The Much Needed Date

[ONE-SHOT] The Much Needed Date


I was on vacation recently, and I had to go on a plane ride. I was bored and was listening to K-POP (like I always do XD) and I decided to write a one-shot with my K-POP bias!! ^^ So I hope you like it and please read my other pieces of work and stories!! I have one currently that’s not completed and then I have one FF that’s starting soon! Look forward to it and enjoy <3

Mir glanced at his watch anxiously.

'When is she coming? Is she planning on taking an hour to do her hair like last time?' He thought, as he now looked all around the park for Maddie. They were supposed to go on a date before the MBLAQ members came to pick up Mir for his schedule. 'She always takes forever!' The rapper pouted, but it quickly turned into a smile as he thought about how cute she was. She always spent hours getting ready for their dates, just so she would look good in front of him- since he's an 'idol.'

The thing was though, Mir didn't care what she wore- which was weird since he normally does care about the fashion of girls-, all he cared for was the feeling she gave him.

The feeling that caused his stomach to flip when she did so much as look at him. When her smiling eyes fell upon him. When her dazzling grin laughed at his goofy self. When the sound of her voice would shout out his name. It was all this that made him crazy, but he loved every minute of it.

“Cheol Yong!” Mir's head shot up at the very voice that he was thinking about moments ago. He felt his cheeks grow hotter at the sight of Maddie running up to him. She was smiling as wide as the sky, her light blue dress flowing gracefully around her knees as she ran. Her blonde hair was in a high pony-tail, and it bounced when she jumped into Mir's arms that had opened without him knowing.

“Maddie~” Mir breathed, taking in her comforting scent. He squeezed her, and pulled back so he could look her over. The two hadn't seen each other in several months, and right now all Mir could do was stare at the girl he loved. “You're late, you know.” He cocked as smile, pinching Maddie's cheek. The blonde laughed and lightly kissed the rapper on the lips. He felt like he could die right there.

“I'm sorry, I ran into problems. My hair just wouldn't work with me!” She rolled her eyes and waved off the problem. Mir shook his head at his girlfriend's silliness, and motioned to the path. TH e two walked side by side down the lit up walkway. Their fingers intertwined as they took their afternoon stroll.

“Did you finally finish that manga?” Maddie asked him, smiling at the thought of Mir reading his 'Death Note'. Mir squeezed their hand and laughed.

“I finished a while ago! Joonie Hyung was watching me as I teared up.” He replied, his laughing contagiously concurring Maddie.

The couple talked about all sorts of things, trying to catch up as much they could. Maddie happily listened as Mir talked on and on about his band mates. She never really got to meet the MBLAQ boys- as much as she would like to have- but she felt as if she knew everything about them.

“Ah!” The blonde exclaimed, stopping their little catch up session. Mir looked at her quizzically.

“Waeh?” He asked, turning to face her.

“You didn't feel that?” She asked, pouting as she wiped a drop of water from her cheek. Mir chuckled.

“Bird poop, or something?” He laughed, a grin spread across his face. Maddie rolled her eyes playfully shoving Mir's shoulder.

“Yah! But no, it was wat- ah! There, look see? It hit my shoulder.” Mir frowned as he watched his girlfriend point at all the water drops on her dress. Mir looked down and felt droplets fall onto him as well.

“Rain.” He groaned, grabbing Maddie's hand.

“Mir, what are you doing?” Maddie questioned.

“We don't want to get wet, right? Especially your dress.” He smiled, and lead Maddie toward the park's playground. Maddie's heart skipped a beat when the rapper took her hand. She ignored the drizzling rain, and just let her self focus on the back of Mir's head as they walked. Mir was normally the goofy type, but Maddie loved how Mir had more to him than that. When he was with her, he was a whole different person. The rapper showed a protective, manly, caring side of him- and it made Maddie crazy inside.

“So we're going to wait, for the rain to stop, on this playground? Isn't that a bit..”She trailed off as Mir crawled into the tunnel on the playground. After a few seconds of disappearing, he poked his head out and smiled up at Maddie.

“Got any other ideas? C'mon!” He waved her over, and disappeared back inside the tunnel.

When inside the tunnel, Mir began to dislike his idea. The tunnel was small and cramped, being made for children, and Mir was beginning to feel uncomfortable. The only plus side to this, was Maddie. The couple were so close that there couldn't have been any space between them. He could feel the blonde's breath, and depressing shivers.

“You're cold, huh?” Mir's worried voice broke the silence that had fallen over the playground. Maddie shook her head and let the corner of rise into a half smile.

“I'm fine, Mir. Just...” She had no excuse.

“Maddie,” The rapper sighed, wrapping his one arm around her shoulders. “I'm sorry. I didn't know it was supposed to rain today.” He chuckled at his stupidity, his warm breath heating up the tunnel.

“Its not your fault, Cheol Yong. Besides, this way we can be closer.” Maddie said, images and scenarios running through her mind. Her heart was racing with Mir beside her. She rested her head on the boy's shoulder.

“True...but you're not cold?”

“Well....if I was, would you hug me?” Maddie asked with a whisper. Mir blinked, surprised by the random question.

“Isn't this hugging?” He asked, nodding towards his arm around her shoulder.

“This isn't hugging, Mir! We haven't hugged in months...” Maddie laughed, but stopped when Mir leaned in close to her- their faces inches apart. He smiled, wrapped his arms around Maddie's small frame, and kissed her softly. Maddie felt her face grow hot as she kissed the rapper back. She was surprised by the spontaneous kiss, but she didn't care.

'He never fails to make me go crazy, does he?' Maddie thought, as the warmth from Mir's lips and hug spread through her cold body. After minutes, Mir pulled away from their sweet kiss. The two were both blushing, and the brown haired boy's puppy face was bright with happiness at what he had just done.

“You cold now?” He laughed, earning a kiss on the cheek.

“A little.” Maddie joked, the two hugging again.

“I love you~” Mir whispered into Maddie's ear, a small chuckle escaping his lips. The girl smiled, satisfied with their date. She knew she would be fine for the next few months. If Mir was going to be busy again, she had this date to daydream about. This moment was enough.

“I love you too, Cheol Yong.” She giggled.

“Well there are the two lovebirds!” The couple jumped at the sudden noise.

“J-joonie Hyung?” Mir blinked, confused at the muscle-brained boy's entrance. “What are you doing here Hyung?” He whined, but Joon just laughed.

“Finding you! Oh, and ruining the moment...but mostly finding you! Mir, you knew we had a schedule at 8.” Joon laughed, the umbrella in his hand jerking in his shaking hands.

Maddie sighed as she followed Mir out of the tunnel. Their date was over, and she would most likely never see Mir until months later.

“Don't think that, Maddie.” Mir said, turning around and smiling at his soaked girlfriend. Maddie looked up at him with confused eyes. He could read her mind, too? Man, this boy could do anything, huh? “I'm not going to the schedule, Hyung. I have a private schedule to attend to.” He said, taking Maddie's hand in his, and grinning at his Hyung. Mir started running off into the rain, with Maddie happily trailing behind. As they ran, she was wearing the same smile on her face as the one that made the silly rapper go crazy.


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notgoingtotell #1
Chapter 1: this is cool!..
foundationgirl #2
Chapter 1: Y AND CUTE!
^^ cute story :D
Blue_Ice #4
Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw so cliched but cuteastic<br />