03 Better

Burning ,Lovely ,Untouchable & Emotional

≈Jonghyun POV≈

       "Well, well, what do we have here?" a voice stated. I groggily opened my eyes. *. How the hell did they find me?*. There was Taeho and his gang, "The Red Scorpians". "Did you think you could just flat-out leave us like that?" Taeho spat near my feet.

        "Actually, yes I did," I teased. Taeho let out a shout of anger. *This guy is hilarious to mess with.* "Aye, boys, how about we re-schedule this whole thing in maybe, I don't know 2 hours, I really need my beauty sleep," I smirked, "And judging by the looks of you Taeho you haven't gottan enough of it yourself," I taunted.

        "BASTARD!!" Taeho swung his fist towards my face. I simply took a step back causing Taeho to stumble forward.

        "Still as sloppy as ever I see," I smirked. Now I was really getting on Taeho nerves. 

         "What are you dumbs doin'?! Get this son of a !!" Taeho ordered his group of thugs. They stepped towards me I cracked my knuckles ready to take on this bastards. One of them tried punching me in the face when I caught his fist then kicked him in the stomach causing him to stumble back into a bunch of trashcans. Another, tried stabbing me in the back with a pocket knife. I turned around giving the dirty bastard a spinning kick to the face. *Two down, three to go.* One of them actually managed to get a pretty solid punch in the face until I elbowed him in the stomach then kicking him sending him flying deeper into the alley. Another came at me with another knife I grabbed his arm putting it behind his back he screamed in pain dropping his knife. I pushed him against the wall with a thud. The last one was about to charge at me until we heard the sirens of a police car. *.* 

         "As much as I've like to finish kicking you bastard's asses I gotta go, SEE YA~!" I howled with laughter after I saw Taeho's panicked face. I ran out of the alley as I ran out I heard Taeho's shouts in anger.

         "DAMN YOU ING BASTARD!!" Taeho cursed. * that's just gonna get the police to find you.* By now, your probably wondering 'Who the hell is that Taeho guy and why does he hate your ing guts?'. Well, you see I'm an ex-gangster I quit  "Red Scorpians" for...personal reasons. Anyway if you know a thing or two you know YOU NEVER LEAVE A GANG LEST YOU BURY YOUR OWN GRAVE. Why? you know when you ever see those Yakuza thugs in movies and they've got tattoos pretty much on every inch of their body to show they're a Yakuza or some like that. Here you're branded once your in a gang. What's branding you ask? It's exactly like how farmers brand their animals. I was branded ,my brand is on my left shoulder. Anyways, once your branded you can never leave a gang and that's precisely what I did. That's why Taeho and his thugs are after my for two years now. If you're wondering no ,Taeho is not the leader of "Red Scorpians" he's too stupid to even be the leader of his sub-gang.  "Red Scorpians have what's called sub-gangs in which "Boss" chooses. Recently they've been after me more consistantly now "Boss" has been sending more and more sub-gangs after my more often then before. Which tells me one thing: I better get off these streets lest "Boss" finds me.


•Minhyuk POV•

        I was at work putting back books but, my mind was somewhere else. All I could think about was that thug looking guy that came out of Jungshin & Eunmi's house. *Who was he?*. I was too deep in my thoughts to see the head librarian coming my way. "KANG MINHYUK," she sternly stated in a not-so hushed tone. I jumped in surprise.

        "N-neh?" I asked.

         "Care to explain why your putting Shakespeare books in the 'science fiction' section of library?" she asked eyebrow raised.

          "M-mwoh?" I looked up at the 'science fiction' sign above the bookshelf then glanced at the 'Macbeth' book in me hand. "Mianhe, it won't happen again," I bowed 90 degrees put the Macbeth book back in my cart then scrambled off. The head librarian shook her head in distaste. 

          "Tsk. tsk. Next time you're fired Kang Minhyuk," and with that she walked away.


ºYonghwa POVº

          I kept glancing at the clock anxiously. *When is Eunmi coming? She usually comes around this time where could she be?* I paced my room anxiously waiting. *What if something happened to her on her way here??* I gripped my hair in frustration. *What if she got ran over coming here?? JUNG YONGHWA WHAT HAVE YOU DONE??* I shouted in frustration. One of the nurses came rushing in. "Yonghwa-ssi are you alright?" she asked worried. 


