Meet Tao.

Your words.


My name is Zi Tao, I’m a transfer student. I moved to Korea 6 years ago currently attending High School. The only reason I’m living here is because my parents wanted nothing more to do with me, so my grandparents took me in and for that I am grateful.

I have a very awful past that only few know about, one being my best friend Kwon Ji Yong he’s also known as G-Dragon. We met at an underground club (the bouncer just assumed I was over 19 guess it was my height) I didn’t really know why I we there but for some reason I was just drawn towards the doors.


The room was filled with strobe lights loud beats and alcohol. I found myself walking to the stage in front everyone’s body pressed against each, sweaty and lost in their own world. Gross.

“my name is G-G-G-G Baby baby, G-D G-D baby baby, you know what I’m sayin? Playing your stupid little games, go take your boy’s home, that’s my name on the frame. WASSUP….” Everyone was screaming like mad for this G-D guy? I must say I’m impressed he’s pretty good. “Let’s give it up for LEADER KWON G-DRAGON!” The crowd roared once again when the MC mentioned that guy again, he must be a legend. “Now since the night is nearly ending, how bout someone new and fresh come battle me up here, anyone?” I was mindlessly walking through the crowd when I tripped over someone’s foot.

“You! With the blue jacket… yeah you what do you say? Battle” Everyone turned to see who he was talking to, for a second I did to until I realised it was me “M-me n-no I-I can’t…” I was trying to protest but people kept pushing me the stairs “What’s your name kid?” The MC asked, his voice was deep but his hair was. Blue? As much as I love that colour I wouldn’t dear dye my hair that “Z.. I-I mean Tao”  I swallowed thickly as we wrote my name on the paper, I couldn’t think straight then Someone’s hand was on my shoulder “Don’t worry it’s just for fun relax” It was GD, he gave me a genuine smile and walked onto the stage.

“That would be all for tonight, give it up for the new kid TAO!” The crowd once again screamed like crazy ‘Man that guy was insane!’ ‘I hope he’s here next week’ everybody was praising I walked off stage, never would I have thought I would be rapping in front of a room full of people it felt incredible! “You’re good.” GD congratulated while walking towards me, I bow politely thanking him and comment on his skills. We sat backstage talking for two hours straight about rapping and where I’ve been “I lived in China” I said as I took a bite from the kimbap that was given to me by GD’s friend Dae-something, nice guy.

“Wow really? Your Korean is amazing” the MC who went by the name TOP said “My grandparents use to teach me when I was little” They both nodded and continued to ask questions “So you stay with your grandparents or is it parents?” I looked down at my lap “neither..” GD’s eyes widened “HUH? Where are you staying?” Sighing I began to explain “N-nowhere my grandparents past away two days ago. The rent collectors found me in the place and kicked me out, right now I’m staying here and there…” the room fell silent and as I was about to leave when suddenly “alright, you’re gonna stay with me for now on” “What no really I’m fi-” “You’re staying on the streets that’s not fine, take me where you use to live grab all your things and stay with me it’s final.” GD then stood up grabbing some car keys “Taeyang, please go to my apartment and clear out the spare room. Daesung, TOP hyung please help him.” With that all of them nodded and walked out “Come on.”

The journey back to where I lived was silence with only the stereo playing and GD humming quietly along to the songs “Turn into this driveway…please” We pulled and I saw the ‘FOR SALE’ sign standing outside, my bags and clothing were sitting in a large box outside the door with the letters ‘Take to the dump’ written across it “Well that saves us packing huh?” GD joked as we throw my things into the back. When we got to his apartment Taeyang helped bring in my things as Daesung was singing lungs out while dusting, “Oh hello, I don’t think we’ve really been formally introduced. I’m Kang Daesung, the guy with Mickey Mouse looking hair do is Dong Young Bae but call him Taeyang and that guy with the blue hair is Choi Seung Hyun but call him TOP. I don’t know why they have nicknames their names are fine” Daesung sighed “Oh you can call me your favourite hyung” He smiled earning a pillow thrown at his head “Yah! I’ll be his favourite! Isn’t that right” Taeyang said as he ruffled my hair “Uh, should G-Dragon be my favourite hyung since it’s his place?” They both looked at each other and laughed “You have a good point”

*end of flashback

That was nearly two years ago now that I’m 16. My parents tried to go back to China but GD hyung said now I’m 16 I can live where I want without my parents blessing, so I’m still living with him now he’s like my big brother.




“Zi TAO! GET YOUR LAZY BUT UP AND GET READY FOR SCHOOL!” Tao could hear his brother yelling from the kitchen “Hyung~ five more minutes!” He yells back but only earns his door to be slammed opened and more screaming “If you don’t get up within the next ten minutes I’ll tell Seungri to tell his best friend YOU have a huge crush on him” Thankfully Tao’s wushu skills kicked it almost instantly as he sprung out of bed running toward the bathroom “Works every time…”

After a half hour of nagging GD to drive him to school and 30 seconds GD of telling Tao that if he sees Kris, he’ll tell him everything Tao was walking towards the bus stop “I sometimes wonder why he’s my best friend” Tao mumbles under his breath waiting for his bus, headphones around his neck and staring into space “Good morning Zi Tao” Tao’s heart quickened, he knew who it was. Wu Yifan, aka heart throb to every girl in school and Tao “Morning Kris ge ge” It was great that Kris was Chinese like him, Tao like to call him ge because it sounded like ‘his’ special nickname from Kris, since everyone just called him hyung “Panda buddy!” a voice called, Tao also knew who that was since only one person called him that “Seungri, what the hell?” Kris said watching his best friend run over towards them “You’re just jealous you don’t have an awesome nickname like me and Tao Tao, right PB!” Seungri slung his arm over Tao’s shoulder making Tao blush slightly and Kris glaring at him “Morning PB hyung” Kris face palmed at the stupid nicknames “At least I we look like cute pandas, you look like an angry bird when you wake up like th-” and before Seungri could finish Kris had slapped his hand over his mouth “I don’t know what he’s talking about really” Kris chuckled nervous and whispered “I will burn everything you love Lee Seung Hyun” Seungris eyes widened as he nodded “You’re so scary sometimes”



First real chapter is up! And I just realized something… I’ve changed a few things everything will make sense after I promise ^_^ oh right GRI will be real, like a said I’ll explain throughout the story so subscribe and comment <3 


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aieru_amie #1
this isnt gri aite? but all the best to u. :)