Spring Breeze

Separation Anxiety [hiatus]


Myungsoo eyes widen. he quickly let Naeun's hands go. "Come on your highness, the maids already prepared your outfit for today's outing" He smiled at the girl as he helped her getting up. Her hair is an untangling mess, her eyes is half closed, but she has a smile plastered on her face.
"I thought i have no schedule today" she slightly pouted as she walks to her bathroom slowly
"There is no schedule today, princess. I've prepared something for you. meet me downstairs after you finished taking a bath" Myungsoo smiled as he walks out to the door
She twirled in front of the mirror, she slowly takes in what she wears. A simple blue dress with a hat with a blue flower on top of it. 
"What's up with all this blue thingy? leave it to Myungsoo and he's weird fashion sense" she sighed. 
She get out and walks down the stairs. Myungsoo and the little things he do, sure he's annoying sometimes. But, she's grateful for his presence, she basically grew up with him. She sighed again, lately she sees him from a different view, sure she's used to him following her around but there's something different. people used to tell them that they are match made in heaven, she can feel her heartbeat quickened.
"Yah! come here you lazy princess" she heard Myungsoo called for her
Naeun laughed when she sees the guy who's standing in front of her, he is dressed in a blue shirt. Her laughter grows bigger as she sees her holding a blue guitar. Myungsoo's fashion sense is seriously weird, they share their never ending love for black colored things, but sometimes Myungsoo can get so overwhelmingly obsessed with things. first is plaid shirt, now it is blue?
He can hear her laughter, but he's too focused at the fact that she looks strikingly beautiful. He smiled to himself, of course she is beautiful. What else he can expect? she seems to get more and more beautiful every day if that even possible.
"Since you said that you want to feel how it feels to going on a date. I'm going to take you on a date. Son Naeun, will you be my yeoja chingu for today?" Myungsoo stuttered. he knows this is only to please his master, but he can't help but to feel nervous. he take one more step closer to Naeun
"I, Son Naeun will be Kim Myungsoo's girlfriend for today" She smiles shyly
-2 Hour Later-
He chased after Naeun. "Your highness, watch your step" Myungsoo stepped his foot in a big meadow filled with flowers and one big tree with swing in one of its branches. 
He is satisified with his works, after three days that consist off exploring all meadow in Jeju Island he managed to find one that looks exactly like one of the pictures in Naeun's favorite book that she used to read when they're still children. It's even better when he found out that the royal family has a small cottage near the meadow. He already prepared some food in his car, but the grease Nam Woohyun and his master Park Chorong already sent some food to the cottage as well. 
He watched her chasing butterfly, picking up flowers, playing with the swing, eating her food, singing along with some random song she asked him to play with his guitar, paint a gorgeous picture of the meadow, taking photos, they danced together, hell she even managed to climb the tree once. He keep an eye for every moves that she made. He don't know how she can have that air of innocence with her, hell sometimes she even look like an angel. Everybody know she's known for her kindness and beauty
A pressure that hit his shoulder jerked Myungsoo away from his thoughts and he turned his head, watching Naeun using his shoulder as a support as she's sleeping. Smiling, his hand reaching out to her soft hair. He knows being a Crown princess wasn't easy. And despite her perfect princess image that she seems to have, she's just a normal teenage girl, and now is one of those time.
It was three in the afternoon, and the spring wind is breezing, today is a very windy day and the sun seems to hide behind the clouds providing enough lights and just enough amount of warmness to the earth. He picked the girl up and carried her bride style, he has to get this girl to the cottage. He had to stop himself from staring, she is so pure and so peaceful when she sleeps.
"Myungsoo oppa! Let's sing and dance" She finished eating the last slice of her apple pie before picking up her bodyguard's guitar and playing a sweet tune from one her singer fellas, IU song's
Myungsoo blinked. "Yah! let me play the guitar and we can sing along to it, okay?"  he let out a small chuckle 
Naeun handed the guitar as her mind flies to her dream last night, she let out a small sigh. Everything is perfect except the missing presence of that person, he never   really left her mind, much more her heart. And now, there's Myungsoo and her feelings for him. She massaged her temple sloftly, before she started singing along and dancing along with Myungsoo.
She managed to do it all, chasing butterfly, picking up flowers, playing with the swing, eating her food, singing along with some random song she asked Myungsoo to play with his guitar, paint a gorgeous picture of the meadow, taking photos, they danced together, hell she even managed to climb the tree once. 
And of course, she, Son Naeun, feeling a little sleepy and tired after all the things that she's been doing today. Her hands slowly moving up and down making a sketch of her experience today. Her love for art especially drawing is a well known secret, she sometimes wonder how it feels to be a painter that working hard for herself. Being a part of royal family means you get the best service and stuff that's available. Her train of thought was broken by sudden overwhelmingly desire to just lay down and sleep.
She put down her sketch book and stretch her hand. She decided to use Myungsoo's shoulder as her pillow. And it was three in the afternoon, with the next spring wind that breezes in the meadow she drifted to sleep with the last image of Myungsoo her hair.
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homi chapter for all of you ;;)


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Ydvvfjkch #1
Chapter 2: I love princess stories pls update it....
Myungeun ❤️❤️❤️ i love this pair
nadiapmm #2
Chapter 2: I'm new reader and I find your story is great,so please update soon author-nim!!!:3
Chapter 2: update soon ❤♡❤♡❤♡❤♡❤♡❤
I'll wait~ Hwaiting!
Thankyou!!!!!! There's gonna be a hell lot of new characters! Just wait for my update :)
Ooh.. I think your story will get lots of love dear~
So.. I guess L.Joe and Myungsoo belong to Royal Family too?? O____O
Will wait your update!^^