HEARTS- Chapter 3- Arguing

The HEARTS Short Story Series

This is my HEARTS fantasy chapter, involoving GD and Key as Vampires... enjoy :D


"I ask for nothing but your undying faithfullness, a one night stand with another man is anything but that !"

GD stood up from his throne and slowly descended five stairs to the main hall floor glaring at Key. Key raised an eyebrow, " Who's been spying on me," he teased.

With another ice cold glare GD looked him up and down , " Your style has changed, it's different, perhaps another man is dressing you besides me."

" I have my own style now," replied Key.

" You no longer shop at my stores," GD pointed at a catalog , " There are amazing trends out right now, you  don't even order anything from my stores online!"

Key rolled his eyes, " I've ordered a t-shirt or two," he inspected a finger nail  much to closely. GD yanked Key's hand downward, pointing at a ring " I never 

gave you this ring, who gave you this ring ?"

Key yanked his hand away, " A friend."

"How close of a friend?"

" Does it matter?

" Of course it matters."

" A friend."

" You little --" Key put a finger to GD's lips " Don't say things you don't mean ," he did a little cutie face.

GD glared, " That won't work!"

Key hmphed, " Then I'll have to try harder," he did a cutie girls dance.

GD tried to glare, " Don't - avoid-the situation!"

Key did a chest roll while lifting up his shirt  then ended with a " Boing boing ."

GD grabbed at Key's shirt yanking it down, " Back to point , who are you sleeping with?"

Key rolled his eyes and flashed  his fangs , " With whoever the hell I want ," he said as he  turned to leave , but GD grabbed him by the arm and slapped Key.

Fangs bared they lunged at eachother , GD snatched at a braclet on Key's left wrist, yanking it off, " I'll take this seeing as you won't be needing it to

symbolize our eternal love.With  one swift movement Key tore GD's red extensions from his hair, " Get a hair cut !"

What had started as a vicious fight turned in series of undressing and kissing.

GD grabbed Key's hair kissing him and Key pulled back smiling .

"I think we both have to agree we look y as helll without a shirt on, " remarked Key.

GD simply laughed.



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heesun #1
Chapter 3: Wow I like all three of them. The first one was cute. The second and third one was funny. There actually quite interesting. When I get to the ending it makes me wanna read more of it haha. I like them ^-^.
I love these so much <3 diva vamps XD
I loved the first chapter <3 Joon <3