
The Howling - Part IV: Inevitable


A soft hum escaped jongin, and he glanced up at Joonmyun with a lingering smile, returning the gentle squeeze before he was leading the boy down the stairs and into the garden, the setting sun spilling golden-orange light - lke that of a fire - over them and the flowers. 
"Come on," he murmured softly, half turning so he was almost walking backwards as he started to lead the elder male through the small maze that the garden possessed. His fingers tightened in Joonmyun's grip, and he hummed as he walked slowly, enjoying the scent of the flowers around them mingling with the elder's breathtaking scent, the gentle breeze in the air. 
"Don't worry. No one will find us. Most of them can't even navigate the maze properly, and there's too much wolfsbane around that they don't even try..." 
After a few minutes, he turned around, coming to a stop in the very centre of the maze. The wolfsbane bloomed arund them in huge, purple bushes - beautiful yet deadly.


Joonmyun was more than willing to follow as Jongin led him down the stairs and into the garden. As they walked, he trailed his fingers over the leaves of the bushes and plants that towered above them, but he was careful to steer clear of the wolfsbane; it wouldn't hurt him, but he didn't know what it would do to Jongin through indirect contact, and he didn't want to test it out to get an answer. 
When they finally came to a stop, it was a part of the garden he'd never seen before, and yet it held similarities to the clearing that he and Jongin had visited in the past: the open space, the purple flowers, the strong feeling of protection. It was exactly what he'd asked for and so much more. He'd only wanted somewhere they could go where they didn't have to worry about the alpha, but there they didn't have to worry about /anyone./
"This is perfect," he murmured, absently releasing his grip on Jongin's hand as he shuffled to the middle of the opening and sprawled out across the soft grass. All the smells -- the flowers, the fresh air, and even the pine in the not so far distance -- reminded him of everything that meant home. This was home now, though, but he was grateful for something that brought back the precious memories. 


the young wolf eyed the bushes of beautiful purple flowers as he clenched the hand that had been burned just a few weeks earlier, his lips shifting into a slight frown before he straightened and smiled again. he felt the loss of joonmyun's touch as the elder let go of his hand, and lifted his eyes to watch Joonmyun carefully.
There was something elegantly beautiful in the way the elder moved - something that served to take Jongin's breath away every single time he saw the elder male. For a long time he remained still, arms folded loosely against his chest and lips set in that same lazy, adoring smile, before he breathhed in the elder's scent on the breeze and stepped forward. He lowered himself to the ground beside Joonmyun, just enough that their knees brushed together, the simple touch sending warmth and reassurance through Jongin's body.
"It is..." he said softly, his eyes still focused on Joonmyun before he looked away and slightly leaned into the elder, just as he had earlier. "I'm glad I can share it with you."
His eyes closed slowly, and he breathed in again before releasing the breath, head resting on the elder's shoulder as he smiled. "I... I've never had anyone else...except Taemin..." he whispered, teeth sinking into his lower lip as he spoke.


As Joonmyun settled, his eyes fluttered shut and he tipped his head back, breathing in the fresh air and taking in the last rays of the sun as they continued to plunge beneath the horizon. Somewhere in the not-so deep parts of his conscious he could feel Jongin, his presence comforting and peaceful, and that feeling only grew stronger as the male took over the space next to him. 
He kept his eyes closed, breathing as steady as possible as the younger leaned into him, touching him but only ever so lightly. Joonmyun's heart beat incessantly against his chest, and it worried him for only a moment before settling once more. Jongin did weird things to him, things that would have frightened him if he didn't know the reason behind it, but all the same, it was still new and would take some getting use to. 
When Jongin spoke again, Joonmyun felt sympathy. It had to be difficult, only having your little brother as your best friend, someone to talk to and hang out with, not that it was a bad thing, but it still had to be frustrating to never get out, to be trapped. 
"Well, you have me now," Joonmyun murmured in response as he glanced to the side at the boy, hand raising to brush a few strands of hair from his forehead. "It might not be an ideal situation, but I'm here for you, okay?" Because he was human, Joonmyun felt powerless, but just being there for Jongin gave him something to hold on to, something he knew he could do right to give the younger male a sense of happiness. 


he wasn't sure what he'd been expecting, but it wasn't the gentle brush of fingers against his forehead, nor the soft voice a few moments later, and Jongin was sure he was flushing as he opened his eyes to look up at Joonmyun. For just a moment his eyes met the elder's, and he was sure his breath was stolen before he looked away and smiled. "I know..."
His gaze lifted to the sky, eyeing the nearly full moon as it started to peek up from the line of trees. It would be full in the next week. something that he hadn't wanted to put Joonmyun through again. Sighing a little, he drew one leg up to his chest, resting his chin on his knee as he shifted his gaze to watch Joonmyun. 
"i'm sorry for all those times I upset you, for all those times I was nothing more than a stupid kid trying to run from something he didn't understand and didn't want to understand...I promise I'll try be a better person, someone deserving..."
Because I want us to work...


