Face to face

Into their lives, again

Sung Yeol’s POV

“Appa and Ha Nuel umma, here’s something I made for the special occasion. It’s not as fancy and as good as the usual dishes, but I hope you’ll like it.”

“Aw~ Don’t worry son. If it’s something you made, it will surely be delicious.”

Then appa takes a spoonful of the soup Woo Hyun hyung made, follows by Ha Nuel umma.

“As expected, our Woo Hyun’s soup is the tasty.”

“Really umma?”

“Really hyung. It’s absolutely divine.”

“Wait, how do you know that? Appa and umma are the first ones to taste this.”


“Lee Sung Jong, did you sneak in the kitchen?” Sung Gyu sternly asks. Seeing his silence, he immediately knocks Sung Jong’s head. “Yah!”

“But hyung,” Sung Jong whines. “Dong Woo hyung and Sung Yeol hyung also did that.”

“Yah, I told you not to say anything.” Dong Woo hyung and I shout simultaneously. That kid! We agreed not to bail one out earlier.

“Sorry hyungs. Sung Gyu hyung was too scary.”

“Yah, I was not that scary!” We all can’t help but burst out laughing. His face was just too funny.

“But I’ve got to say Woo Hyun, it’s been a while since you last cooked us anything. When you were young, you used to make us lemonades, or cookies. You can’t imagine how surprise your appa and I were when Ho Won said you were in the cooking club earlier.”

“In fact, you all surprise us these days. Everything, from your hobbies and your attitudes have changed a lot. And here I am, worried that you will turn into one of those constantly frowning old men.”

What appa say makes us all laugh. It’s true, intentionally or unintentionally, we have changed, positively of course. All thanks to Jang Mi.

Speaking of Jang Mi…

“Jang Mi-ah, have some more of this.”

“Ah no, thank you. I don’t eat very much.”

“Ey~ you should eat more dear.” Ha Nuel umma says. “You a bit too thin. A little more meat would do you good.”

“Yeah. Just like that kid Myung Soo. Look at him, literally having a meal for three people over there. And what he does after this is literally just sleeping.”

“Hey, you’re not that older than me. You can’t call me “kid”! And I don’t sleep after this!” He pouts, making all of us laugh. Ah~ This is the life.

“Yah, prepare our seats pronto! We’re having dinner at the dining room!” We hear a yell from outside the door, follow by a small “Yes madam”. Without any word, except Jang Mi of course, we all know who she was, all who they were.

“Oh hello. What a warm family dinner. Too bad nobody tell us about this.”

“Sorry unnie. You were out shopping so I thought you were eating out.”

“Sure we were. But we couldn’t possibly miss this… gathering.”

The tension in the room is so thick, that of course, you can cut it with a knife.

“Oh, who this?”

“Uhm… mother, this is Jang Mi. She’s our fr- she’s a classmate of Myung Soo. You’ve met her before.”

“Oh yes, Jung Mi ssi, the girl with the mundane background.”

“It’s Jang Mi, Kim Jang Mi madam.” I look at Jang Mi apologetically, but she smiles back. I guess she understands the situation.

Even I, the joker of the group, can’t say anything now.

“Hey, what’s this? Did a chef make a mistake today? Why did he allow such a thing on our table?” Ga Eun mother say. I follow her finger and see the soup hyung made. Uh oh.

“Uhm… mother, I made th-”

“I bought it.” Appa cuts in. “I feel like we should try something new today. I bought it from a restaurant.”

“Must be one of those cheap restaurants.” Min Ji mother says. “Because this thing is so tasteless. Not even half as good as what we usually have.”

Ouch. That must hurt hyung a lot. We subtly glance at Woo Hyun hyung, checking if he’s ok. He doesn’t look too fazed by it, although that could be an act.

“Well.” Appa fake coughs. “Sons, you should go to the study room to resume your study once you’re done with dinner. And Jang Mi dear, you’re free to have a tour around the house if you want. I can ask Mr. Byun to take you.

