
Dark circus


“The circus arrived in the city!” The announcer rightfully proclaimed in that very noisy car that passed by the streets of the average sized city in Korea. Differently from the past, the circus stopped using animals for the cruelty of being punished in order to obey and entertain people, instead only human beings were accepted for that purpose now – well, if that was the career they opted for, obviously.

The commotion it caused on the population was very outstanding, especially when it was related to a very well-known circus around that area. Cho Kyuhyun felt his curiosity raise as his friends from school kept commenting continuously about such event. In his 17 years unfortunately he never went to one, not because he hated, only he never had interest in going to one to discover the magic behind such spectacle.

“Hangeng hyung, why everyone seems so excited about this? For me it seems boring.” Kyuhyun questioned his friend who was simply eyeing him awkwardly. Hangeng sighed and put down the book he had been reading before being interrupted by the younger. “You see, the circus is a place where you can be entertained by all their incredible abilities. They needed years of practice to acquire such technics. I assure you, it’s beautiful.” Hangeng gently explained while staring at the other who tilted his head, seemingly puzzled by that.

“I highly doubt that.” He defiantly spoke, which caused the older to snort – why the younger had to be so difficult to deal with?  “Fine, I’m dragging you along to prove you how wrong you are. And don’t worry, I’ll pay!” Hangeng hastily said, before the other could complain about being a waste of money.

Once night arrived, they headed towards the circle, anticipation slightly increasing from the curiosity he held towards the mysterious place. Kyuhyun blinked as the bright lights were spread around the tent, causing him to wonder if they could make him blind. The crowd kept growing, turning into an ocean of people; it was nearly unbearable staying suffocated by the great amount surrounding him. The spectacle started punctually at 9 pm, just like they promised.

The announcer happened to be the owner of the circus, surprisingly, instead of those obese bearded man, it was actually a very tall and handsome man. “Welcome to the Marionette circus! I am your host, Zhou Mi” everyone clapped in excitement as each attraction started to take place. There were interesting abilities, such as a person being able to equilibrate on such a sharpened edge – how was he even able to do that? Many strange abilities were exposed during the following presentations, which caused Kyuhyun’s curiosity to increase – were they indeed humans?

Then the main attraction was announced by the host, which cause the crowd to whine – how come it ended so soon? The lights were weakened, until a light illuminated only the center of the place, where appeared one beautiful man – in Kyuhyun’s opinion the boy was breathtaking, how come someone like him was in such place instead of the television? Kyuhyun kept his attention focused on the delicate figure that graciously moved his arms, starting to entangle himself in many suspended fabrics – they seemed so frail! The height was such, if those thin fabrics ripped the cute boy would definitely broke all of his bones - especially considering his petite figure.

It was alluring, their gazes kept following the beautiful movements, slightly wondering if it was safe for the boy to keep moving between those fabrics while swiftly moving and making poses – the crowd was astonished, wondering if there was any magic behind it. The beautiful boy politely bowed after he made a few more tricks, leaving the people amazed. Everyone went wild – even Kyuhyun – clapping and hysterically screaming, wanting for more. Unfortunately, the host simply ended the show expressing how grateful he was for the amount of people that bothered to watch the spectacle.

Person by person started to leave the tent, while Kyuhyun was still in a daze – thing that the pretty boy caused on him. Hangeng had to shake him in order to bring him back, a victorious grin adorning his features: it was obvious the other loved every bit of it. “Hyung! You can go ahead. I have something I need to do!” Kyuhyun finally managed to spoke amidst his astonished state. Seemingly, he had the sudden urge to talk with the beautiful boy. Love at first sight perhaps?

Hangeng raised his eyebrow confusedly, tilting his head when he noticed the younger started running outside. Kyuhyun was able to find the unknown boy walking towards the tent where artists were allowed to repose. “You!” he managed to say, since he did not know the name. The other turned around obviously startled, watching the person approaching him, wondering if he wanted an autograph. “What is your name?” the panting Kyuhyun questioned him amidst his deep breaths. The cute boy tilted his head while pointing at himself – wasn’t the question already obvious?

“Kim Ryeowook” the unknown boy finally answered, still afraid of the other boy standing in front of him. “Do you believe in love at first sight, Ryeowook?” Kyuhyun suddenly asked which made the other to widen his eyes in disbelief. “No!” he avidly denied, causing Kyuhyun to stare at him wondering if he had any chance. “I’ll prove you then! By the way, my name is Cho Kyuhyun!” Kyuhyun confidently stated as he had now one week to steal that beautiful boy for himself.

Ryeowook stared at him indignantly – a sudden love confession was such an unusual thing to happen nowadays. “How do you plan on doing so?” the boy doubtfully questioned as he analyzed the sincerity in the other’s words. “Every night I’ll come here to meet you. Then we can… talk?” Kyuhyun furrowed his eyebrows after saying so many absurd things at once. He was always rational, how come he was unable of being when he saw this particular boy?

