Of stutters, and blushing, and stupid Kim Himchan

Good Night


It was a few minutes past eleven on a Sunday night when Suu got a knock on her dorm room's door. 
She had put away the laptop and dragged her sleepy self out of bed to get to the door, expecting nothing other than a dorm supervisor checking in on her, or maybe a friend from across the hall searching for a tampon or something. 
It was a few minutes past eleven on a Sunday night when Suu opened the door to a tall, messy haired, nonetheless beautiful boy, also known as her boyfriend. 
"Hey." Himchan smiled a wide blinding smile, and gave her a small wave as she stood there, speechless and frozen. 
When she finally took in that he, the boy she was deeply in love with whom she only gets to see half of a handful of times every month, was indeed standing in front of her, she immediately wrapped her arms around him, and then immediately pulled away again, a stern look on her face.
"What are you doing here?!" She exclaimed strictly, making Himchan stumble back a bit. Despite her extreme happiness and complete disbelief that her boyfriend was here to see her, she didn't forget it was eleven at night, and Himchan was in the wrong dorm. She also didn't forget the consequences he, and she too, would recieve if they were to be caught.  
"Gee, I would've preferred you to just hug me some more, that wasn't exactly the reaction I was expecting." He frowned. 
"You didn't answer me!" She whispered loudly, looking down the hall to make sure no one was around, or seemed to have heard them yet. "Why are you here??" 
He yawned and shrugged, "I don't know. I'm bored."
"What the hell? It's eleven at night, and you risk your entire life coming to a girls' dorm simply because you're bored." She dropped her head and shook it in astonishment at how stupid her boyfriend could be as he nodded at her. "You need to go! You're breaking one of the biggest rules at this school!" 
"Aw, come on, just let me stay for a teeny bit! All my efforts on getting here would be put to waste if I just left!" 
"No, Himchan! We can't risk that! If you're bored just go back and play something on the internet like you always do!" She scolded, as he pouted at her. 
"Fine..." He sighed, turning slightly away before snapping his head towards her again before a second could even pass. "Is 'there's a ghost in my room and I don't want to stay in there' a good enough excuse for you?" 
Suu rolled her eyes and shook her head. "I won't take excuses Himchan. You need to run, they clearly said boys aren't allowed in girls' rooms after dark."
"But Suu-"
She sighed and closed the door, more harsh than she had intented, only realizing Himchan's foot had been caught in the cross fire once he had let out a rather girlish yelp that was way too loud to go unnoticed at eleven at night. In the shock of the moment she had slapped her hand onto his mouth and flung him into the room, closing the door as quickly and quietly as possible.
"What was that fo-" He started, before Suu brought her hand to his mouth once again, muffling his annoyingly loud -and admittedly attractive- voice. 
"If you get caught, we get caught, and our time seeing each other will drop down to none when you get kicked out of school, you got that?" She whispered, letting go of his mouth once he nodded, and made her way to peep out the door into the empty hall. When no one else had stuck their heads out or came into the hall to question Suu about the noise, she closed the door and let out a sigh of relief.
"You're in luck, no one caug-" She had began, before turning around and getting a nice view of the tall, promiscious boy's back as he took off his shirt. She was the one to yelp this time, pushing him away with full force since well, she didn't know what else to do in this kind of situation, and turned towards the door to hide her face. "HIMCHAN WHAT THE FU-" 
"SHHHHHH!" He laughed, turning around and dropping his hands to let his shirt fall back into place.  
"S-SERIOUSLY HIMCHAN WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" She exclaimed, sounding more surprised and flustered than the disgusted tone she was going for. 
"Well , I'm not that ugly am I?" He laughed, before plopping down to sit on her bed. "You can turn around now, I'm not shirtless, I was just playing around, sheesh."
"Your way of playing around is really weird, seriously..." Suu hissed, turning around slowly in order to hide the tint of red her cheeks had became. Himchan just smiled that dumb smile back at her and patted the blanket on the space beside him. She eyed him and crossed her arms."What do you want?" 
He rolled his eyes and scoffed. "Looking at someone while patting a seat is an international gesture of 'Hey you, come sit your here', like, you don't even need to be speaking the same language to understand what that gesture means, are you seriously that dumb?" 
"Excuse me, but I'm not the idiot that snuck his way out of his dormitory, ran through the courtyard, somehow got around the gate, and into his girlfriend's dorm at 11 at night, with clear understanding that this will get him kicked out of school if he were to be caught." She retorted.
"Hey, excuse you, but how does that make me an idiot? That's actually really impressive, and chivalrous okay, ask anyone." He smirked, before leaning backwards and plopping down on his back, turning on his side to look at his flustered girlfriend by the door. "You should be flattered, I risked all of that for you." He propped his elbow on the bed and leaned his head onto his hand. "I really wanted to see my girlfriend."
