10 song drabbles

10 Song Drabble Meme
  1. Everything’s Different Now-The Innocence Mission(Glow)



The silence in the elevator was slightly awkward. Their relationship had been slightly strained since Ryeowook moved to the 12th floor. Yesung decided he was tired of the tension.

“Hey, Ryeowook,”


“Would you like to watch a movie with me later?”

“I thought you didn’t like watching movies with me. I talk too much.”

Yesung blushed when he remembered the fight that had led to their separation.

“I was wrong. I miss you.”



  1. Two Hearts Beat as One-U2(War)



The back of the van was dark. From what he could see, their manager was busy watching the crowded highway. He figured it was now or never.

“Ryeowook,” he whispered.

The younger boy leaned in to hear better. The streetlights flashing through the window of the moving van illuminated his delicate features, and not for the first time, Sungmin’s breath was taken in by his beauty.

Without thinking, he slid his hand into Ryeowook’s and moved until his lips were just brushing against Ryeowook’s ear. He felt the slight shiver that went through his body.

“I know I shouldn’t, but I love you.”


  1. Possibilty-Lykke Li(New Moon Soundtrack)



Standing under the streetlight, their breath mingled in the frigid air. The silence of the snow that was falling encompassed them.

Kangin watched the snowflakes gather in Sungmin’s eyelashes, melting as they sat for more than a moment. He wanted to know what it was like to melt from the heat of Sungmin.

Sungmin watched the snow gather across Kangin’s broad shoulders. He thought to brush them off, but chose instead to pull the older man towards him to melt them with his warmth.


  1. Awake My Soul-Mumford and Sons(Sigh No More) (if you watch this video, this song starts at 5:42)



Standing on the stage together made him feel as if they were invincible. Here, they could hold each other’s hands without repercussions. They could hug, they could flirt. And when their voices rang out, amplified into the vastness of the stadium, he imagined he could see them as vapor trails that wound through the air until the met and melded together into one.

Away from the stage his fears threatened to overwhelm him. He knew he felt the most alive with Kyuhyun by his side. He had no doubt of their love. It was the secrecy that threatened to overwhelm him.


  1. Smells Like Teen Spirit-Nirvana(Nirvana)



Jong Woon surveyed the club from his perch in the balcony. He had grown tired of the normal club scene and decided to try something a little less upscale. The music here was raw and loud. The mass of bodies on the dance floor were mostly clad in black leather. It seemed to be the same old thing, just a little dirtier, a little louder.

At least until a spotlight briefly illuminated one body amidst the hundreds. Silky black hair reflected the colors that flashed in time to the music. A lithe body. When the hair was flicked back from his face with a twist of his head a face, delicate and feminine, was revealed. His heavily lined eyes gave him a feral look. Before he had time to even think, Jong Woon had descended to the dance floor and pulled the man into him.

A sly smile spread across the man’s face as he and Jong Woon ground their hips together. He had decided to go slumming tonight, as a change of pace, he had no idea he’s find something so delicious.


  1. Tickle Me Pink-Johnny Flynn and the Sus Wit(A Larum)



Sungmin considered it to be his obligatory football player crush. How could you go through high school without having one. They had several classes together, and when their eyes would occasionally meet, Sungmin could feel his cheeks burning with a blush.

Yesung thought he had never seen anything as sweet as the blush that covered Sungmin’s cheeks everytime ther eyes met.

Sungmin never even considered that he had a chance. He knew he was cute, but he was quiet, and Yesung was always surrounded by cheerleaders.

Yesung wondered if he even had a chance. He had been popular long enough to know that it was more of a curse than a blessing. He decided to leave it to fate.

Fate, it seemed, decided to be kind to the boys. Paired on an overnight field trip things went even better than they had both secretly hoped.


  1. I still haven’t found what I’m looking for-U2(Joshua tree)


When Kangin saw Sungmin hanging at the back of the group, it was all he could do to not let his smile falter. The younger man looked as depressed as the day Kangin left two years prior.

They had both agreed that Kangin leaving was the best option for their relationship. Sungmin was sure of his identity, sure of his love, but Kangin had been still searching, having never found something to keep his identity intact. The fame had gone to his head somewhat, and the strangeness of falling for his friend was confusing. It was no wonder he had gotten into so much trouble.

Later, when all was quiet in the dorms, Sungmin went to Kangin’s room.

Did you find it? He asked

Kangin just nodded his head.

Sungmin turned to leave.

Kangin jumped from the bed and pulled Sungmin into his arms.

It was right here all along.


  1. After the Storm-Mumford and Sons(Sigh No More)



Kyuhyun was tired of crying. He decided it was time to get out of bed and move on with his life. The first thing he should do was to go to Yesung to thank him. He found his hyung sitting on his bed watching a movie.

Embarrassed and not sure what to say, he just leapt onto the bed, tackling Yesung with a hug.

Yesung pushed his laptop to the side and wrapped his arms around Kyuhyun. He heard a muffled, thank you, against his neck.

Yesung held him more tightly, and then began to run his hands over Kyuhyun’s back in a soothing manner. It’s my pleasure. It’s always my pleasure.

Kyuhyun was bright enough to understand the implication, and for the first time since he and Changmin had broken up, he smiled.


  1. I Dreamed A Dream-Les Miserables International Cast



Ryeowook sat on the floor of the tub letting the hot water wash over him. He wanted it to make him feel clean again, but it only served to hide his tears.

He didn’t know where or when things had gone wrong. He had trusted him and he his trust had been repaid with cruelty and anger. But he couldn’t still the aching need he had to have him back. He couldn’t see any other way out from this pain.


  1. High and Dry-Radiohead(the bends)



Sungmin watched as Kangin self-destructed. He had tried to intervene in the beginning, hating what he saw Kangin turning into. He could see the anguish in Kangin’s eyes as he sat through interviews, as they performed. Nights he snuck Kangin into his room and held him as he sobbed. They never spoke, just held onto one another as if their lives depended on it. Sungmin held on to the hope that one day things would get better and Kangin would find his way.

Unfortunately there were two nights where his schedule kept him from Kangin, and without his usual outlet, Kangin had gone out.

Now Sungmin was left alone.

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407 streak #1
Chapter 1: I need more for sungmin and yesung story! >___<