
Hold my hand


Yixing's family has a time line led by a group of gangsters. The power of his family is inherited when a male son is born. More than 80 years ago that this lineage has remained one of the most strong and dangerous of China, making all people more beyond respect them, they have a deep fear.
Lay, is the son of Mr. Yixing, a young man who is dedicated to literature, with only 21 years old. Despite being popular, rarely has been talks with university colleagues. The fear that his family has infrigide in the society that surrounds it, prevented him to meet people who could call friends.He never met the meaning of friendship, the only thing that recognizes as fondness and affection are samples that his mother has given him since his short childhood and up to the present. He has never experienced what is love, and only knows its meaning from the dictionaries has run as the time has passed and your curiosity has been increasing.
It is the only descendant live in his family and is who would inherit the power of his lineage. Throughout his life went it solo, taking private lessons in different languages at home, hidden in his room, surrounded by a thick solitude almost always. Lay is not cold, always shows a smile to his parents when they share moments with him. Both of his parents, work with the business of the family out of their city, so most of the time is dedicated to explore the libraries of his mansion to find in one of the many books there lie a place of warmth that allows him to not feel so alone.
One day while Lay was in his contemporary history class, the principal retreat him from the classroom to communicate him some news.


Principal: Professor Jinsu ¿could you excuse to the young Lay a moment?.


Professor Jinsu: Young Yixing go with the Principal.


Lay made a bow to his teacher, expressing his appreciation and apologies as well before the interruption of the lesson.
Both went to the principal's Office. And they sat in their respective seats.


Principal: Lay, what I have to tell you is not something easy to digest, so no matter how long you take to recover, I want you to take a break from classes to improve.


Lay:, Sorry Principal but I don't understand what's your point.


Principal: Today I received a phone call from your mother. Giving me a fact about the whereabouts of your father.


Lay: ¿and what is that than my mother had been informed you?


Principal: I regret so much to be the one that have to give you this news, if there could be another way to say it, I would do my best to make you don't feel so bad now...


I could sense as the information, the news, the words in the form of sentences would not be good, would not have a good result, and would not be within an expression of amazement with barely visible and hidden features of happiness. My face stayed silent, muted once the principal expressed the same words that my mother had said.


Lay: Thank you for let me know it. Thank you from the depths of my heart for your concern, but I hope you could forgive me for miss the rest of the day and return, as you have already said, when I'm ready to do it.


Principal: Do not apologize, I hope everything is going well and you can comeback to join the group as soon as you can, your presence has left us marks, and without you around the environment will be another.


Lay: See you soon.


I entered my classroom and I took my things the more fast and carefully as possible, I excuse myself with the teacher again, no one knows how long will take me to comeback to my usual classes. I leaved the College building, and I went back to look at the entry. Black bars. A padlock on the side. All that had been as a second home for my. I felt that I was abandoned it. The news resounded in my head.
I arrived at the mansion of my family, my home. The family gathered in the main hall. Long pass towards my room. Leaved my stuff in the closet, took a shower and at the end changed myself and walked to the room to receive the others.


Lay: Sorry for the delay. I wanted to take a bath before to be with you.


Mother: Lay, I suppose that know about the news.


Lay: Yes mother, and I am ready to take charge of the new responsibilities that I will be granted.


Mother: Sorry that you're the only one that have to bear all the burden, if it were in my power the decisions of the family, I would do best my to let you out from your destination.


Lay: You, you do not blame yourself or apologize for things that have nothing to do with you. Writing must occur, and I'll give the best of me to keep my family healthy and save.


I leave the room after kissing the front of my mother, who was crying in my chest. Went up to my bedroom. I do not lower for dinner this time. There wasn't space in my being to be able to digest something more than just the air full of sighs that filled my room. I took my pillow and putting it by my side, I hugged this, and remembered all the times I had shared with my family in my childhood. And soon I felt a piece of paper on the pillow. It was a blue envelope, with the badge of my family in it than kept it closed. I risk it all to investigate its contents, a blade well bent, matte color of which I could appreciate the calligraphy of my father.


Dear Lay:
At the time you read this, I will not be there to be able to dismiss me it in the right way. My body is not part of this natural space anymore, and therefore my latest desires will only be heard by you. I couldn't comply my mission of taking care of you, spend more time with you and be able to protect you. I would like that you don't have to go through the same things than I ,and I can't assure you that I would be there to not leave anything happen to you,
Unfortunately the only option that I have left is to send someone who can take care of you, in the time that you are not with your mother and the safety of the guards in your home, and you could be free from danger and not suffer any kind of damage.
I will never forgive myself not to hug you at this time, dry tears that over time you've accumulated, be who makes you smile and spend more time with you. I hope some day you could forgive me by the weight that you had to load.
Take care and take care of your mother, she will be very sad, and as me, she has always cost to overcome such situations.
My sincere affection, love and appreciation to my dear and only son.
Lay keep shinning no matter the situation, I'll be watching you from the sky. Hope I can see your smiles soon.
I wet the letter, with those sad, cold tears that I long retained in my innermost being.
I saved the letter in the envelope, and I hide it in the page where was the poem that my father dedicated me when I was a child. I lied in my bed, and took the only picture that was in my room, caress the stretch where we both were. He carried me on his shoulders. We were smiling.
I could not sleep. The tears continued falling and there wasn't a reason to stop them, in an attempt to calm my feelings I went up to my window, the landscape that surrounded me seemed never-ending. I open up what separated me from the outside, and I aventure to breathe air again. I hope that things will improve.
It was early in the morning, and my mother and her guards were not in my home, I woke up for the sound of the front door. Someone nocked. I lift it as soon as possible, in an attempt to find out who it was, down the stairs, accommodating my clothes and opening the door.
A young man was on his back infront of me.

