Chapter 7

My Baby's Daddy

Friday morning Victoria showed up at their office unplanned, eventhough she was on a leave she just thought of checking her unfinished paper works and catch up with her officemates, since it had been 4 days she didn't show up. She bowed at the guard who recognized her immediately, making her way in, she bumped someone who seemed familiar to her, it was Krystal carrying her handbag and was about to go outside. "Vic! what are you doing here? I thought you were on a leave?" Krystal said almost choking Victoria in her tight embrace. "Well, I don't want you to think I have forgotten about you. Any word from our boss?" Victoria grasped for air. "You mean he doesn't know about your leave, yet? Mr. Jung went on a business trip in Malaysia." Krystal snorted. "Silly! What made you think of that Krys? My leave wouldn't be approved if it was out of Mr. Jung's consent." Vic clarified and gave Krystal a smirk. "O.. okay, are you feeling better now? Look at you.. so skinny.'' ''Yes I am okay, but my body is perfectly fine, I am just keeping my body fit Krys'' Vic gave Krys a beaming smile. ''Enough of your excuses Victoria, hmm I'm thinking about going somewhere.. with you! Let's go eat lunch together okay? Krystal didn't wait for Victoria to respond instead she grabbed Victoria's arm and made their way out of the building. ''Yah! Jung! let me go, I have something important to check inside, can you give a couple of minutes?'' Vic pleaded Krystal was very reluctant to let go of her friend. ''Okay, hurry alright? or else I'm gonna leave you.'' Victoria nodded ''I'll be quick promise!'' ''Okay, okay just go!'' Krystal crossed her arms and settled her .

Victoria was walking slow, she really didn't mind if it will took her forever to reach her office room, it's better to be careful than sorry, she had to keep in mind that she was carrying a new life inside her and that she should be extra careful with her movements, when she finally reached the elevator there was a sign that says ''OUT OF ORDER'' / ''What on earth! A really good timing huh? not when Krystal is outside waiting for me in vain with her eyebrows knitted'' Vic couldn't help but curse in her mind, without second thoughts she decided to use the stairs, her office is located on the 3rd floor of the J.A.F building. ''Walking probably wouldn't kill me so bring it on!'' She was halfway through the 3rd floor when she suddenly felt a chest pain, she conciously grabbed her purse and look for her phone but she couldn't find it in case she would need Krystal then it was already on her speed dial, she sat there for about 5 minutes and after the pain subsided she got up and grabbed the stairs' railings. ''I really have to suffer like this? where are the people here? No one really uses the stairs eh?'' Vic was ranting all her way up, no one was around because it was their office hour and people normally are inside their office doing their usual routines at work. Victoria was breathing heavily when she reached the 3rd floor. ''Atlast!'' Vic smiled and bowed to her officemates walking around the hallway.  ''Hello Ms. Song, what made you came here?'' The very sophisticated, handsome and nice officemate of Vic, Cho Kyuhyun the guy who was very fond of teasing Vic. ''Hello Mr. Cho Kyuyhyun, I just want to see you that's why I am here.'' Vic patted Kyu's back. ''Is that so? well, should I be happy?'' Kyuhyun smirked and tickled Vic's waist.

''Ohhh, I think you should!'' smile plastered on Victoria's face. Kyuhyun laughed like a retard giving Vic a formal hug. ''Seriously Vic, how have you been? You know it's been a while.'' ''Yes it is, I'm fine, perfectly fine! I guess you too? ''I'm always fine.'' Kyuhyun grinned. ''Are you really coming back for real? I thought you were on a leave?'' ''I'm still on my leave, but don't worry I'll be back soon if things will go on the right way.'' Vic smile slowly disappeared, replaced by a mixture of sadness and anxiety. ''Why? is there something bothering you?'' Kyu was worried about his friend, he really haven't seen Victoria this sad yet. ''Oh yes I am, can I excuse myself? I have something to get in my office, some paper works I have to finish and it should be submitted right after it's done.'' Vic excused herself leaving the curious Cho Kyuhyun behind.


After she got the papers, she went downstairs hurriedly, afraid that Krystal would scold her for taking too long inside. ''That girl will surely blab on me, I should ready my ears before she starts talking'' Vic was breathing heavily the moment she reached the ground floor. She bid goodbye to the security guard and looked for her friend. ''Oh there she is!'' Vic was about to held Kry's arms when suddenly the lady wearing a stilleto stumped her feet in disgust. ''Yah! Why? Why? what took you so long inside? you know what time it is now? It's past lunch time! Victoria!!'' Krystal kept on whining, Vic then covered with both palms. ''Yah Krystal! control your mouth okay? you're making a scene here and it's embarrassing. Let's go!'' Vic picked up Krys's handbag which was laid down the ground ''Here!''.