The other nodded, still wondering if the person that introduced as Cho Kyuhyun was crazy – was he in danger for spending time with him? “Okay, but I only have time after the end of the spectacle. Hm. 11 pm until 2 am seems reasonable for you?” Ryeowook thought it was interesting to accept such proposal – who knows when he would be able to live such experience again? Astonished that the latter even accepted it, Kyuhyun smiled lightly nodding.

Every night, as promised, Kyuhyun would meet the beautiful boy. They properly talked, chatting about things as dreams, tastes and every particular thing – this only made Kyuhyun’s attraction for the other to increase, how come they were so compatible?

“Eh? So you like cute things. It does match your appearance” Kyuhyun pointed out as Ryeowook was happily eating the cupcake he brought for him – the latter was so skinny it worried him. The beautiful boy simply shrugged while sharing a bite with his new “friend” of his sweet cupcake. “Who doesn’t?” Ryeowook indignantly asked, being sure anyone had weak spots for cute things. “Indeed” the younger admitted while admiring the other’s beauty.

They quietly stared at the sky filled with stars, cuddling. “That certainly is an unusual trait. Who would expect someone like you would also like insignificant things… you seem like the type who would enjoy artistic things considering your job” Kyuhyun stated impressed, as they were simply having a friendly chat. “People misunderstand me a lot because of that.” Ryeowook explained peacefully, automatically smiling as people never really bothered to know him deeper, all that really mattered was his adorable face.

“Hey. What is this love at first sight you talk about?” Ryeowook asked how someone could simply decide they loved someone only by a simple glance. “Eyes aren’t meant only to see faces, but for souls as well. I can clearly see you are a good person that deserves my love.” Kyuhyun spoke, while staring at his crush, displaying an affectionate expression, causing the petite man to blush slightly. “That’s creepy” Ryeowook mockingly answered; wondering if he was allowed to want the other for himself.

Both felt extremely comfortable around each other. Unfortunately, the circus would be in the city for only one week and that time was already ending. Ryeowook would anticipate those nights, hoping he would indeed be stolen from the circus.

Again they were sitting on the grass, simply admiring the moon being covered by a few clouds. It was the last day and both knew exactly what it meant. “Do you really have to leave?” Kyuhyun bitterly questioned as he reached to hold the other’s delicate hands. How naïve, Ryeowook would never be able to leave such place, even if he wanted. This fact made his features to smile sadly – they were going to part ways.

Ryeowook squeezed the other’s hand, reluctantly nodding. “It’s complicated. Don’t feel sad, you did prove me of your ‘love at first sight’ thing. I particularly… liked this. Too bad mine wasn’t at first sight as well” the beautiful boy finished his speech while leaning forward, meeting his lips with Kyuhyun’s. It was their first kiss… and last as well. They separated while gazing at each other’s eyes intensely, why life had to be so unfair?

The beautiful boy chuckled unhappily, hastily running away – saying farewells were too hurtful. Kyuhyun eyed the petite figure moving away, sighing deeply while staring at the moon, there wasn’t any possibility of being together? After Kyuhyun kept wondering what he should do next, he decided to go after the boy he loved, why it took him so long to decide this?

Heading towards the place where Ryeowook disappeared, he was startled when a loud scream of pain was heard from inside. Kyuhyun was scared, but took a quick glance, since he was the curious type. His eyes widened in horror as he saw his loved one squirming in pain as one awkward substance was being applied in his vessels, seemingly the pain was unbearable as Ryeowook kept shedding tears. Apparently the boy was being drugged – the beauty of such place immediately faded. How ironical, the name of the circus was “Marionette” those poor people were indeed controlled by the owner. Kyuhyun stumbled on the floor, letting his tears flow as the sadness synchronized with Ryeowook’s – he could feel the pain of the other.

Soon, Ryeowook fell unconscious. Promptly, the owner of the club dragged him. Swiftly, the beautiful boy was undressed on the deeper parts of the tent, revealing what was the reason behind such marks on the other’s skin. “Your body is beautiful, Wookie. This is why I allowed you to be my main attraction, so don’t bring me down” Zhou Mi wickedly smiled, while kissing the unconscious boy.

Behind such beauty spectacle there was a price to be paid…

…Who knew the price was this high.

Kyuhyun could only cry, in hopes their path would cross again in the future.

A future when he could definitely have what it needs to free his Ryeowook from this hell.



Hope Lani enjoyed it XDD


sorry if you wanted something more angst Lani OTL 

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I really cried at this one Y_Y
Chapter 1: I just find this xD and it's so sad TTcTT and heart-breaking</3
How come such a cutie like Ryeowook have a very dark secrets? And felt tons of pains? TTcTT </3
kimryeowook_ #3
OMG... This was perfect!
NOOOOOO TT^TT So sad I really cried at this one TT^TT I hope you will make a sequel to this. There must be a happy ending T.T
KyuWook 4evr... <33
Did Zhou Mi turn evil cause of Kyu influence?
HAHAHAHA!!!Just my evil fangirl thoughts ^^
Nice fanfic ^^
This is so beautiful. Can I have a sequel where kyu save wookie? :( Anyway great story as usual! :)
Awww... ♥ angst