Chapter 1



Your POV

That faithful moment repeated itself again and again as I tried to trace back about our relationship. It was 3 and a half years ago when we met each other—the weather was terrible and the situation we were in was nothing worth mentioning about. We met at an airport in some foreign land and were stranded from a blizzard that halted all the flights back to Korea.

I was freezing and all alone when he came up to me with a blanket and a cup of hot chocolate from the vending machine. That was the moment that etched so clearly into my mind; for a moment, I thought the snow storm wasn’t that bad after all, for it was this storm that allowed me to find him, Choi Minho.

“Hi.” He curled the corner of his lips into the most beautiful smile I’ve ever seen. Minho sat beside me with his knees drawn up to his chest, afraid that he would intrude my personal space. I greeted back and lifted a side of a blanket, hinting to the stranger that we could snuggle and keep each other’s company. Minho and I spent the rest of the night at a corner of the airport like two lost puppies.

“____, maybe I can buy you another cup of coffee at Starbucks when we return home.” I giggled and replied,

“Is that a pick up line, Minho?”

“Is it good? I haven’t tried it on anyone else.”

“Should I feel honored?” I rested my head against the pillar, not knowing how I should reply to his question.

“Shall I take that as a yes, ___?” No verbal reply was given. Instead, I shifted my head to lean against his shoulder, and snuggled a little closer to him.

What do you think?

One and a half years after that faithful day, we went on a date at Incheon airport. No, we didn’t have a candlelit dinner; neither did I receive a bouquet of roses from Minho. Nothing particularly romantic was done—we sat on a bench near the departure hall to watch the airplanes take flight, each with a burger and a cup of hot chocolate from the vending machine nearby. It was then when Minho poked my waist childishly and handed a fortune cookie to me.

“What’s that?”

“It’s complimentary.”

“Since when does Macdonald’s serve fortune cookies with burgers?” I snorted and tore the plastic wrapping off, “I don’t really like crackers though. You can have it.”

“It’s a fortune cookie, it’s different, ___” Minho retorted and I obediently bit it into half. Picking out the white strip of paper between my fingers, I opened it and read the tiny wordings aloud.

I promise we would face every storm together.

“The note doesn’t make any sense, Minho. This fortune cookie .” Then I realized there was something else written on the other side of the note.

Marry me, Lee ___.

I gasped and looked at Minho.

“Lee ____, would you?” Minho fished out a titanium ring from his pocket and placed it in the middle of his large palm. I pursed my lips a little before pressing them against his, “Is that a yes?”

“What do you think?” I whispered beneath my breath as tears rolled down my cheeks.

… …. ….

I cuddled up on the couch in the middle of night, waiting for him to return. It was raining heavily again and I didn’t feel good about it. The sound of the raindrops made me ponder about a lot of issues—the issues between Minho and I.

Minho was nowhere to be seen despite waiting for him for hours in our apartment. As I shifted my gaze away from the window onto the set of documents on the glass table, my heart sank almost immediately. The word “Divorce” was all that I could read and it was so painful when that word repeated in my mind like a broken recorder. I burst into tears at the moment the front door creaked open.

“Why are you crying?” He asked.

“I need to talk to you, Minho.” I wiped the tears away and gripped on to the rim of my skirt tightly, “Let’s get a divorce.”


A/N: I am working right now for almost 12 hours a day. I totally feel like dying now and my body is giving me signals of pure exhaustion. My nose freaking bled like Nigeria Fall last night. :\


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Chapter 2: is so sad story :(
YoonTaeRi #2
Chapter 1: It's beautifully written. I love it ^^
DawnD2014 #3
Chapter 2: This was sad but it was good :)
kpop4u #4
This is so sad... poor minhoooo
LovingKPop4Lyfe #5
Sooo SADDD!!! Its sad that she dies when Minho just figured out how he felt...
That was really sad ;~; but also soo good and well written. Poor Minho and poor baby :(