Round 13

Lost in Love

Jikyung frowned, looking down at the paper her auntie gave her yesterday. She had been reading it for nth times ever since she placed her on her seat in the class but she still could not believe it. She was about to crumple it but Daniel stopped her.

“Lemme see.”

“A-- Andwae.” Jikyung hid that paper behind her back. “It’s… nothing.”

Daniel rolled his eyes. “If it was nothing, you wouldn’t hide it from me.”

“Daniel Chae, I told you it’s nothing.”

“Aish! Fine then.” Daniel put his bag on his table behind Jikyung’s and placed his head on top of it. He turned his head to the right, pursed his lips as he saw Youngwon’s empty seat. “Youngwon never came late, right?”

“Uh-huh.” Jikyung said without even looking at Daniel, she was looking outside through the window. She accidentally caught a very familiar figure walking in to the school area, hand in hand with Hyorim. But since Jikyung’s class was on the third floor and that person was wearing a hat, she could not clearly see who that person was.


Jikyung shifted her gaze to a boy who was standing by the door of her class and a small smile immediately showed up on her face. “Dongwoon-ah! Come in!”

Dongwoon walked into Jikyung’s class and waved his hand when he saw Daniel smiling at him. “Annyeong!”

“Long time no see you.” Daniel said, still smiling.

“Hahaha… Ne. Umm, I was wondering--“

“Morning!” Hyorim sang, entering the class. She looked rather happy, a big smile on her face. She quickly sat down on her seat while humming a random song, earning a curious look from her classmates.

Jikyung poked Dongwoon’s side twice. “So? What were you saying?”

“Ah? Oh, I almost forgot. I was wondering if you would go to the beach with me and my hyungs next Saturday.”

“Your hy--“

“Oh my God.” Daniel cut Jikyung off and gasped upon seeing who had just entered the class. It was a boy, a blue haired boy. He looked rather familiar in Daniel’s eyes. “Young… won?”

“Ne?” Youngwon stopped in his track, arching his eyebrows. His heart was beating faster as his eyes accidentally met with Jikyung’s.

“I-- Is that you, hyung?” Dongwoon asked, getting curious as well. "Blue--"

“Yeah.” Youngwon laughed a bit, touching his hair. “Seems like I chose the wrong color, eh? Hahaha…”

“Aniyooooo~ You look cute, hyung. Really.” Dongwoon gave two thumbs up and chuckled. “Blue suits you well.”

“Gomawo.” Youngwon smiled and sat down on his seat, next to Hyorim. Since Jaehee moved to Japan, Hyorim was the one who got his seat for the rest of this semester.

Youngwon stole a glance at Jikyung who was discussing about something with Daniel and Dongwoon, he wanted to join with them but he was afraid that the atmosphere would be awkward since he had gone for some days. He missed talking with Jikyung, he missed hearing her bad words. He missed his bestfriend.

“Good morning class.” Mr. Kang was already standing by the white board, holding his brown leather briefcase. “Like what I've said on the previous week, today we are gonna discuss about American Frontier. So, who wants to explain first?”

Youngwon sighed, totally forgot about this. He opened his bag only to pull out his thick textbook, placed it on his table, and used it as a pillow to sleep.




“Did you see him? He looks so cute with his new hair color, no?”

"Youngwon is the cutest man alive!"

“Aigooooo~ Our prince is really cute now.”

“Yah! Yah! Youngwon is mine!"

“My baby blue~”

Jikyung bit her inner cheek. People in her school had been talking about Youngwon ever since this morning and honestly she was getting irritated with that. No, she was not jealous or such, she just hated it when people were exaggerating about something that actually was not that surprising.

“Tsk. What’s so cool about having blue hair? Don't tell me they never saw a guy with pink hair.” Jikyung murmured, folding her arms on her chest. It was snowing hard outside and she was trapped in her school with those gossip girls. She went back to her class, nobody was there but she found Youngwon’s bag was still on his table.