The two went on a restaurant nearby, Krys was still annoyed, Vic noticed the sulky face of her friend. ''Krys, stop acting like a baby okay? Well.. look I'm sorry I bumped in to Kyuhyun and we had a little conversation and after that I went to my office and got these papers, you okay now? Krystal gave up and started to talk to Vic again. ''I just hope that wont happen on you Vic, it's hard to wait for someone so long you know!'' Krystal snorted. ''I know.. I know'' Vic nodded in defeat. Krystal called the waiter and asked for the menu. ''Hey Vic, what do you wanna eat? Let's try their famous cheesecake!'' Krys clasped her both hands and giggled excitedly. ''I heard it's very delicious!'' Vic just smiled and scanned the menu. ''Oh God! nothing will probably suits my taste right now..cheesecake? just the sound of it makes me wanna puke, oh heavens! please let me be okay just this moment.'' Vic thought. ''Ms. Song? what do you wanna eat? don't think about the prices! my treat!'' Krystal laughed and nudged Vic. ''Silly! I wasn't thinking about the price'' Victoria twisted her hair, pretending to scan the menu infront of her eventhough she already made up her mind that she wouldn't gonna order anything. ''I'll have chicken pesto pasta, orange juice and two slices of cheesecake for the both of us.'' The waiter listed what Krystal ordered. ''and yours Maam?'' the waiter turned to Victoria's side. ''Chicken soup and water'' Vic flipped closed the menu. ''Yes'' Vic smiled, the waiter was about to go when Krys said ''Wait! what? soup and water? Hahahaha you funny girl! I told you it's my treat you don't need to worry about the price you thrifty woman!'' Krystal laughed her lungs out forcing Vic to order something else. ''Choose something more appetizing rather than soup and water.'' ''No, I'm okay with those Krys, you can go.'' she ordered the waiter to go. Victoria's body shivered, ''I'm sure Krystal will notice about this, just go along Vic don't be too obvious and she will not gonna ask anything.'' Vic thought.

''OHH yummy!'' the food they ordered were placed all over the table, Krystal started munching her pesto while Vic on the other side looked so pale, her sweats were visible all over her face down to her neck. After the cheesecake was placed on their table, Victoria felt so unseasy, making her more nervous she grabbed her purse, and hurriedly ran inside the comfort room. Krystal was left on their table, shocked. Instead of following Vic she just waited for her friend to come out. Victoria went out a couple of minutes and wiped the Kleenex on . ''You okay Vic? you look ill, is there anything you need? Krystal placed her palm on Vic's forehead. ''You don't have fever, but why are you so pale? I guess you are just hungry, here it'll help you regain your stregth since it's said to be very delicious!'' Krys handed Vic the plate where the 2 slices of cheesecake were placed. Vic shook her head and tried to avoid the smell of the cheesecake but Krystal insisted. Victoria felt so sick and ran again towards the bathroom. Out of curiousity Krystal didn't wait for Vic to come out she went after Victoria who was vomitting hard inside she wiped Vic's forehead and glided her hands all over Victoria's back. ''Are you okay Vic? What's wrong? what is happening?'' Krys's questioned made Vic more dizzy which made her passed out.

At the hospital, Krystal was very anxious waiting outside the room where Vic was being examined, after a while Dr. Hwang went out and approached Krystal who was sitting at the corner. ''How is she doc? is there something wrong with my friend?'' Krystal asked keeping her hands together. ''Yes, your friend is okay, that's very normal for a pregnant woman like her my advice is let her avoid things that stresses her, as much as possible do not make her do things hard for it will trigger the miscarriage that usually happens of early pregnancies, is this her first baby?'' Dr. Hwang asked the shocked and stone dead Krystal, Krys who had no idea just nodded since she had not seen Victoria being pregnant before. ''Okay, please tell her husband to take care of her wife and yes you can go check your friend.'' Dr. Hwang bowed and bid goodbye to Krystal.

Victoria was sleeping soundlessly when Krys entered and carelessly banged the door closed. Vic winced and opened her eyes, she looked all over the place that wasn't so familiar with her. ''Where am I?'' Vic asked Krys. ''You're in a hospital I brought you here Victoria, and why on earth you got pregnant?'' Krys sat beside Vic and raised an eyebrow. ''Who told you?'' ''The doctor, who else? Who's the father? and how did it happen?'' Krystal bombed Vic with questions. ''Yahhh Kystal, cant you see I have just recovered? well not yet fully'' Vic excused/ ''No no no, you can't escape me on this Vic, just tell me please? Promise I wont tell anyone'' ''Promise?'' Vic raised her pinky finger and Krys did the same.

''WHHAAAAAT? NICHKHUN YOUR BESTFRIEND IS THE BABY'S FATHER? HOW? WHAT? WHEN DID IT HAPPEN? HOW DID IT HAPPEN?'' Krystal went on hysterical after hearing the whole truth to Vic. ''Yah! are you crazy? are you asking me to elaborate the whole scene? I'm still sane to keep that on private.'' Vic said blushing.

''This is really shocking Vic, so what are you plans? are you gonna say it to Nichkhun now?!'' Vic shook her head ''I don't know, I'm not sure, I'm afraid he'll reject me and our baby so I guess I'm keeping this baby by myself.'' Vic said tearing up. ''You are so selfish Vic, he has the right to know, he's the father after all, if you're not gonna tell him about this, I WILL!'' Krystal had gone mad.


SHORT UPDATE! I'll continue this one tomorrow, I really want to put the KV scene tonight but I'm really sleepy so I guess next time?. Sorry for making you wait this long.

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matsumotoakira #1
Chapter 10: update soon
vicqian #2
Chapter 10: Just let Khun know the truth (˘ʃƪ˘) update soon •⌣•
Chapter 10: update soon, i want vic tell the truth tbh huhu
Chapter 10: Update soon
Chapter 10: Oooohh.. so excited!!
khuntoria4ever #6
Chapter 10: Haha i love you for updating! :)
vicqian #7
Chapter 9: :) this two guy got jealousy •⌣• What happen next? Just let Khun know the truth (˘ʃƪ˘)
Chapter 9: omg vic just let khun know that its his baby already..
blueseaa37 #9
Chapter 9: Dont take too long >< author-nim