Despite her grumpy mood and annoyance with her stupid boyfriend, she couldn't help but soften at that. With school, and all the dumb strict rules, not to mention the scary teachers with eyes like hawks, they rarely had any time for eachother. The only times they were really necessarily allowed to interact at all was at the holiday dances, where the boys' school and girls' school would share a gym for a night and have as much fun as they could squeeze into such small time and space. Of course, they had made their way around to break the rules as low key and as little as possible -since Suu was not the type to break the rules-, but even she had wanted way more than what little time they had. And time with Himchan was really all she ever wanted.
Himchan smiled when he noticed her face soften, mentally congratulating himself since he knew that meant she'd let him stay.
"Okay fine, you big cheesy idiot." She sighed, giving in and dropping her arms to her sides. "You can stay here for a while. But when it hits twelve you're getting your back to your dorm. If that's even possible. I mean, how did you even manage to get here? Do you have the power of invisibility? Were you hiding that from me?"
"Not the power of invisibility." He grinned, making a heart out of his hands from his position on the bed. "The power of love." 
She gagged rather loudly and couldn't help but laugh along with him when he did. The laughter ceased once she had realized she was the only one left laughing as Himchan just stared at her with a content smile on his face. She was used to it, considering Himchan had always just liked to look into her eyes like that, but she still broke the eye contact and looked down at her hands once a minute or two passed. 
"C-Can you at least get off my bed?" She stuttered, trying to hide her flustered emotions as much as possible. "It's enough to think I had a boy in my room after dark or even in my room at all for that matter. I don't want to live with the guilt of letting him on my bed as well." 
"Owww..." He moaned, grabbing his foot and rolling onto his stomach, letting his face suffocate in the mattress. "Ow, it hurts so, so much! I don't think I can move with this searing pain in my foot. I wonder whose fault that is?" 
Suu scoffed and stormed over to the bed, slapping his leg. "Stop acting, you baby." 
Himchan whimpered rather pitifully and embarassingly into the bed and let out another overexaggerated moan. She prayed no one would hear that. She definitely did not want to get accused for other things on top of letting a boy in her room. "How could you do this to me, Suu?! Oh, the pain!! OH, the horrible, horrible pa-" 
"Dear god, make this alien shut up!" She groaned, shaking her head at the pathetic thing lying on her bed. He continued to babble on about how much it hurt and how a broken foot would effect his good looks and owing him life insurance and other such dumb, typical Himchan things until she finally gave up and ruffled her hair, rather exasperated. "Okay, OKAY, just tell me how I can make it up to you so you can close your mouth!" 
He instantly stopped his crying and flipped over, sitting up on his previous spot on the bed and patted the seat beside him once again. She sighed, fixing her skirt before sitting down beside him. He immediately flung his left arm around her waist and grabbed her right hand with his. 
"There, are you happy now?" She smiled, quickly losing all her previous annoyance in the matter of seconds as they settled in this position. She missed this alot, and holding hands was a weakness of hers. 
"Very happy." He smiled back, quickly stealing a kiss and pulling away before she could even realize what he had done. She brought her hand to her lips and widened her eyes. Despite the shock and that part in her mind telling her 'THERE'S A BOY IN YOUR ROOM ON YOUR BED AND HE'S KISSING YOU AND IT'S NIGHT TIME AND SUU NO THIS ISN'T RIGHT' she couldn't help but feel her face heat up again. She had missed that alot too. 
"H-Hey, what was that for?" She mumbled, looking down at their intertwined hands to avoid his eyes. She was really bad at looking at him when she was flustered. She had always felt that if she looked for too long, she would explode. Not even exaggerating. Himchan's laugh came from beside her, and got closer once she felt his lips against her cheek. 
"What do you mean 'what was that for'? Are you saying you don't deserve free kisses? Do you feel like you should work to earn your kisses from me? 'Cause if that's the case, I have a few things in mind that could work..." He raised an eyebrow and laughed even harder as she rapidly shook her head, trying to brush away all thoughts of what he was implying exactly. Himchan was always erted, and Suu was too innocent for life. He was good at making her flustered without even really trying, and it was partially why he liked teasing her so much. But mostly because he just found her so cute when she was red faced and squirming, staring anywhere but at him, just like she was right now.
"It's been way too long since I've seen you, and you're still as pure as ever, I see?" He smiled, pulling her waist closer and letting his head fall onto her shoulder. 
"Shut up..." She managed to reply, still bewildered as to how she had found herself on a bed with her boyfriend, with his hair tickling her neck. It was eleven at night. And she was in a room. On a bed. With her boyfriend. With his hair tickling he-
"Are you scared?" He asked, as if reading her mind, before slowly lifting his head off her shoulder and sitting up straight. She looked back at him and shook her head, eyes wide at the sudden question. 