Jikyung walked towards the opened window, admiring the falling snow. A cold breeze blew passed her and she shivered. She gritted her teeth while rubbing her arms, hoping that it would make her warm. Suddenly, she felt someone’s arms wrapped her frozen body, hugging her tightly from behind. For a second, Jikyung hoped that it was Youngwon. Her heart skipped a beat just by thinking like that.

Jikyung looked at the watch that guy was wearing on his hand and she smiled bitterly. “Thanks, Dan.”

“Mmm. Is this warm?” Daniel asked, tightening his hug.

“Ne.” Jikyung answered, her voice was almost like a whisper. She was still a bit disappointed that it was not Youngwon who was hugging her right now. Her heart always beat faster whenever she had skinship with Daniel but she still did not know why. No, there is no way that I have feelings for Daniel. It’s impossible, right? Jikyung thought.


They stayed like that for a good ten minutes then Daniel pulled away. “Let’s go home. The snow has stopped falling.”

Jikyung nodded and swung her bag over her shoulder. She looked at Youngwon’s seat, he was not there. A piece of her heart was hurt realizing that she did not get any chance to catch up with Youngwon today. Since this morning, it seemed like Youngwon was trying to ignore her. He only answered Jikyung’s questions shortly and he did not smile at all. He also did not ask Jikyung to have lunch together with him.

“Gaja.” Daniel grabbed Jikyung’s hand, surprising her a bit.

They two walked out from the class without knowing that Youngwon had been hiding behind the door and saw everything with his own eyes.




Jikyung laid down on her fluffy sofa in her living room, her hands were holding a comic. She put all her attention there, not minding that it was Sunday evening and she had not taken a bath yet.

A single knock came from Jikyung’s front door. She lazily stood up and walked towards her front door. She yawned and opened the door, revealing Youngwon with a medium sized blue box in his hands.

“For you.” Youngwon handed that box to Jikyung, there was no sign of any emotion in his face. “It’s from Kikwang hyung.”

“What’s this? It’s quite heavy you know.”

“Do I look like I know?” Youngwon replied in sarcasm. He was startled by his own words but decided to pretend that it was his style to speak like that.

“You do. You’re his little brother after all.”

“He has his privacy.” Youngwon looked at the watch on his wrist and bowed a little. “I gotta go now.”

Jikyung did not say anything, she just could nod her head. Youngwon left her without any other words, he had changed. Actually, he would kiss or hug her if he wanted to leave. Now everything had changed. Youngwon was different.

Jikyung opened that box only to find all her favorite candies there. She blinked, totally speechless. She remembered she said she wanted this for her birthday present, but she did not expect that Kikwang would be the one who granted her wish. Besides, she also remembered that Kikwang had already given her a giant teddy bear on her birthday.

“Whatever. Candies are candies.” Jikyung said to herself, closing that box. She smiled widely, closed the door behind her and went straight to her room.

Youngwon’s lips formed into a sad smile. He saw it. He saw how Jikyung smiled after seeing what was inside the box. He stepped out from his hiding place, which actually was a big tree in front of Jikyung’s house, and walked to his car.

“Happy birthday, Han Jikyung.” Youngwon said, the sad smile was still on his face. He was about to start the engine when he heard his phone ringing. It was a call.

From Jikyung.




Hi yeom! Well, I was doing my homework but suddenly I felt like writing an update so yeaaaahh here it is. I hope it's decent enough to be called an update since my mind was splitted between my homework and this story. lol xD

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wherearefew #1
i lost in love becauseof dongwoon!! :D
Hey erm..update?
omg.. i didn't stop reading from chapter 1 till chapter 16. silent reader... haha!
shinee4ever2012 #6
i think hyorim is the one that wants to kill junhyung..
OMO. OH NOES JUNHYUNG's got into an accident!?!?!?! <br />
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wonder wat happened~ the chapter is.. the suspense is killing meeee. me wanna know what happens next. :D<br />
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can't wait for the next update~ ^^
YoruxRuki #8
Junhyung is so sweeee~t :D I was suspicious of Junhyung being the guy and then when he came in I was like, "YESSSSSSS~!!!!"