»Author POV«

           "WHERE IS SHE??" Yonghwa asked frantically. The nurse assumed he was talking about Seohyun.

             "I'm sorry Yonghwa-ssi but, s-she's not here a-anymore..." the nurse said she pitied Yonghwa she could tell Yonghwa had really loved Seohyun before she died. 

            "ANI, I SAW HER YESTERDAY!!" Yonghwa cried frantically. She found it strange that Yonghwa's was breaking down like this he hadn't done something like this since he first came to the hospital a month after Seohyun had passed on.

             "Yonghwa-ssi mianhe," she bowed and quickly fled the room to fetch the doctor.

             "ANI! ANI! ANI!" she nurse heard Yonghwa's muffled cries of denial from the hallway. The nurse went to fetch the doctor. When she got to his office he had already known of Yonghwa's breakdown from the cameras.

            "What do we do?" the nurse asked as they watch Yonghwa cry in denial from the monitors. 

            "I'll call Han Eunmi," the doctor picked his phone.

             "Han Eunmi?"

             "She's a volunteer here and is the only one Yonghwa doesn't scare off. Right now she's our only hope lest, we force him to take the pills." the doctor explained. The nurse nodded hoping you would come soon.


♦Eunmi POV

           Today so far has not been the best. After waking up at 10:38 this morning I was 2 hours late to class. Afterwards I had to stay longer get notes on today's lesson. I had stayed till' about 12:47 for one class. Not to mention I had five other classes to go to. (That I was also late to as well. And had to stay after class to catch up.) I had missed lunch so I was hungry. It was now 5:56 I didn't even have time to go to the library today. I had missed the bus to SN hospital and since I'm pretty much the only person who uses that stop the next bus doesn't come till 8:30 so I was stuck walking. As I was walking I began to feel sorry for Jonghyun I mean he lives in this weather. I was taken out of my thoughts when I heard my phone ring. "Yeobosayo?" I answered.


              "Doctor Kim! What do you need?" I asked.

            "I need you to come here quickly," Doctor Kim's voice sounded urgent.

            "Well, I'm on my way-"

            "I need you to come now," 

            "Wae? Is there something wrong?"

             "It's Yonghwa,"I stopped, everyone knew I was the only one Yonghwa didn't scare away. During his first few weeks he would have mental breakdowns and I was the only one who could calm him down.

              "Ok, I'm on my way," clicked my phone off and ran. Why you ask? You see before I came, when Yonghwa would have his breakdowns the nurses and doctors would either force him into taking the pills or worse inject them into him like an animal. I've seen them do so before and it was the least bit of pleasent. I ran as fast as I could not minding the strange looks I got from other people. I finally  arrived at SN hospital. I sloppily signed my name in then fumbled with clipping my name tag on. I ran to Yonghwa's room. When I got to the seperate building there stood Doctor Kim and some nurses. I could hear Yonghwa shouting, "ANI! ANI! ANI!". 

              "Doctor Kim," I breathed trying to catch my breath. I looked around and say one of nurses flicking a sirange. 

              "Please Eunmi-ssi, calm Yonghwa down please," one of the nurses pleaded. I nodded determined. I braced myself for the worse before I entered the room. I gripped the handle of the door and walked slowly walked in.

             "Yonghwa?" I asked in the softest voice possible. There were torn up pieces of music around the room.Yonghwa looked up at me his eyes now filled with relief.

               "Eunmi!"Yonghwa ran to me and hugged me into his chest, "I thought you were gone! They said you weren't here anymore!" Yonghwa my hair. I was taken my surprise this is the first time I've ever seen him show emotion. I rubbed his back with my hand. Happy that this could be then next step to Yonghwa getting better.


Hope you like it~!^^

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Chapter 40: Please update..:) great story.. :)
pyonii #2
I'm just going to point out, RN stands for registered nurse. So RN Nurse is really redundant. Can't wait to start reading though~! :)
Chapter 40: I read all of this in one go. Jonghyun's really funny here. I'm actually rooting for him, but it looks like he doesn't have much chance haha. Anyway, I hope you update soon : )
Chapter 40: Yay! The real chapter 38! Jonghyun is so cute~ ≧﹏≦
magicpocket #5
Chapter 5: Tearful tearful! Kind Jung Shin!
This is such a good story! Please keep updating~
Andd116 #7
Chapter 40: I'm hating you so much right now XD