"Wh-what? Of course not!" She stuttered, her voice betraying her as usual. 
"You're all stiff and nervous." He laughed, sweetly bringing his hand from her waist to her shoulder instead. "Sorry. I know you're not too used to these kind of intimate things. I was just really excited to see you again, that's all." 
"Why are you apologizing?" She began, swallowing the lump in she didn't even realize was there. "There's nothing to apologize for..." She remarked.
It was amazing how much Himchan knew about her. And it was even more outstanding that he could understand so well. It just goes to show how much he cared and thought about her, and Suu knew that. And she loved it, she loved him, she really did. It's just, she was never really one to be good at expressing her feelings. Himchan knew her "hatred" towards him was just her own way of showing how much she liked him too, and he didn't dislike it or complain or anything, but she couldn't help but hate herself for being like that. She wanted to say "Thank you" and "Seriously, I missed you so much", and other things that a good girlfriend should say in return to such a sweet, understanding boyfriend, but she just didn't know how.
So instead of saying any of the tons of things running through her mind, she just continued to stare silently at their intertwined hands. 
Himchan simply continued to look a her in silence for a few minutes, taking as much of her in as he could, before pursings his lips and nodding. "It's probably time to go, huh?" He smiled a small smile and lifted her hand to his lips, kissing them softly. 
Her heart dropped at the statement, but she still found herself nodding in reluctant agreement as he stood up. When he began to walk towards the door and she felt his hand slide out of her grasp, she quickly tightened her fingers around his again, stopping him in his tracks. "Wh-... when's the next time we see each other?" 
Himchan smiled, and shrugged. "Well, when's the next holiday?" He laughed, supposedly making a joke, but she didn't find it anywhere near funny. The next holiday was Valentines, and that was still months away. Sometimes the school even prevented Valentines day dances since "students shouldn't be celebrating love at this age". She really hated this stupid school.
He pouted when he saw her expression fall into a frown. "Don't be sad, baby." He dropped to his knees in front of her and gave her a reassuring smile. "We can always try sneaking out of class once or twice again, you know, if they don't decide on taking our cell phones or something..." 
She stared back into his eyes as he smiled at her, and without thinking, or even meaning to, she had flung her arms around his neck and fell onto lap, stuffing her face into his shoulder. As surprised as Himchan was at the sudden gesture, he had still managed to wrap his arms around her waist. 
"I'll miss you." They both said at the same time, pulling away and looking at eachother before laughing again. 
"You know, Suu," Himchan started when they stopped laughing, and Suu tilted her head. "this position is rather promising." He smirked, all sweet fluffiness suddenly disappearing from his voice, replaced with that of the familiar, playful and mischievous one she was always so used to hearing. She widened her eyes when she understood that yes, sitting on your boyfriend's lap with his hands at your waist and your chests pressed together was a position that could lead to other things she didn't intend on, and she was right about to scramble off but of course - it was too late. Himchan had already picked her up and wrapped her legs around his waist. 
"H-Himchan, stop!" She began as he suddenly fell forward and let her back fall onto the bed. She couldn't get her mind to function properly as he crawled over her, arms and legs caging her body between them. That little warning alarm started going off in her head as she watched in terror and confusion and temporary disability to move or say anything whatsoever as he brought his face to hers. She shut her eyes tight and clenched her fists, mind still spinning when she felt his breath near her lips. 
Suddenly there was a burst of laughter, and she opened her eyes in time to see Himchan sit up and wrap his arms around his stomach as he laughed obnoxiously. 
"Oh sweet heavens, my girlfriend is the cutest." Himchan wiped a fake tear from his eye, and pat her head as she quickly sat up and slapped him on the shoulder again. 
"You... you!!... You !" She exclaimed, so confused and flustered over what had just happened to make a better comeback. She should've guessed he was just teasing though. It was Himchan after all. 
"Oh come on, Suu." He smiled taking her hand in his once again. "I won't do anything to you. I didn't know you didn't trust me." 
"No! It's not that I don't trust you, it's just that you're a big damn tease all the damn-" She tried to explain but was cut off as Himchan's lips met hers again. She stiffened up at the sudden contact and he pulled away again, pointing at her. 
"See?! I felt that! You don't trust me!" Himchan pouted, looking rather hurt. 
"N-No! I do! I do trust you! You just caught me off guard!" She stammered, tightening her grip on his hand. 
"As if. I can't even kiss you without you getting all nervous. I see how it is." 
"I'm not nervous because I don't trust you, I'm just nervous because... well I don't even know, okay?!"