The way that Jongin's dark cheeks flushed a pale pink made him look beautiful, so painfully innocent that Joonmyun had to bite his tongue to keep from brushing his fingers across the boy's skin. He was grateful when the boy pulled away and leaned forward, but there was a slight sense that something was of, that Jongin was feeling... sad? Regretful? Something.... something that made the elder's chest flutter uncomfortably. 
"Jongin..." Joonmyun pushed himself around to face Jongin as he sat at his side, hand finding one of the younger boy's as he went on. "If anyone deserves anything it's you and happiness. You've been through so much that a kid your age shouldn't ever have to deal with, and it's about time you had something you wanted, something that makes you happy." Me. 
In the silence that followed, Joonmyun debated and fought and battled with himself, his mind telling his heart that what he wanted to do was a bad idea. But Jaejoong's words -- follow this, your heart -- took hold and told him head to shut up. After a deep breath in, Joonmyun leaned forward and pressed his lips ever-so lightly against the boy's warm cheek. 
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Okay guise! There is a new feature and I'm going to abuse the hell out of it! WOOOO!


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Chapter 32: OMO OMO that last part.... Don't supress kai... i need to know i can trust you Jongin.......... ALL of YOU!!! that was mind-blowing awesome!! can't wait to see the next part!! Kai wait a little bit you are going to be free and joonmyung is going to love you as a whole!!
Chapter 32: OH MY GOODNESS


the sound that just came from my mouth oh my goodness. i hope i didn't wake anyone up. ahhh

too many feelings
Chapter 31: -kisse kisse..... omo omo
Chapter 31: Chapter 30: LOL he won't be able to complain whenever she throws a spatula at him xxD that's so cute
i want chicken. with garlic and sauce. and i hate you.
coz the only thing i have back at my house are macaroni with an array of bits of meat.
i want what they're eating.......
I'm gonna see if I can convince my sister to cook something like this this weekend...... alsdkfsd
i caan't
everything is so <33 asdhldk- worthy and aahh

Chapter 31: DANCING!
omg. omg i ashuidl.
im expiriencing too many feelings atm.
cheesy and cheese pizza hahahaha


I love youuus. Because. Ugh.
I don't normally spaz this much /liar/ Or maybe it's because i didn't give up on this story or because it's been 4 parts and ive read everything to the T or im rambling right now
but UUGHH is my summary for these to chapters.
UGH in the most positive sense of the UGH.
because UGHH my feelings and UGH trying not to squeal outloud saying /JOONMYUNAHH YOU YOU AAHH/ because im currently sitting in a aisle in a part of the unviersity and people are passing left and right from me and just no. LOL
iwill not be remembered as the girl crying at her laptop screen saying unpronounceable names. LOL
Chapter 31: OMG! The kiss...I cannot! OH MY GOD! -squeals- It was perfect and long-awaited. All these feelings!!! Thank you!-melts-
Chapter 31: the kiss.. THE KISS my goddddddd
Chapter 29: Can I just melt here? I think I've turned into a puddle of goo. This is so amazing and I can just imagine how breathtaking the scene was. -squeals- Thanks for these updates! ^^ *also I'm loving the build up*
Chapter 29: Awwww they are so so so gwaaaad!!!! love them so much!
Chapter 29: Chapter 27: lmfao. Aggresive when it comes to food Joonmyunah? xxD
i kinda like the descriptions of whenever jongin eats lol it's all /yanking pieces of bread here/ /rumbling stomach there/ /im still hungry/ hahaha

Chapter 28: ugh. is it BAD that I already WANT Joonmyun to break down and just freak the out? Just a sobbing mess and a breautiful consoling Jongin by his side? ...I know I would've already, hahahaha. omg. probably multiple times already. Joonmyun is certainly a strong person.
you guuys. You're gonna make me want to watch Nemo again!! i remember the part about the butts hahaha
EEE. We finally get to know the surpirse?! :D~~~

Chapter 29: HECK, even I'M nervous Joonmyun! ahhlaskd ah my goodness. Incoherent comment coming your way. askjjlsk This is so freaking cuuuuute T____T and i squealed at the words /implied intimacy/. the facts that the others helped is so <3 asdfghjkl- worthy and. agh. jongin so happy and giddy and will forever have a permanent smile stuck on his face because of this! ahahaha
Chapter 27: what the. 3?
/starts reading/