Trouble with Love


Hoya just walked up to me and.....smiled?

he then harshly hugged me 

i was taken by surprise by the sudden hug

"hoya? d..did you here everything i said," i asked nervously

"noona, why would i hug you if i didn't,"

"hoya, woohyun is very hurt right now and its going to aire next week. i dont know what to do," i said with aa guilty feeling

"noona, ill take care of it, he is my brother and friend, i also created this mess and im also the one that hurt him,"

"no hoya, i hurt him because of the fact that  i couldnt accept his feeligns and after trying really hard to win my affection and even when he knew way before about my feelings for you, he continued and tried his best to make me his . i will talk to him, but you can talk to him after. im not going to talk to him soon and i think were done recording"

i look at the camera people and look with puppy-eyes, hoping they would realize that i want them to stop recording and they noticed my pleading eyes and just nodded 

"the cameras are finished rolling, dear? do you want this to aire?" asked the pd

i look at her confidently and answer ,"yes, i do, i hope that the viewers know what my true feeling are and hope that fans of woohyun would understand my true feelings,"

i felt warm hands around mine

i look down and saw hoya's hand tightly wrapped around mine

i look up and hoya's warm smile just melts my heart 

i smile back


i look at the kids as they were staring at each other oh so lovingly

i couldn't help but smile at the lovely picture

but i just looked down as i felt that these kids went through so much to be together but when this episode aires, will the fans be accepting and loving towards this couple?

and will bora have to go throught the same thing she did last time?

i started getting worried not sure if i should aire this episode or not.....bora suddenly looked at me

"unnie, i hope you really aire this episode, can you do that even if this episode might get bad reviews,"

i looked at her in surprise as her confidence was shining brightly

with that i was able to answer,"yes, i will dear, don't worry, and seeing how you already chose your man, there will be only one or 2 more episodes left,"

"what will i have to do?" she asked 

"well the next episode will be where you and hoya have a date together and show the viewers and the fans how you deeply love each other but before doing that you need to talk to woohyun, you guys can decide if both of you will talk to him or only one of you, and through this they will probably be able to understand and love your couple better," i explained

"we'll do it," they replied in unison 

after our crew packed up, the crew members left

i was walking and when i touched the door i turned around and found the kids just communicating with eyes 

i looked away and wlked out


its been 6 days since the recording of the episode

tomorrow was the day where that very episode was going to aire

thats the day where i was nervous...the day where i was awaiting for the fans reactions

but the good thing is that me and hoya has been dating for 6 days as well

both our entertainments blocked all the news about us dating until the episode aired because we didn't want the episode to be spoiled 

the whole day i wasted by having a date with hoya in our dorm and it was fun

the day went by quickly as  i spent it with my beloved loving hoya heart


srry AGAIN for the short chapter

i promise for longer chapters soon

and i hope you enjoyed!

ill update as soon as  i can

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Omo! I really love it !!!!! Amazing ^^
Awesome story ^^ I loved it
Omg...just finijed te whole story and I TOTALLY LOVED IT!<br />
They're all so sweet! Thanks for the great story!
hai_young #6
aww~ what a nice sweet ending^^<br />
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thanks for the story~ x)
hai_young #7
waaaah~! she's awake!!! kehehe.
YAY! HOYA! <3<br />
Update soon!
hai_young #9
hmm.. i see woohyun is like kinda very clingy..<br />
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i ship the hoya and bora couple<3 lol<br />
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update soon please:D