
Just You and Me


I ran out of my bedroom and to the front door with my bag, packed with a small lunch, my iPod, a camera, my wallet and my cellphone, hurriedly put on my shoes, and jogged to the bus stop. 
I let out a sigh of relief, I had gotten there just in time for the bus I was going to take. There, I met up with Jonghyun, who was showing the elderly woman in front of me the way towards an empty seat. When he caught my gaze, he smiled widely.
"Hey there. Ready for the best concert ever?," he asked when I got to him. I nodded excitedly and gave him a thumbs up. The rest of the way there, we didn't talk, but held the excitement inside, so that when we got to the Big Bang concert, we could really explode and let all the cheers out. 
The ahjumma he helped smiled at knowingly from her seat and gave us a weird, teasing look. I smiled back before we got off the bus, and headed towards the two other fans who had also gotten there extra early.
They smiled at us and we returned the smile, because these were the same two fans we always saw at concerts. 
While we waited, we talked to them and shared stories of experiences at concerts. The girl told us of the time a singer accidentally threw his microphone and she caught it, but quickly gave it back to the security, smiling at the singer when he apologized for it almost hitting her. 
Finally, when we got in, along with the rest of the fans who had gotten there and had shared their own stories, we made our way to the very front seats, which Jonghyun had somehow managed to buy the tickets for. As I sat down, I looked at Jonghyun. He was absolutely adorable with his glasses and spiked hair. I laughed and shook my head, shifting around so I could get into a comfortable position on the seat.
When I turned to the side, I caught him staring at my hand, so I figured he just zoned out. I raised my hand and waved it a bit in front of his face, and sure enough, he jumped a bit.
"Did you not sleep well?," I asked him curiously. He mumbled a no. I offered him my shoulder to rest on, and he turned his body towards mine and rested his head on my shoulder.
After fifteen minutes, I figured he was asleep, so I turned my head towards him and rested my cheek on the top of his head.
"You're such a cutie... I wish you'd understand all the subtle hints I drop for you to get that I like you," I mumbled as I sighed and held his hand. His hand twitched under mine and I looked at his face, checking if he had woken up.  
To my embarrassment, his eyes were wide open and his face was red like a tomato. 
Before I could say anything, though, the lights dimmed to signal the beginning of the concert. I gasped and turned to the stage, and sure enough, there they were, five amazing people, greeting the crowd. I took out my camera and immediately began the massive amounts of pictures, as did Jonghyun. The instant they started their first song, I switched it to video mode and stayed quiet, trying not to bounce around too much. Jonghyun and I took turns with taking videos, and when it was his turn, I cheered loudly, attracting G-Dragon's attention. He turned to me and smiled, making me cheer louder. Out of the excitement, I grabbed onto Jonghyun's arm and started bouncing around. He put down the camera, turned my face to his and just randomly kissed me. Out of nowhere.  
I was speechless. I stared at him blankly, mouth hanging open, and he leaned close and whispered, "I've been wishing you'd catch the hints I dropped, too."
The rest of the concert was insane, and, well, the rest of that day ended up becoming our first date.
Can you guys tell I'm bad at writing fluffy things?
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I promise I have some stuff in progress.


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Chapter 27: hhHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA OMG but srsly thats me i legit do that OTL
Does Luhan's whisper has a part two?
Lolipopgirl #4
Can you please do b.a.p's daehyun??