Chapter 2

Behind The Pages of Lies

Tugging lightly on his horse's reins, Howon entered the now drunk village of Nivea with a black piece of cloth wrapped around his head. He didn’t want unnecessary attention to be drawn to himself.

The celebrations for the Annual Wine Festival were already over yet drunk, wasted men littered the street. However, Howon remained unfazed even if an old man decided it was the perfect time to wake up from his drunken slumber to throw up all the contents from his stomach onto Howon's shoes.

Chuckling good-heartedly, Howon just grabbed a rag he found on the pathway to wipe his shoe clean. Throwing it back down, he continued on his way.

Just then, he was called over by a man who looked like he was in his late 40s. Howon wondered if the man's eyes were opened or close because the man's eyes were so small. Howon couldn't help but think how much the man looked like a hamster.

The man had chestnut-colored hair with some white strands, not because he naturally had the color, but because of the sun's rays bleaching them. Years under the sun had also caused his skin to turn dark brown. Wrinkles on his face were caused by working so hard over the years. The kind, welcoming expression that splayed on his face reminded Howon of his late father as the man beckoned for him to approach.

Howon gave him a once-over as he advanced forward. The man wore a dirty toga that was once a pure white. Howon deduced that the dirt covering the toga was soil and dirt from the fields, meaning he was a farmer. It was also obvious when Howon spotted some farming equipment next to the man seated on the stone sidewalk.

"Here, take some bread. You must be hungry," the man offered, sticking his hand out for Howon to receive the bread. Indeed Howon was hungry, but this man could be an enemy in disguise.

The man snorted when he saw Howon hesitate, "Young people nowadays are so suspicious of everyone. Look, it's not poisoned!" After his declaration, the piece of bread was tossed into the man's mouth. Guilty, Howon shuffled in his spot beside him, not sure if he should leave or sit down. His internal debate was answered when he was abruptly pulled down by a tug from the man.

Surprised at the man's strength, Howon just gaped at him. "What? Do you think all old people are feeble and frail?" Unable to think of words, Howon just shook his head. Though man had just told Howon off, he still offered Howon some bread.

His instincts weren't ringing any alarms for him to get away. In fact, they were telling him to stay and trust the man. His instincts were never wrong. No matter how good the disguises of his enemies were, his instincts would be able to tell.

In the end, Howon grateful received the bread to fill his hungry stomach as well as his horse's. Relaxing visibly, the man started to chat with Howon, "Today, we celebrate our Annual Wine Festival and my daughter was crowned the Wine Princess this year. Imagine that! A daughter of a poor farmer being crowned the Wine Princess! Ha! That showed the 'elites', as they call themselves."

Howon's ears pricked up. Maybe she was who he was supposed to be looking for. Casually, he asked the man, "Really? She must be really pretty then."

The man nodded furiously, "Of course. She's my daughter. Some say that her suitors are so in love with her that they have neglected Aphrodite's worship temples! But I hope that's not true. I don't want anything to happen to my dear daughter lest the gods get wind of this!"

Unknown to him, the gods had already heard of the small rumor. Howon was ridden with guilt but he had to do his job. "Can I see her?" he asked. The man broke out into a wide grin, nodding his head, before leading the young man to his house in the poorer districts in Nivea. It wasn't very different from the richer districts though, it was just that the houses here were built smaller and with less extravagant designs.

Pushing the wooden door open, Howon was led into an oil-lantern-lit living room. There was only a small dining table in the middle of the room and several cupboards lining the walls. Two doorways were carved out from the stone walls, one leading to the kitchen and the other to what Howon presumed to be a room.

From the kitchen came a lady in her late 30s carrying an oil lamp and a basket filled with clothes. Looking up, she gasped in surprise, "Who is this young man?"

Howon watched as the gaze in the man's eyes changed to one of love and warmth as he approached the lady. Kissing her on the cheek, the man introduced the young man, "This is... Er... What's your name?'

"Howo- I mean Hoya." Howon caught himself before his tongue slipped.

A pang shot through Howon. Hoya? That was the nickname his friends used to call him. That was, before they passed away to join Hades and his souls in the Underworld.

"Hoya, that's a nice name. But isn't it the name of a flower?" the lady questioned. Howon replied with an embarrassed bow of his head, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly.

"He's here to see Sunglan," the man's eyes twinkled, mirroring his wife's, though Howon couldn't be too sure because the man's almost-closed eyes.

Pushing through the heavy the heavy linen draped across the doorway, a young girl no older than 17 stepped out. "Father, you were looking for me?" she called out.

Howon's body pivoted toward the source of the voice, wanting to see for himself if the melodic voice matched her face. He was, indeed, not disappointed. Despite being the daughter of a farmer, Sunglan had skin that reminded him of Damask roses. Her light pink toga was draped lightly over her slim waist with the help of a piece of rope.

Perfectly arched eyebrows and high cheekbones were carved on her face. A straight nose was placed between two brownish orbs that radiated innocence. Howon's eyes were drawn to the Sunglan's Cupid's bow lips. He could only vaguely think about how he would like to kiss the hell out of those lips.

Howon, like many other men, had fallen hopelessly and passionately in love with the young lady in front of him. Only one thought passed in his head as the man introduced Howon to Sunglan - He had to see her again some other time.

This didn't turn out to well too... And I at describing facial features. Scenery, people in general is fine. Just not facial features. T.T

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Seriously, it sounds sooooo much better in my head......


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Chapter 1: ngaww the writing is so... pretty :''') HAHA NICE ONEEEE
Ohhh this sounds intresting. It's been a while since I found a story where I was really found of the writing style ^^
OMG HOYA THE CUPID?! Wow that's a hot one! XD
really curious.. Who is the cupid? Hmmm