Chapter 1: The Mathematical Genius slash Drama Teacher

Specially Different


It was a different world, they said

So what about the past generation? The generation that wanted to make peace with that world? We asked.

They ignored.

This was all that was written in the only thing I ever have of my true parents; a diary. It was an unusual diary. It was a hardcover diary with an intricate black cover with intricate modern indents around the cover, highlighted by a very thin coat of silver paint. But what made it so unusual was the fact that the lock it possessed could only be opened in a certain way, by a certain person.

That person was me.

How I opened it? Simple; with my mind.

I know, I know; Impossible! You say. Well, According to this lock, no it isn’t. Also according to me, it isn’t.

My parents, that is, the adoptive ones, say that I’m different, but they said to never really pay attention to it. They said I looked just like everybody else, but I was different. I knew this was true, but every time I asked why, they never said anything. I tried prying the diary open before I received my powers, but no use. No use at all.

Until my 17th birthday that is; the fateful day that I received my oh-so-wonderful powers.

To be animated, my powers involve my mind and my mind only. I don’t need to use any body part, like snapping my fingers, or flailing my hands around, but I do that too, just to make it seem cool, unless I want to be discreet of course. My powers involve using my mind so that I can create simple things, or if I want to, control people’s minds, but that isn’t my forte, not at all. My forte is actually manipulating my brain to move objects around at my own will, and since my brain is so active, I’m quite the diabolical intelligence. Basically, I’m an evil telepathic mastermind. Except I’m not all that evil, I just like planning.

Oh! I forgot to use my simple manners!

My name is Luhan. I am currently 24 years old and a Mathematical Genius. Ironically, instead of being something tidy, neat, organised, planned out, I’m a music teacher at the private high school near my apartment. I teach in the Drama department as a Vocal teacher. I’m kind of the assistant Drama Teacher really, but it’s fun, and it pays well, like I need it really. My real family was apparently rich for some reason, so I’ve inherited a bank load of cash. It comes in handy, to say the least.

 Today was the first day of a new school year, and just so I could avoid any students, new or old, I came to school early, sitting on my desk, planning out my day with the newbies. How should I meet them? Should I be charismatic? Sweet? Caring? Or maybe… Cute?

Having a good impression on the newbies is always nerve-wracking for me; I really want to be liked, not one of the teachers that every single student es about.

I usually go for the charismatic cool teacher, but it doesn’t last. I usually become dorky after 2 lessons.

But for some reason, it feels different this year, like something big is going to happen.

I sighed, stretching my arms; I shouldn’t have come so early. I sighed, and willed my cup of coffee to come to me; I was too lazy to walk.

I made the cup of delicious dark liquid come to me slowly, and along with it, a few sachets of Sugar; I like my coffee sweet. The floating cup would have been weird to anyone that came in, so just in case I locked the door. As the lock clicked to a close, the coffee reached me, and I willed the sachets of sweet, clear sugar bits to rip open and pour its own contents into the coffee.

As the grains of sweet sugar poured into the dark milky substance, I heard light footsteps outside the door, as if someone was trying their best not to get caught. Once the sachet of sugar was empty, I took the coffee in my hand and drank it slowly, realising the dainty footsteps had stopped. I lifted my head, and glanced towards the door, where I saw a small shadow underneath the small space between the door and the floor.  Someone was there. I looked away from the door, and took another sip as I opened the lock with my mind. The lock opened with a click, and I took a mall breath, and said quietly, but just enough for the stranger to hear,

“Come in.”

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