Round 11

Lost in Love


Daniel sat on the edge of the hospital bed, starring at the lifeless girl there. She had been unconscious for almost eight hours and it only made him more worried. He slowly reached out his hand to touch Jikyung’s chubby cheek and caressed it lovingly.

“Jikyung-ah. Wake up. Please open your eyes.” Daniel said. His face brightened up as he saw Jikyung’s eyes fluttered open. She blinked for a couple of times and sat up properly.

“Neon gwaenchana?”

“Where am I?” Jikyung asked, rubbing her temple. “Where am I, Dan?”

“In a hospital. You fainted.”

Jikyung nodded repeatedly, still rubbing her temple. “How… was the competition?”

“Youngwon won.”




Jikyung was trying to stand up but Daniel stopped her so she ended up sitting on the bed again. “Where are you going?”

“I have to congratulate Youngwon.”

“Are you out of your mind or something, huh?! We are still in Busan and it’s already passed midnight. He is already back to Seoul.”

“But I always congratulate him if--“

“No buts, Jikyung-ah! You fainted because you haven’t eaten anything since last night. Who do you think you are, Han Jikyung? A supergirl?”


“For once please listen to your oppa.”

Jikyung’s mouth was opened but nothing came out from it. This felt wrong, really wrong. Hearing those words from Daniel’s lips somehow brought a different feeling for Jikyung. She didn’t hate it, it was just… weird. “You sound like Youngwon.”


Jikyung smiled bitterly. “Your words. It was exactly the same with what Youngwon ever told me.”


“No. Don’t apologize to me. It’s nothing, though.” There was a break before Jikyung said, “I miss Youngwon.”

Daniel felt a sharp knife was being stabbed deep in his heart. He didn’t expect those words to give such a painful feeling for him more than he ever imagined. Daniel grabbed Jikyung’s hands, squeezing it lightly while looking deep into her eyes. Look at me, Jikyung. Look only at me. Forget about Youngwon. Is he really that important to you? Can I replace him? Daniel thought.

“D-- Dan? Are you okay? Daniel?” Jikyung waved her hand in front of Daniel’s face.

“Eh? Oh? I-- I’m okay.” Daniel stuttered after gaining his consciousness back.

“You were spacing out. Is there something that bothering you?”

“A-- Aniyo.”

“Okay, then.”

Daniel was about to say something again to Jikyung when he felt his phone vibrating. It was a message.


From : Youngwon

How is Jikyung? Is she okay? Has she woken up? Has she eaten anything?


Daniel let out a sigh and decided to not reply Youngwon’s message. For once, he wanted to have Jikyung only for himself.

Or maybe not really for once.




The airport was really crowded today and Youngwon was a part of it. He looked at his watch on his left wrist, it was already 10AM.

Youngwon looked around the waiting room he was in for a while, searching for someone even though he knew that person would not come. He stood up and let out a heavy sigh, looking down on the floor. He inhaled deeply and forced a smile, remembering that he might be not the same as the old Youngwon once he come back to Korea after this. Youngwon had to change so he could get over Jikyung. He had to make Jikyung leave him. He really had to.

Youngwon’s eyes went teary as he remembered about Jikyung. He had known her not since tomorrow, but years ago. He knew her very well, even some people said that he knew her better than herself. Youngwon knew how to make Jikyung sleep, how to make her laugh, how to make her cry, how to make her shut up, even how to make her get angry. He knew everything, every single thing about Jikyung.

Finaly, a single tear dropped down from Youngwon’s eye. He knew he did not have a heart to reject his mother’s decision yet he didn’t want to leave Jikyung. He was really confused. Youngwon loved his mom so much, especially after his dad passed away when he was six, but he also knew that he was deep in love with Jikyung right now.

Youngwon took a deep breath and started walking, leaving the waiting room with the other passengers. He got to focus on his plan because he believed that Jikyung deserved someone who was way better than him.




Jikyung fixed the upper part of her dress as she entered the club Hyorim told her. That new girl texted her this morning and said that Jikyung was invited to her who-knows-what party. Jikyung walked directly to the VIP area and found Hyorim there, talking with her other friends.

“Jikyung-ah!” Hyorim’s voice was actually louder than the music in the club, even Jikyung did not know how she could do that.

