Morning Routine

Who Are You, My Prince?

  A sharp gasp escaped her lips as she bolted upright, her almond shaped eyes as wide and large as the porcelain plates she ate off of every day. "Aaah..." She moaned quietly as her vision temporarily darkened then began to lighten as the slight headrush dissipated. Then the dream she'd had moments ago recalled itself as vividly as if it had just occurred, and she frowned. That had been over a year ago. She knew for a fact that she'd permanently exiled him from her mind and heart forever. So as she did her best to shove the dream into the furthest reaches of her mind, a light tap on her wooden door shifted her attention. "Lady Jeon? Are you awake?" The knock, the voice on the other side, it was all so familiar, and brought a gentle smile to her lips. Yet she followed her role to the letter and responded in a clear and crisp, formal voice, "Yes, I am. You may enter my bedchamber." As she gently but quickly stripped back the silky sheets, and hopped off her bed, her feet landed with the lightest thud, as it hit the cold marble floor, right as Ren stepped into the room. His gaze alit on her as he made sure the door was firmly closed behind him.

  "Ugh, it feels so weird, speaking to you formally even though we're friends." He complained, as he headed to her cherry wood wardrobe. She raised an eyebrow at him, amusement flickering in her eyes and a slight smirk on her lips. "Whaaaattt? So in your eyes, I'm not suited for the title of 'Lady'." Hei Ryung questioned him in a teasing and joking manner. His eyes widened so much in surprise, she was sure his eyes would pop out of his head and he immediately blushed a light shade of pink. "N-N-NO! Of course not, Hei Ryung!!" His reaction was so cute, Hei Ryung couldn't help but smile and giggle gently.

  "Calm down Rennie, I figured that much." She said at last, watching as he gradually calmed down. "I-I knew that much..." He mumbled, all too clearly embarrassed by his stuttering outburst. "Soooo, how's the weather today?" Changing the subject mainly for Ren's benefit more then anything else. From the look on his face, she could tell this had been the right decision as his entire body seemed to relax. "Aah, its warm and sunny, not too cloudy. It's a good day to go on a walk or enjoy a picnic." A picnic....Now that sounded like fun.

  But both she and Ren knew that was impossible. Her father was determined to marry her off, especially now that she was of age. He thought she put herself at enough risk by being out in the castle garden. Sneaking out or away for any amount of time wasn't even possible, since if she got outside the castle walls for even a few minutes, her father always found out sooner rather then later. Before she'd know it, she practically always had her whole father's army surrounding her just a few feet away from the castle walls. For that situation and reason alone, she wondered how he always found out so quickly. "So, how does a pastel green and purple floral lightwear dress sound for today, Hei Ryung?" Ren asked her, pulling out the dress from the wardrobe and holding it out to allow her to gaze at it. A small smile found its way onto her lips as she responded happily, "Sounds perfect, Rennie. You have the best taste."

  Pleased and flattered by her compliment, he strode over to her with the dress in hand. Though she wondered why he always seemed so pleased, she found it amusing, because she said it pretty much any and every time Ren chose her outfit for the day. Except when he decided to joke around, of course, and would pull out a darkly colored and fur lined dress on a hot summer's day and ask if she'd like to wear it. Then she would have to disagree with him and have him pick out another one to suit the day. He laid the dress on her slightly messy bed, and she turned her back on him. Of all people, she entrusted only him with this, knowing he would never try anything, and she wasn't afraid to start screeching her head off and pinning him to the ground even if he did. Somewhat blankly, she stared at the wall across from her as Ren ed her nightgown with quick and sure fingers. Which was to be expected, as they did this routine practically every single morning for as long as she could remember. It loosened and eventually fell to the floor in a white pool around her feet, and he slipped her dress for today on, buttoning this dress up and tying the ribbon around her waist that went with the dress.

  As she turned around to face him once again, he tugged at certain parts that had bunched up or showed some sign of a wrinkle on it. "Every dress seems to suit you no matter wait, Hei Ryung." Ren complimented, and she rolled her eyes but gave a half smile. "Your just saying that because I'm the princess of Null." She mused, and he shook his head slightly but smiled. "Perhaps, or perhaps not." As she headed toward her dresser with the mirror and sat down, watching in the mirror as Ren picked up the brush and began to gently brush her hair. "Don't you ever get bored or tired of this same old routine?" Hei Ryung asked him, glancing up at him in the mirror. He raised his gaze from her hair and met her gaze in the mirror, and shrugged. "Not really, but I suppose thats because I enjoy my time with you when we don't have to act so distant." Her heart warmed a bit upon hearing that, but she didn't nod, in case it screwed him up while he brushed her hair.

  "Heh, well thats good. I like that too." It felt good to have him brushing gently at her hair, he never tugged too hard, and even when he was upset, he never took it out on her in any way, direct or indirect. Though there were times where she wished he would at least verbally vent out his frustrations, it bothered her to see him upset. But since he never mentioned it even when she could tell, she didn't say anything either. It had occurred to her though, that it was most likely because he didn't want to have her use her power of her father's subjects to fix it, since servants couldn't exactly argue with a direct order from their princess. So it was understandable why he wouldn't say anything, but it also was a sore reminder of how different their positions and lives were. On top of that, somehow word had gotten out that she Ren was one of her favored servants, and he got bullied for it. Knowing intervening directly would only make things worse, she did her best to not make it so painfully obvious. While lost in thought, she realized Ren had finished brushing her hair, and she met his gaze almost immediately in the mirror. "S-Sorry, I was just thinking about some stuff." When his eyes met hers in the mirror again, she could've sworn she saw worry flash in his eyes, but just as quickly, he'd managed to cover it up and smiled at her. "No worries Hei Ryung, and you don't have to apologize to me." Still embarrassed, her cheeks warmed a little and were surely pink as she stood up. "R-right...well thanks Ren, I'm going to have breakfast now." She slipped on her indoor slippers, which were made of silk and velvet, and quickly left the room and headed down the hallway. Behind her she heard her door close and click shut, and Ren's receding footsteps behind her. Silently she wondered how long he'd just let her sit there and do absolutely nothing, and wondered if her face had betrayed any of her thoughts. Hei Ryung certainly hoped not.


(A/N: I hope the first chapter met up to everyone's expectations. ><;; Please feel free to leave feedback and let me know what you all thought of this first chapter. :3 Its my first time writing a lovey dovey type story, so please bear with me.  ^^; )

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(COUGH. NOTICE: YOU MAY NOT SPEAK TO ALICE THIS WAY AT ANY TIME OR PLACE... I have special privleges as the best friend/dongsaeng. Anyone who speaks to my Unni the way I do (____ily) will become my enemy --
Trust me. That's a thing to be feared.
...Good day).
Uuuuuu!! Ren!!! Yay!!! Love the beginning!!!
This is amazing *0*/
Yah, sweets, I can garantee it ain't cuz no one's interested. You just wait your pretty little behind about this, Unni~