{ o o 1 }

Little Things


finale ; little things


It was a cold winter night, snow lay in dirty piles on the side of sidewalks and roads, cars buzzed by, people went about their business, and here was I, sitting alone on that splintered green bench, waiting for you.  As always, you were late.  However, being as punctual as I am, I was always on time, on the dot exactly.  Your willy-nilly attitude made me furious at times, but I would always stay in the end.  Because, that same irritating-happiness was what made me fall in love in the first place.  But, I should have known from the start, you would never take us seriously.


"You're late."  I said when you came up to me, breathing heavily, hands on your knees, trying to catch your breath.


"I'm really sorry, I had some events to attend to."


"Oh, really?"  I said with no humor.  You left me waiting in the cold for ten minutes and that was all you had to say?  I sighed, my breath coming out in a haze, surrounding me like a veil of protection before vanishing from my sight.


"Jieun—" You started, but I cut you off by standing up from my seat and stalking off into the night.


I was so frustrated, so angry, my pride damaged, that I had no words to say, I was not in the right mind to take your thousands of excuses and empty promises.  It was all the same, you always did theses sorts of things to me.  The only girl foolish enough to really love you.

You caught up to me, and took my hand into yours, pulling me close.


"I'm telling the truth."


"I'm not saying that you aren't." I pulled away from his grasp.


"Jieun. . ."


"Let go." You didn't respond and obeyed, letting go of my hand, and stepping back.


"I'll wait for you." Was all you said.


When I got home that night, I discovered a bouquet of white roses and that you had decorated the entire dining room with yellow streamers and balloons.  On top of the confetti littered table, was a letter and a small box.  Tired to my bones, I disregarded the box and card, making a straight beeline towards my bedroom.  Who needs to read that card anyway, I knew if I did, I would come swooning back to you.  And so, I showered, I dressed, I ate dinner by myself in the kitchen, and went promptly to bed, without reading your card, and looking into your gift.  The next day, I cleaned up my house of all the party materials, with anger boling in my veins, I swear, I was not in the right of mind at the moment.  I stored the unopened card and present in a pink box, which I shoved into my linen closet.


It's been two months.  


I haven't spoken to you ever since, and that card stayed un-read, the gift, un-touched.  I happened upon it an afternoon in April, while cleaning out my closet.  The box simply slipped from it's shelf and fell, hitting the top of my head with a thunk.  After cursing at the box, I picked it up and opened it.  At once, memories of us flooded my mind.  Finally curious of what was inside, I took the presents to my room and laid them on my bed.  With steady hands, I opened the velvet box, savoring the moment.  Were they earrings?

Resting on a satin cushion was a platium ring, with a single diamond in the center.  My breath caught in my throat, and my hand flew to my mouth like a reflex.

Turning to the card, I picked it up and immediately began to read.  Why hadn't I checked this earlier?




My dear Jieun,


Do you like it?  I found the exact same ring from that picture you were looking at.  You better be happy, I spent my life savings on that ring alone.  What I do for love. . . Do you remember when we first met?  You called me a coward.  I guess I am since I couldn't bring myself to tell you this face to face.  What I want to say is that you mean a lot to me, I love you, I want to spend the rest of my life with you.

Well, I'll get straight to the point. . .

Jieun, will you marry me?



Your Hero



"Babo. . ." I muttered before running to get my car keys.


Now here I am, standing in a sunny parking lot, face to face with you.  My hair tousled from running, my breathing heavy, cheeks burning.  You stared into my eyes, with a sad-sad look you wear so well.  I probably looked like a mess in my denim cutoffs, and a baggy t-shirt, but I had to tell you.  You took a step foward, tentatively, as if asking permission to come closer.  A smile broke across my face, I ran towards you, wrapping my arms around your neck.


"Yes, yes I will."


Because, it was those little things that kept me holding onto the worn thread of our love.



AUTHOR'S NOTES; Writer's block is not fun, guys.  I have no inspiration whatsoever.  This little drabble is me trying to get my creativity back.  Well, did you like it?  Comment!  I want some feedback for this short, y story.  Argh, inspiration is so hard to catch!  You might see me writing many more drabbles and things like that.  This was a quick scratch, sorry for in correct grammar and spelling.  Wanna suggest some ideas?  Put it in the comment box!  I'm lacking so much motivation . . . Friend me, yah?  Don't be afraid I don't bite.  My profile needs some serious fixing. . .  Well, until next time!         With love, Star <3


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stayuptonight #2
Daww that was so cute <3
Michelle90289 #3
I hardly find any story between B.A.P and IU, so can it be someone from B.A.P, please? Daehyun, Himchan or any of the member?
IU with...
*breathe in*
*breathe out*
uhmmm...too many? XD
(Maybe I should list it all-nevermind)
Syu_Adah #5
iu with yoseob~!! <3