Jikyung approached Hyorim and faked a smile. She realized some of Hyorim’s male friends looked at her in awe since she was wearing a short black dress, showing her y long legs. She did not put too much make up on her face yet she still looked like an angel, a seductive angel. “Thanks for inviting me.”

“No problem. Have fun here!” Hyorim brought a glass of red wine in front of Jikyung. “Want some?”

“No, thanks. Orange juice is fine.” Jikyung answered politely, she had promised Youngwon that she would not drink without him since she always easily got drunk.

“Okay.” Hyorim called one of the waiters and ordered what Jikyung wanted. After that, she quickly pulled Jikyung to sit on the L-shaped sofa, in the middle of her friends. “Guys, this is Han Jikyung. She is my classmate. Pretty enough eh?”

All of Hyorim’s friends quickly nodded, one of the boys even smirked seeing how y Jikyung was. Jikyung mentally slapped herself for wearing such a seducing black dress. She should have worn her white knee-length dress which really suited her well, it was what Youngwon gave to her for Christmas last year.

Not long after that, the orange juice that Hyorim ordered for Jikyung was already on the table in front of them. Jikyung took a sip of the juice, it was not one of the best orange juices she ever drank.

“Excuse me. I need to use the toilet.” Jikyung excused herself, trying to get out from this VIP area. Just as she was about to go downstairs on the dancing floor, she bumped on someone’s back. “Oh. Mianhae.”

“Jikyung? Is that you?”

Jikyung tried her best to see who it was because of the dim light. “Dan-- Daniel?”

“Whoa! You are so beautiful, Jikyung-ah.”

Jikyung’s cheeks were as red as tomato, but somehow she felt that something was missing. “Thanks.”

“Happy birthday.” Daniel smiled widely, his eyes formed into two tiny slits.


Daniel leaned closer and grabbed Jikyung’s shoulder. He kissed her forehead lovingly. “Happy birthday, Jikyung.”

Jikyung was blank for a while. This could not be happened, she could not believe this. Daniel was the first one to say happy birthday to her today, not Youngwon. For these past fifteen years, Youngwon was always the first one who said happy birthday to her. He would shout from her gate or call her at midnight only to congratulate her on her birthday.

Jikyung felt her chest tightened and tears escaped from her eyes. No, she was not crying in happiness. She was dead sad right now. She just realized that after she fainted two days ago, she had not meet Youngwon. She even did not receive any text or call from him.

“Thank… you, Daniel.”

Daniel wiped the tears on Jikyung’s cheeks with his thumbs, a bit afraid that it would ruin her make-up. “Ssshh~ Why are you crying?”

“I-- It’s nothing.”

Do you miss, Youngwon? Is he always the first one who says happy birthday to you? Daniel thought as he embraced Jikyung and her hair. If Youngwon were here, would you still look at me?

“Hahaha…” Jikyung pulled away, laughing nervously. “Sorry for being emotional, Daniel. I was just… umm, yeah… Hahaha…”

“Do you miss Youngwon?” Daniel asked straightly.

Jikyung looked down, pouting her pink lips. “Ani.”

Daniel smirked, he knew Jikyung was lying. But no matter how hard it was, he would always try to make Jikyung fall for him. “Let’s go to the dance floor.”

Both of them walked to the center of the dance floor and started dancing. The loud music was on and everyone seemed like they had no problem in their life at all, they were dancing like there was no tomorrow.

Jikyung threw her hands around Daniel’s neck and he placed his hands on her waist, swaying their bodies together, following the rhythm of the music. Jikyung closed her eyes and trying to enjoy the music, but somehow a part of her heart banned her from being too close with Daniel. Youngwon’s face kept on popping out in Jikyung’s mind, suffocating her. Jikyung immediately pulled away and stepped backwards, a step away from Daniel.

“Waeyo?” Daniel asked curiously.

“Sorry.” it was all Jikyung could say before running to the toilet. She leaned her body against the wall and clenched her fist tightly, tears streaming down on her cheeks again. She slid down on the cold tiled floor, her hand on her chest.

“What’s wrong with me? Why does it feel so hurt?”

“You are so weak without Youngwon, Jikyung-ah.” a voice, a very familiar one, broke the silence inside the restroom. “Why don’t you just give up?”