“No thank you sir. I think I’ll go to the study room too. The book collections I saw there look interesting.”

No word is needed. We eight simultaneously stand up. “Thank you for the meal.” I pull Myung Soo with me, in case he’s still hungry towards the study room.

Thanks appa.

Your POV

“I’m sorry for my mothers Jang Mi.”

“No sweat. I understand your mothers’ concern.” No, I really do not. Just because I’m not rich, or I’m not from an extremely good background, they look down on me? “It’s fine, really.”

“Oh my God. Guys. I have a text from SM!”

“Really!? What is it?” The others exclaim, which makes me chuckle. I knew it. They really do want to be idols.

“It says… It says… Oh God, I can’t read it. Dong Woo, read it for me.”


“I’ll read it.” I calmly take the phone from Sung Gyu. In these moments, I’m pretty much the anchor for the group. I keep the boys down on the ground. “Hm… Oh~ Oh! Oh…”

“What is it Jang Mi?”

“Congratulation guys. You are all invited to join the 2nd audition!”

“Huh? 2nd audition?”

“Yeah. Do you know what this means? This means SM is pleased with you seven, and you are closer to being a trainee there!”



As soon as I finish, the boys jump up and down in cheers. How adorable. I knew that could make it. The 2nd audition should be a breeze. Unnies told me they mostly do personality check and variety senses there. Passing the 1st audition already means they’ve approved your talent.

“This calls for celebration!”

“Yes! Food!!!”

“Food again Myung Soo? We just have dinner.”

“But I’m hungry Woo Hyun hyung.”

“It’s fine. I’ll ask the chef. You guys stay here and share the joy ok?”

“But you don’t know the kitchen well Jang Mi.”

“Don’t worry. I still have to have that tour anyway.”

I close the door gently. I’m glad it has gradually worked out for them. They deserve it. They are nice kids.

I think the kitchen is this way…

“Can we have a little chat?” Someone asks. Oh, the trio.


“You seem close to our sons?”

“I guess so. We’re schoolmates after all.”

“Schoolmates? What a nice title. But I’m sure there’s a better title for you. “Girlfriend”, “Girlfriend” of the seven sons, potential heirs of Woollim.”

“Oh come on unnie. Don’t be like that to the girl. I’m sure nobody’s that greedy, being a partner with seven rich guys at the same time. My, with her statue, she’s already lucky to even know one.”

“Madam here is right. I don’t have any intention for befriending anyone. Besides, INFINITE is honestly decent men. They at least once should be treated well without any underlying scheme.”

“What are you hinting, girl?” She snarls. Good. I think they’ve got the message.

“I’m not sure what are you talking about madam. I just simply mean it.” I politely answer. “And madam, if you want to talk about something important, I can stay. But if you don’t, may I suggest you have a chat with someone else?”

They look insulted, angry. But, trying to keep up the lady-like images, they lift their heads and say nothing.

“Very well. We’re going to have a rest in our rooms anyway. A young girl like you also need to go home soon, or people will get the wrong idea. You don’t belong in such a luxury mansion. I’m sure you know your place girl.” I bow slightly to her, with a seemingly polite smile.

You thought that will get me? You didn’t know, but I had spent few years of my life in here, listening to your words, your ranting. You three women thought I didn’t understand how your materialist minds worked? You thought I didn’t know how to deal with snobs?

“Yes madam. I’ll be leaving soon. I’m not the type trying hard to get to somewhere I’m not. I can’t even imagine being some sly fox trying to be a dragon.” My voice soft, not even a trace of malice in there. Sometimes I wonder where I even get this skill from.


“Ah, madam.”

“Aish, this girl.” She scolds playfully. “I told you, you can call me Ha Nuel umma if you want. You’re like a daughter I wish I had.” I know. I want to call you that too. But that might be too personal. After all, we are only “acquaintance” right now. Sorry Ha Nuel umma.