Himchan rolled his eyes and pulled his hand away from hers, crossing his ams. "You don't trust me." She leaned for his hand again but he tucked both of them tighter under his arms.
"Don't be like that Himchan!" She whined, pulling on his arm, but he looked the opposite direction and stayed frozen. She let out the hundredth sigh she had sighed that night. "Fine! Fine, Himchan, fine! D-... do it again. I swear I trust you." 
She didn't even really finish the sentence before his lips were against hers again. She squeezed her eyes shut once more, and began to relax, letting him kiss her like they usually did, only not at night and not in her room and especially not on her bed. Himchan smiled through the kiss and slowly started leaning forward, pushing her to lie back on the mattress before she pulled back a bit. She was about to stammer and question him again before he whispered "Hey, pulling away means you don't trust me", and she had quickly pressed her lips back onto his again. He was such a child sometimes.
In a matter of seconds she was lying back on the bed, Himchan's lips still pressed on hers, and eyes still shut tight. But she wasn't at all as nervous as she should've been. She did trust him. She knew he wouldn't do anything she wouldn't want to do. That caring and understanding side of him was one of the traits she loved the most about the silly childish idiot lying on top of her. 
After what felt like sweet, and admittedly perfect eternity that she wouldn't mind to live in forever, he pulled away and smiled down at her. "You passed. I guess you do trust me." She looked up at him and blushed, flinging her hands to cover her face and bit her lip before Himchan pulled her hands apart. 
"Why are you hiding like that?" He scoffed, brushing the strands of hair from her face. 
"This is... embarassing... Himchan..." She murmured, attempting to cover her face once more, but with Himchan's strong hands still holding hers apart, there was no use to struggle. 
"What's embarassing? What's there to be embarassed of?" He continued, leaning close to touch noses. 
"N-no, it's just.." Suu stuttered, only to be cut off once again by Himchan's laugh and a small kiss on her lips. He pulled a few centimeteres away from her face as she blushed even harder. 
"You're really too cute, you know that right?" He smiled, sweetly looking into her eyes before sitting up and poking her side. "Alright, alright, no more teasing." He laughed. "That should've been enough kisses to last us until Valentines, right?" 
Suu sat up as well and looked down into her lap like always, playing with the hem of her skirt and nodding. She looked up as he stood up and fixed his hair briefly while he passed her mirror, putting his shoes back on as he got to the door. 
"I should run, they clearly said boys aren't allowed in girls' dorms after dark." He winked, and she let out a small laugh. He brought his hand to the door knob and turned to Suu one last time. "What? I'm not even gonna get at least one last good night kiss? After all the risks I've taken and even this throbbing foot?" 
With the last sigh of the night, she jumped off her bed and wrapped her arms over his shoulders, kissing him softly one more sweet time.
"Good night." She whispered, waving slightly as he quietly opened the door, smiling a satisfied smile to himself. 
"Good night." He returned, and finally shut the door behind him. 
She brought her hands to her chest and just let all the pretty feelings build up inside. It always felt so nice after spending time with him. She looked at the time and had a bit of a panic attack when she noticed it was already a few minutes before twelve. It would be the end of everything if Himchan were to be caught at this time, and if he were kicked out of school, who knew when the two would ever get to spend any time ever again? But before she could even worry or make her way back to bed to pray he get back without getting caught, there was a slight knock at the door. 
She froze in her spot. Had someone heard? Was it one of the supervisors? , she was in deep now. , he was in even deeper now. What if he got caught? What if they were both kicked out? She only moved once the knock was on the door again, and she raced to open it, bracing herself for whatever she would have to deal with, when a familiar, black haired boy walked in for the second time that night.
Before she could say anything or slap him for not leaving yet, he spoke once again.
"Is 'I can't go because my foot hurts too much' a good enough excuse for you?"
/End ♥
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seung97 #1
Chapter 1: kyaaaa,i love this story so much!!
cute overload! =.=
IloveInfinite7 #3
Chapter 1: This story is ASDFGHJKL AND SO DOES Himchannie♥
Chapter 1: Its cute.... Himcha's so adorable.... hahaha... he clearly don't want to leave her.... so cute.... Himchan-ah, why are you doing this to me?, now i can't pick my bias.... hahaha... anyway, keep it up....
Chapter 1: Awww this was so cute xD
And clearly Himchan didn't want to leave so that's why he made up all those excuses. HAHAHAHA XD
Chapter 1: oooh i love how you wrote himchan in this. he is so adorable... this is pure fluff gold :)
Chapter 1: this is too lovely. too lovely that i'm sure i can have sweet dreams later. :)
This is such a cute & sweet story. :)
Himchan!! So cute :)
this was one of the cutest things I ever read. I loved it. <3 Himchan and his excuses...XD