
Burning ,Lovely ,Untouchable & Emotional

(A/N: so i logged on and i noticed someone voted my story up~!! (: i feel realllyyy happy right now, so here's an update (: haha sorry, homework you'll have to wait..)


►Jungshin POV►

It was around 6 pm,Minhyuk and Sang Hee still hadn't come home yet. Jonghyun had taken their date alot harder than I had imagined he would. I scratched my head as Jonghyun blankly stared at the televsion screen.

Damn..I knew Jonghyun liked Eunmi but, I didn't know he liked Eunmi that much. 

Yonghwa had stayed in his room all day. Except for the brief moment he came downstairs to grab some breakfeast, immediately climbing up the stairs, hiding away in his room.  

I decided I would take Jonghyun and Yonghwa (if I could get him our of his room) to get some BBQ. Maybe that will lighten their moods or Jonghyun's mood at least. 

"Hey Jonghyun," I poke his arm.

"Hm?" he answered back, monotonously.

"We're gonna go get BBQ, kay? I'll go ask Yonghwa if he wants to come to and then we can leave."

I watched Jonghyun's eyes flicker with excitement for a moment. I could tell he was trying to prevent himself from jumping around in joy, shouting around the house. Instead, he simply grinned giving me an eager nod. I got up from the couch, climbing up the stairs, proceeding down the narrow hallway. I walked up to Yonghwa's door, knocking. 

"Come in," I hear Yonghwa say. I open the door slowly, peeping only my head infront of the door. I looked around his room. Yonghwa sat against the wall by the window. A few sheets of empty sheets music lay beside him. His guitar was in his hand and a notebook lay on his lap. "Do you need anything?" Yonghwa looks up at me. 

"Uhmm, well, Jonghyun and I are gonna go out for BBQ do you wanna come?" I ask. Yonghwa shakes his head. "Ah. Okay. Are you composing?" I asked, my curiosity taking the best of me. 

"And writing lyrics."

Jungshin it's none of your business don't you dare snoop into other people's business. 

But he writes! And he composes! A small peek wouldn't hurt anybody would it?

But what if he writes something personal? Wouldn't that be an invasion of privacy?

God, Lee Jungshin. Get a hold of yourself you're having a mini argument with yourself. It wouldn't hurt to ask, would it?

"Could..I see?" I asked, a my voice slightly timid. 

"Uh..I never really show anybody my music but, sure," Yonghwa signals me over. I scurry towards him. He shows me the lyric sheet, I notice the small chords written above them. 

"Wow, Yonghwa. These are really good!" I compliment. Yonghwa lightly smiles. 

"Thanks. You're the one of the only people who's ever complimented me on my music except for Eunmi and ermm..well" Yonghwa coughed awkwardly," Someone else." 

I wanted to ask Yonghwa who that "someone" was but, I figured it was a sensesitve subject. I realized Jonghyun was waiting downstairs. 

"Well, I better go now. Are you sure you don't wanna come with us?" I ask Yonghwa one more time. He shaked his head. "Okay, well, bye."

I close the door. I felt strangely better like I had broken down some barrier between Yonghwa and I. With a lighter mood, I came down the stairs. I noticed the television was off and Jonghyun was waiting on at the door, his coat and shoes already on. He wore an impatient expression painted over his face. 

"Took you long enough," Jonghyun snorts. 

"Yeah, yeah. Let's go," I put on my coat and shoes. We walked outside and the cold, frigid air hit the both of us. "Aish," I rubbed my hands together, "It's really cold out, tonight."

Jonghyun simply shrugged. 


We reached the BBQ restaraunt. We sat down at one of the grills. We ordered two orders of bulgogi. Soon, the ahjumma came out with our orders of meat. We both thank the ahjumma. We soon began to grill our meat. I noticed Jonghyun was having a little trouble with grilling his meat. 

"Yah! Who taught you how to grill meat? You have to flip the meat over or else it's gonna burn!" I scolded him lightly, flipping the meat over to prevent to the other side from burning. I snatched Jonghyun's pair of tongs from his hand causing him to pout a bit, causing me to chuckle. It's not everyday you see an ex-gangster pout.  "Just leave me to grilling the meat, okay?" I tell him. 

I continue to grill the meat giving Jonghyun his meat when I was finished grilling them. We both began eating. 

"So, Jonghyun," I begin. Jonghyun looks up to me from his food.


"Eunmi..Do you like her?" I ask. Jonghyun's eyes widen. 

"A-about that..W-well, y-y-you see," Jonghyuin began to grow very interested in his chopsticks. 

"I'll take that as a, yes?" I raise an eyebrow, trying to hold back from bursting out in laughter at Jonghyun's sudden nervousness. 

"I-I--," Jonghyun took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down," Yes."

"I want you to know something though, Jonghyun," I say, my tone becoming serious. 


"I will not allow you to date Eunmi." 

I watch as Jonghyun's face falls. 


OOooOOOoooOOOoo Jungshin doesn't want Jonghyun to go after Eunmi? What??


you'll have to see in the next chappie 



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Chapter 40: Please update..:) great story.. :)
pyonii #2
I'm just going to point out, RN stands for registered nurse. So RN Nurse is really redundant. Can't wait to start reading though~! :)
Chapter 40: I read all of this in one go. Jonghyun's really funny here. I'm actually rooting for him, but it looks like he doesn't have much chance haha. Anyway, I hope you update soon : )
Chapter 40: Yay! The real chapter 38! Jonghyun is so cute~ ≧﹏≦
magicpocket #5
Chapter 5: Tearful tearful! Kind Jung Shin!
This is such a good story! Please keep updating~
Andd116 #7
Chapter 40: I'm hating you so much right now XD