Case 2: The Terrifying Dream! The Extinguished Princess!

Best Absolute Sherlock~


It was two weeks after the killing of  Byun Baekhyun and they were running cold. Many of the members weren't able to shake the reality of it all. The nights were spent either crying or sharing a bed with one another and tonight wasn't an acception.

"Ani!...Ani!....ANIYAAA!!!" Onew yelled with a cold sweat. He panted looking around the dark room where his roommate Key slept.  "Key~ah..." the troubled one called from his bed.

"nnnnn....Mwo?... It's one in the morning..." Key unwillingly rolled back and forth in his bed.

"I had another night mare..." Onew confessed. "Can I sleep with you?..." Key his teeth sitting up and flopped his bed sheets open.

"Come on..." Onew was quiet for a long time. "HYUNGG! !" startled ,the troubled child crawled into umma Key's bed. 

"Gomawa...." his hyung shyly said. "I think sleeping with someone will help me sleep..."

"nae nae, hyung..." Key turned himself away from Onew and driftted away to key world. His hyung cuddled a pillow closely and closed his eyes, hoping that with someone close he wouldn't have another nightmare.  


The night turned to day and the two woke up at ten in the morning by their beloved Minho.

"ALRIGHT LITTLER GIRLS!!! WAKEY WAKEY!!!" Minho clanged a pot and pan over their heads loudly. "Come onnn!!! IREONNAAAAAA!!!!" key popped out his covers and growled furiously at Minho.

"IF YOU MAKE ANYMORE NOISE!!!!!" Minho paused and looked at Key slowly moving the pot closer to the pan. "I. Dare. You."

"Kekeke." Minho continued his musical stylings close to Key's head. "Ireona." 

"Why you---!!" Key tried to aggressively grab Minho's weapons but his hyung was fast asleep clinging to his lap. He blew his hair out of his face and threw a pillow at Minho's face. "KA!" Minho toppled over onto the floor holding the pillow.

"but hyung, our hyungs are here. You need to wake up!"

"What hyungs?"

"Super Junior." Onew soon began yawning as he rubbed his head against Key's stomach and blinked quickly.

"What time is it?..." he asked smacking his lips and rubbing his chin. 

"HYUNG! Super Junior is here!" his leader sat up and stretched.



Soon all of SHINee and B.A.P were in their living room greeting their sunbaes with breakfast made by Key umma. 

"What brings you guys over here?" Daehyun asked placing plates on a long table in the middle of the living room.

"Yongguk-ah asked for our maknae's help." Leeteuk replied smiling at his new dongsaeng. "ah, everyone is so young...."

"Ya, Ahjussi.... shush!!" Heechul spoke covering leeteuk's mouth. "He's been like this ever since he turned thirty...Don't mind him okay?" Daehyun nodded shyly and Key put breakfast on the table.

"What is Kyuhyun hyung supposed to help Yongguk hyung with?" Jonghyun asked fixing himself a plate.

"Oh! He's here to help repair Zelo-ah." Eunhyuk spoke out. 

"Yeah, Kibum-ah would've helped as well but he has buisness to take care of." Leeteuk added. Everyone quietly ate and Taemin walked off with JongUp to the second floor.

"Well thank you for coming it's really a big help. Here. Look at these files." Bang slid the files across the table to Kyuhyun. "The last time Zelo had an upgrade... He wasn't missing so many parts. The other problem is, the computer I use to identify each tool inside his body has been sabotaged." 

"hmm... sabotage you say?" Kyuhyun read the files while eating apple slices. Then he slowly stopped chewing. "....these files...are you sure these are his files?.." Bang nodded his head.

"I checked the files twice before I got them out this morning." Youngjae added. "the configuration should look somewhat like a pear for his brain." Kyuhyun looked to them and then to the paper.

"Your configurations aren't here....this is a shape of paint splatter." Kyuhyun showed the open file to the confused detectives. Youngjae kept his eyes glued to the pages.

"I~GE~MWOYO?" he exclaimed. "Just right before I came down stairs I looked over his configuration and his data codes from his memory bank!" Kyuhyun shook his head looking to the rookie detectives.

