3 -1 = A Broken Heart...

You've Fallen For Me [Being Re-Written]

Sulli P.O.V

We got to the hospital as soon as we could. Aunt was crying like a baby, and I could undertsand that. Suzy is all that she has left.

When we arrived, they immediately let us in to see her, but she was asleep. She had a few cuts on her face and a broken leg, but besides that she looked fine. We sat there, and waited there for her to gain coinciousness.

A few minutes later, her friends entered silently and sat down on a couch at the far end corner of the room, given that my aunt and I were occupying the chairs to be close to Suzy.

"How is she?" Tara whispered.

"She's okay, she just got some scratches and a broken leg" aunt said trying to sound reasuring but she just sounded worried.

"Then everything will be fine, I got so worried, you know I think of her as a sister." A girl who I didn't recognize at first said. Then I recognized her.

She is Solbi, one of the hottest models and singer in Korea. How did Suzy know her?

"I know Solbi, you care for her just as you care for Hannah" aunt said with a gentle smile.

So Solbi and Hannah are sisters? Hmmm they don't really resemble each other.

We talked quietly for a few minutes until, we saw that Suzy began to stir in her sleep. Then she slowly opened her eyes.

Then the panic started.


OKAY? IS HE DEAD?" she kept screaming that over and over again.

Then someone came in.


Hyun Joong P.O.V


Suzy and Tara are two really different girls. And they both make me feel so different.

I like getting on Tara's nerves, like the time I was asleep at the library and she scolded me.

She's really pretty and she's also a very smart girl. I love that in a girl.

But then, there's Suzy. She is so cold, so guarded. Every time that I see her, it makes we want to do something to melt that ice. I want to know what happened to her, for her to be that way. She really is a whole mystery to me. Just when I thought I had her figured out, I saw her smiling.


She had the most beautiful smile that I have ever seen. She looked even younger, and childlike, it just made want to take care of her. I never felt that, besides with my best friends.


I was so engrossed on my own thoughts, that I didn't see the car that was coming my way. When I truned around it was too late. I was going to get hit.

When I felt the pain, It didn't come from the direction that I expected. It all happened in the nick of time, but I saw everything in slow motion.

I was standing in front of a car, and the next thin I know, I'm lying on the ground, at the side of the street. I sit up, I have a few scratches on me left arm and leg, but it doesn't matter.


What matters, is the person lying on the floor, in the exact same spot that I was a few seconds ago.

It was Suzy.

She was sprawled on the ground with her leg was at a weird angle, and I immediately knew it was broken.


But all that didn't matter now. What mattered was that she saved Me from getting run over, what mattered was that she wasn't moving.

I had to get her some help.Fast.

I called the ambulance, and waited right there next to her.

5 minutes later the ambulance to her to the hospital and I went with her.

*End of Flashback*

"WHERE IS HE? IS HE OKAY? IS HE DEAD?" those were the words that brought me back to reality.

Since I got here I had been checking up on her, but since I saw her family and friends come see her I knew I didn't want to be seen so I kept my distance.

But now, hearing her so panicked, so scared for me, instead of worrying for herself, I didn't care.

So I went in.


Suzy P.O.V

I feel so scared! I need to know what happened. My brain just keeps on blackin out. Was I in time? Did he get hurt? Is he okay?

Why wasn't anyone answering my questions?

Were they trying to keep me calm for the bad news?

Were they hoping that I didn't ask about him?

I don't think so. They were all looking at me like I was crazy.

And that's when I saw him...



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mehakh2001 #1
Chapter 14: I think its a good idea to rewrite the story with the real names... So that the confusions get fixed.. I really hope you will continue with the new version of the story... Fighting...
Ashuasha #2
Chapter 13: Ohhh am so interested in this story...pls update my dr author
123456dj #3
Chapter 13: The story is interesting and I'm happy you're back!
love seungjo-suzy pairing..hyunmin shipper !!
waiting for ur update...!
Please update soon..
Hawaali #4
Love the story also the pairing is great hopefully authornim updates soon. Fighting
Chapter 1: Interesting work!
mamamia115 #6
Chapter 13: I love this story and the couple that i love the most is leeshin-hannah since i'm a yongshin shipper! Fighting writer
sara-js #7
Chapter 13: I love the story because I like this kind of story so you well chosen the subject it realy fabulous also well done for the stars" leaders" that attracts the intention of readers" Meee lol" it allows them to be as part to the wonderful story where they can participate that with each chapter is grow with different emotions and I appreciate your way of wirting the technics of use more logical and lovely sentences that you have put in; the way you presented each character and gives us that touches the daily life and offers to us a beautiful feeling of pleasure to be more excited to want to read more and more as in my case ;) so I hope that you can update very sooon cause it's an amazing story and I wish if you can add more scenes between my too favorite couples "seung jo & suzy" and "lee shin & hannah" THANKS :-)
T_dolce #8
Chapter 11: great 1..love all the couples. :D
nina3132 #9
I love this fanfic,your a awesome writer. :-)
Chapter 12: Loved it all. All look so compatible already. Waiting for next update.