Jikyung looked up and just like what she guessed, it was Hyorim. She was leaning on the door frame of this restroom.

“What do you mean?”

“Don’t you know that Youngwon only sees you as a trash? Don’t you know that he always felt burdened whenever you were around? “


“Let him go, Jikyung. Let Youngwon go. He deserves a better world. Don’t you know that you’ve already took his freedom? You dragged him whenever you wanted. You told him this, you told him that. You secretly keep him only for yourself, don’t you?”

“I DON”T!”

Hyorim smirked, crossing her arms on her chest. “Now let me ask you. Do you know where Youngwon is right now?”

Jikyung shook her head.

“Youngwon is in Germany, he is gonna be there for four days. He has to sign some registration forms because he is gonna continue his study there.”

“No. You must be lying. I don’t believe you, Hyorim.”

“I’m saying the truth--“


“I’m just telling you the truth. Youngwon’s mom told me that she has registered her son in one of the universities in Germany. And be the good son like always, Youngwon accepted that easily. You mean nothing for him, Jikyung ah.”

“I’M HIS BESTFRIEND!" Jikyung shouted again, her make up was totally ruined because of the tears she produced.

“Bestfriend? Bestfriend you . You are only a burdensome for Youngwon. He didn’t tell you that because he was waiting for the right time to dump you.”

“SHUT UP, YOU JERK! That’s not right.” Jikyung said in between her sobs.

Hyorim approached Jikyung and squatted in front of her, her evil smirk was still on her beautiful face. “Youngwon never liked you, Jikyung-ah. He wanted to be friends with you because you looked so pity. He told me that when he was in Germany.”

“Is that so? Am I really a burdensome for Youngwon?” Jikyung’s voice was like a whisper, she was totally broken right now. She hated being weak in front of the others, but what else she could do? Youngwon was her weakness.

“Yupp. Oh let me tell you, it’s not only for Youngwon, it’s for everyone too. You are a burdensome for everyone.” Hyorim stood up and swept her bangs aside. “Don’t blame Youngwon if he doesn’t talk to you anymore, okay? See ya later, Jikyung-ah.”

And with that, Hyorim walked out from the restroom, leaving Jikyung who was really depressed right now. Jikyung did not want to believe what Hyorim had said, but somehow deep in her heart she bought it. The warm liquid rolled down on her cheeks again as she thought about what she had done to Youngwon.

“Jikyung!” Daniel rushed into the restroom, not minding that it was a ladies restroom. He was just focused on Jikyung, the girl he loved. He quickly wrapped his arms around Jikyung’s petite body. “What happened?”

Jikyung did not say anything, she was just crying on Daniel’s chest. She did not know what to say or how to react right now, she felt that her body was really weak. Her sobs were being louder as she remembered the moments she shared with Youngwon in the past, the happiest and the saddest ones. She felt her chest tightened and it felt like it was ready to explode. She could not imagine her being away from Youngwon. He was her bestfriend. He was her everything.

A few minutes had passed, but Jikyung was still crying her eyes out. She just could not help it, even she was in Daniel’s arms right now, she did not feel calm, safe, or anything. She needed Youngwon, she wanted to be in his arms right now. She missed Youngwon’s scent, she missed his laugh, she missed his pouting face, she missed ruffling his hair, she missed pinching his cheeks. She missed Youngwon.

Jikyung looked down as a thought crossed her mind.

“I think I love Youngwon, Dan.”




Round 11 = DONE! lol xD

It's already midnite here so if there is any wrong grammar, please forgive me. *runs* DO SUBSCRIBE IF YOU LIKE THIS STORY AND LEAVE A COMMENT! <333

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wherearefew #1
i lost in love becauseof dongwoon!! :D
Hey erm..update?
omg.. i didn't stop reading from chapter 1 till chapter 16. silent reader... haha!
shinee4ever2012 #6
i think hyorim is the one that wants to kill junhyung..
OMO. OH NOES JUNHYUNG's got into an accident!?!?!?! <br />
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wonder wat happened~ the chapter is.. the suspense is killing meeee. me wanna know what happens next. :D<br />
<br />
can't wait for the next update~ ^^
YoruxRuki #8
Junhyung is so sweeee~t :D I was suspicious of Junhyung being the guy and then when he came in I was like, "YESSSSSSS~!!!!"