"When the killer is on the gotta make sure your evidence is securely hidden so things like this doesn't happen so easily... " Youngjae, in full rage, threw down his files and stormed out the room. How could his files be so easily taken?

"mianhaeyo hyung... He usually isn't like this.." Himchan quietly added patting Bang's back. "It's not your fault the files were stolen..." Siwon gazed to the troubled detectives.

"Can't we see the real life model?...." Himchan shook his head.

"The problem is, all the information on Zelo was placed in those files for safe keeping since people are so high-tech nowadays...."

"Oh. My. God. This detective talk is borrrinnnnggggg" Heechul whined laying on Key's shoulder. "Kibummie... take me out for ice cream....." He poked his bottom lip out tugging on Key's shirt sleeve.

"Aigoo...." Key covered his face and looked to Leeteuk. "" Leeteuk bowed and grinned.

"ah, what's that? I need to go to a photoshoot! Annyeong everyone!"

"Hyung!!!!" the leader snuck out the front door with a big dimpled grin. The remaining Suju members chatted with the other SHINee and B.A.P members. "Aigggoooo.... Come on hyung let's go..." Key grabbed Heechul's hand. "We'll only be out for thirty minutes..." Key looked at his hyungs but something didn't feel right. Who's gaze was on Key to make him feel so uncomfortable?

"Kibummie hurry up!!" Heechul dragged Key out the door and closing it behind him. Bang sighed deeply rubbing his temples.

"Since that's over..." he began.

"Let's go check out Zelo-ah..." Kyuhyun interrupted. "I could possibly trace out his data as soon as we get our hands on his memory chip." 

"Ah, alright...Taemin-ah.....JongUp-ah...can you get Zelo-ah?" he called. The two maknaes retreived the broken bot and brought his body to the livingroom. 

"It might take awhile though..." kyuhyun added.

"Well we can go to the ice cream place with Key and Heechul hyung." Eunhyuk suggested. 

"YEAH! i'm in the mood for ice cream!" jonghyun happily agreed. "This will cheer everyone up right?" All the guys nodded ready to clear their worried minds. 


The guys who weren't working diligently on Zelo cleared their minds with ice cream.

"I feel so releaved!!" Siwon scarfed down his ice cream happily. "Oh man this is delicious..." 

"Not to ruin the mood but...." Jonghyun added "..who do you think killed Baekhyun?" Key choked a bit on his spoonful of banana split.

"Hyung...can we not talk about that?.." Key threw down his spoon  onto the table. Jonghyun rolled his eyes a bit.

"We need to figure out who killed him so why not try some guessing?"

"It's Chanyeol! Obviously!" Heechul exclaimed. "He was the most overreactive one from what Key told me on the phone."

"But that was his best friend hyung..." Onew spoke while his ice cream cone. "Wouldn't you be the same if some killed Hangeng hyung?" Heechul looked at Onew sharply and the SHINee leader kept quiet once again. Siwon sighed a bit.

"But fussing with each other won't help us find the killer..." JongUp pulled out a piece of paper and slid it on the table to where all eyes can see.

"I got this from Bang's file....He dropped it while he was putting it away after me and Taemin hyung showed Kyuhyun hyung Zelo-ah...."



~Byun BaekHyun

Everyone looked at it diligently. 

" if you just took the numbers out and just kept the letters...?" taemin asked scribbling the message but only with letters. Minho took the paper and scribbled down the numbers.

"This is the most important part of the message, but I saw what you were trying to do..." Eunhyuk picked up the paper and then showed it to Donghae.

"All I can see are numbers....." Eunhyuk admitted. " you have something?" Donghae held the picture to the light and gazed to it.

"I. Got. Nothing." Donghae said annoyed throwing the paper back on the table. "I at this kind of thing... We'll leave this to the actual detectives okay?" Donghae patted eunhyuk's back. Heechul looked at Key and commanded out of random,

"be cute." Key lifted his eyebrow.


"I want to see your aegyo! Everyone is being painfully serious right now! I need some aegyo in my life!"

"H-hyung... not right now... seriously..." Key looked embarrassed and kept his head down.

