrari? Wow! Is that Junhyung? He is that rich?


Then a man wearing shades gets out from the car and smiles to me.


It's Junhyung.


*mouth slightly opens*


"Hyuna yah! Close your mouth!" 


I was startled. 


I walked to the car.


"Junhyung..this is your car?"


"I won't use someone's else car, Hyuna. Of course its mine."


"For real?!"


He nodded.


He is just...daebak... o__o


"Gets into the car...palli! Opens the door by yourself. Sorry, I won't open a car door for someone else than my girlfriend."


"I know! I have my hands anyway~"


I get into his car.


This is my first time to ride this car.


Junhyung just created the history.



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Chapter 29: They just so cute.
wildandyoung #2
Chapter 29: i've just subscribed it!! i love it! and can't wait for the date.
Chapter 29: Update soon please please please
Chapter 29: kyaa please updateee~~~ ><
skullhead90 #5
Chapter 29: author-nim...i'm so in love with your story..update soon
Chapter 29: Hyuna dont be stubborn and accept him! If you dont i will ;p lol
Chapter 28: Omg he confessed. Hyuna why the heck you run away?!? Aish facepalm
Chapter 27: hug? then? ... im getting anxious. authornim, update as soon as possible! lol
Chapter 27: What the heck hyuna ive been waiting for this moment and you're ruining it!!!! Wae??? Please accept junhyung, hes being
Chapter 27: Awww.. Junhyung introduced Hyuna as his GF XD
So cute asdfghjjkl