“Maybe not right now madam.”

“I understand.”

“What are you doing here anyway? I’m here to get some food for INFINITE. They didn’t really finish their meals earlier.” I’m sure she understands why.

“I was looking for a small broom. I was cleaning my work room.”

“Oh really. May I help you madam?” I’m sure the boys understand. I think they’re still celebrating in the study room. Besides, umma took great care of me when I was still an unanimated object. This may repay her a bit.

“Well, if you don’t mind.”

Ha Nuel’s POV

I knew I would catch the girl wandering somewhere.

Well, not really. I was honestly thirsty.

But this gives me a chance to give her the letter. It was foretold that she would receive it, so why not now? That’s her parents’ to her after all. “What belongs to you, will come to you.”

“Dear, would you mind dusting these frames?”

“Not at all madam.” Madam. I makes me feel so old. I wish she just call me “umma”. I can’t have any children. Even with seven boys, I still wish to have one of my own. Ever since I knew of Rose, I’ve considered her as my own daughter. The moment I laid my eyes on her, I understood why my husband’s sister was so caring towards her.

“Madam… May I ask what this is?”

Ah~ She’s interested in that. Naturally.

“It’s a letter from my husband’s sister and brother-in-law. It’s for their daughter.

“Daughter? Then why are you keeping it?”

“She never had a chance to read it… You may read it if you want. There’s nothing secret in there. And it is a very sweet letter.” I help her take down the framed letter and open it. I carefully put down the old, well-kept paper inside.

She starts reading it, while I can’t help but her hair. Even without looking at it, I remember the content of the letter. I used to read it over and over.

“Dear daughter,” I mentally recite.

“I know it’s silly of us to write this. And I know you can’t possibly read this. But I just want to write this. Who knows? Maybe one day you can read this. Pinocchio happened right?

You probably should know this. You were born out of grief. Me, your mother, had a miscarriage before. It was a girl too. She would have been your sister. We named her “Hannah”.

After her death, we were devastated. Especially your mother. She almost faced death countless times.

By chance, I have this crazy idea. What if I make her, make us, another daughter?

And then we create you. From the most valuable materials in the world. By the most highly rated workers in the world. You are indeed, our biggest treasure.

At first, you were a replacement of Hannah in our minds. I know it’s bad. Times I even have break-downs when it dawned on me that you were just a doll.

But then, we’ve come to realize why we care for you so much. So much that we’ve accepted to become a couple of old coops to everyone else. Because, we did give birth to you. Because, we did raise you with all our might. Because, we did panic whenever we saw a crack on the glass cage. Because, we really do care for you. Because, you ARE our daughter.

I know, this is cheesy. All of this. But we have to. We can’t live forever. After us, I can’t be sure you are well-cared anymore. We wrote this, in hope that whoever has you next, loves you as much as we did.

Infinite Love,

Mom and Dad.”

“Jang Mi dear, are you ok?”

“No. I’m… I’m fine. It’s nothing.” She’s just like her father, always master up her feelings so well. If I hadn’t been fast enough, I wouldn’t have caught those glossy eyes.

I hug her, hiding my tears behind her back.

“Uhm… madam?”

“It’s nothing. I just want to hug you dear.” I couldn’t possibly say I know the truth.

“…” I smile, as I feel she relax into the hug.

Not good at the sentimental parts so... sorry if I didn't do it well enough.

I just want to put the girl back to the family love after a while.

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good fic girl!, keep going~
lizharuharu #2
Chapter 35: As much as I would like for her to be with Zico I don't think it's right for her to do that to her friend plus block B love her friend and vice versa. She should just end up with Infinite
waaah that's cool really hope you
update soon fighting !
Chapter 29: More please i beg you
Chapter 27: i'm loving this <333
tinado58 #6
This is a really cute story. Please update again when you can soon!
vanessanesangtae #7
Chapter 19: Yeeey new update!! Hehe