"Aw, so cute." heechul chuckled feeding Key a spoonful of ice cream. "Say ahhh." awkwardly, Key accepted his hyung's babying and ate the ice cream.

"Aigoo..." Jonghyun sighed moving Key to where he sat. "You maybe our hyung, but honestly that's too much." Heechul seemed confused and shrugged his shoulders going back to enjoying his ice cream.

"Everyone is so tense right now...." Siwon tapped heechul's shoulder and whispered.

"It's alright, I know you're just trying to get Key into better spirits....but I think you came on too strong. heh." The suju members stood up and bowed.

"Hopefully our maknae will get this solved in one or two days. Please call us once he's finished." Yesung grinned and Sungmin payed for the dongsaengs since Heechul refused.

"Oh hyung! Can we chat for a moment...?" Jonghyun pulled Heechul's arm. "let's go outside okay?"

"Ah. ne... You guys go on without me okay?" The remaining suju went off on their daily schedules.

"Hyung why do you need to talk to him?" Daehyun asked Jonghyun as he led Heechul to the exit.

"Dongsaeng....It's for us to know okay? I'll be back." The two strutted off to a near by coffee shop.

"Well...That was kinda mean of hyung.." Taemin said to Daehyun. "I was gonna ask the same thing, but it's obvious he doesn't wanna tell us..." He pouted.


later that night 


"ANDWAEYOOOOO!!!!!!!" Bang yelled with a cold sweat. "NO!!" Himchan was lying next to him reading a book and looked shocked at his yongguk's out burst. The night drizzled quietly while a storm brewed in Bang's soul.

"Hyung... Are you okay?" Bang panted heavily holding the covers close to his chest.

"He got them! he got everyone!" Bang began sobbing hitting his head with his palm. "Why couldn't I save them?!" Himchan sighed and pulled the balling leader into his arms.

"It was only a dream hyung... just relax okay? relax..." Himchan held on tightly and rocked him side to side. "It won't happen... we'll find the killer..." Bang grit his teeth and nodded crying into Himchan's biceps. 

"I can't let it happen again...No more... I can't..." Bang looked up to Himchan, lips trembling, eyes red a swollen, he wasn't himself. "Himchan-ah...." Himchan burried Bang's head back into his chest and continued to rock him. 

"It's gonna be alright leader...." Himchan bit his lips, for he too began to fill Bang's guilt and burden.


Suddenly the phone was ringing off the hook in the living area. 

"I got it..." Onew spoke while running into everything down stairs, his legs still deep in sleep. He finally made it to the phone and answered with a slur. "Yoboseo....?" slowly the other members walked down the stairs groaning and growling.

"Who is calling us so late??" Key yawned pulling his yellow duck covers over his head laying his head on Jonghyun's shoulder. Taemin was putting his shirt back on when he was walking down the stairs in a daze.

"Everything is alright?" Minho tapped his hyungs sholder that became stiff.

"Hyung... answer us." Onew dropped the phone. He held his chest and his eyes panicked as he looked to his donsaengs.

"Someone get the main detective..."


"GET HIM NOW!" Onew yelled trying to slow his heart down at the same time. Jonghyun ran to Bang and Himchan and brought them down stairs.

"what's the problem hyung?" Himchan asked still holding the sniffling leader in his arms. Onew tried making words form from his lips, but nothing came out.

"Yah! Hyung! Please speak!" Taemin said impatiently. "Who was that on the other line?" Onew gulped.

"H-Heechul Hyung...was found dead in Baek Jong's Coffee Shop.." Onew's voice trembled near the end of his sentence. "What are we gonna do?......Hyung is dead.."

All eyes widen in the state of shock. Heechul? Killed? For what reason? Maybe the gang can finally get better clues to find this culprit and bring him to justice! Try and see if you can help the boys along the way!

Here is the hint!:

Near Heechul's body, written in blood...

피가 난다

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Holy balls... O.O GREAT!! Why haven't more people read this?
GingerP0P #2
Chapter 5: Wowww this is so... Good!!! All my favourite groups in one fic. Thanks for writing this!!!
Chapter 5: Oh my fuqqing guuuuurrrrrddddddd I died Omfg caught me right in the emotions xD
Oh~ interesting!