Lay: In what can I help you?.

-Excuse my interruption, I have been sent here by Sr Yixing.

Lay: you are the new bodyguard who sent my father?.

-Sorry for my lack of introduction, my name is Su Ho, and from this time forward I'll be your guide and guardian.

My father sent me a man who is full of kindness, a man with good education, with the purpose of caring and protect me. I don't know what will happen from now on but if there's something I know for sure, is that my life will be in good hands.
Two months have already passed since I met Lay, the son of my former boss. Mr Yixing was buried a few days after his death in his family cemetery. All their relatives more nearby attended. I was found next to his child all time.
Lay has resumed their classes a month after this. It could achieve their other peers and found to their same level after so much effort. From the very beginning I started to teach him, giving the same advices that his father had said that I must give him.
At the beginning to both cost us to feel comfortable with each other, but as time passed, I could contact with Lay in a formal way. Had not been able to meet the warm side of him yet. At least, not since I arrived at the residence of the Yixing's family.
With the pass of the days, I could do the boy to leave his home to visit sites that he should know and remember in the future.

Lay: Is already a year since that you came to take care of me. What do you think we should do to celebrate this date?.

Su Ho: I would like to visit a Lake, and show you the place where I was born. I think that will relax to both of us.

Lay: I'll be ready as soon as possible to be able to return early to my home and not alert my mother.

Su Ho: Then I should command to prepare a special car to exit as quickly as possible, I will wait at the entrance.

I rush to change my clothes, it was a special occasion. It was the first time I go to a place with Su Ho after so long of travel sites that my father had earlier appeal. My affection and confidence before the man who was now taking care of me, grew as time passed. I did not know what it was this kind of feeling that was in me. But by how I felt, I could say that it's a healthy and good one.
Once I was ready, I went out heading at the entrance to find Su Ho, who was watching the place back, as the first time that we had known.

Su Ho: I see that you're ready.

Lay: Yes I tried to get something more comfortable.

Su Ho: I'm used to seeing you in formal clothes, which is weird to me your clothes, but to tell the truth, you look much better like this.

Lay: Thank you, now let's go.

Su Ho: Okay.

We left the mansion and went to my home, we arrived at the Lake that since I was a kid I had found it fascinating and that since I was a child content me and is had become the space that I more used to concur with my father in our free time. I saw the reflection of the water through the trees in the window of the car, I stopped everything and went down to walk.

Lay: I never have known you properly. I would like to know more about your life.

Su Ho: There is not much to say.

Lay: Still want to listen to you.

Su Ho: Okay, I have visited this place since I was a kid, my father and I share good moments here before being beaten by cancer at my tender age of 10 years. From there, my mother kept my brother and I until both had enough age to return the favor to our mother.
I met your father when I only had just 17 years, I convert in his disciple and I arrange tasks that he only trusted in me. Shortly before he left to his last meeting, he explained me what many times already he had mentioned me. He leaved me on charge of you so you could be instructed to follow the same steps as his. So I've come to your side. And I am very grateful to be the one who has been able to share so much time near you.

Lay: I see that your past has been very difficult. I would like to encourage you at the moment, I suppose that having to talk about this you returned to the bitter feelings.

Su Ho: don't worry, being here, looking at a landscape as it, and be able to share this with you, makes me feel more quiet. What I want is to bring me more to you, and discover more things that make you happy.

Lay: You've already done, I want to remember this day forever.

Su Ho: I also, would like to be able to seal this properly.

Lay: could you do me a favor?.

Su Ho: what is what you need?

Lay: Save this secret only for you.

I placed my hands colds by the station on his neck, lowering his face towards mine, and let my lips touch his. He moved me closer to him by my back, I hugged him by his neck and released him when we both could not longer breathe. We looked to each other and he went down with his hands to find mines.
He held them both and we observed them. They fit perfectly with the other ones, closing and locking our fingers with each other. It seemed that they'll never be apart again.
We arrived at my home sooner than expected. At the entrance, he took me, and he dared to place a kiss on my lips, I approached his chest where I could appreciate his heartbeat, I stopped to hold his shirt and with a single kiss on my forehead he wished me a good night.
6 weeks had past, month and a half after we kissed and sealed our mutual love, we were two persons, that shared an infinite affection.
Now we were having lunch at a famous restaurant in a town a few miles from my home. The place was very comforting, and the environment, thanks to him was even warmer. We were sitting on the table, I toke his hand and made him a promise.

Su Ho: No matter how long takes me to protect you, I'll always be there to ensure your safety. I would like to be able to promise you that I'll be there for you all the time, but I can only tell you that I'll give my life, only to save you.

Lay: Do not say that, let's not ruin this moment, I want to maintain this thing more comfortable and happily as possible. Only, don't think about that.

Su Ho: Sorry, it was not my intention.

At the end, we went to the mansion, this time, once again, we went in the car of Su Ho. Arriving at the entrance, we were received by 2 mens in costumes.

Lay: What can I offer you gentlemens?.

We had come down from the car.

Strange: We have come to return our favors.

Su Ho: and what exactly you need from our part?.

Strange 2: Take the life of the young Lay in exchange for our boss.

Lay: Su Ho what are they talking about?.

Su Ho: Sorry Lay. I am sorry that I can not comply with your wish, the young man is at my charge and not I will not let anything bad happening to him.

Stranger: Then will be at hard mode, because at least we must take someone's life.

Lay: Su Ho! DON'T DO THIS! Let me go!!! THEY WANT ME!... PLEASE GO!

Su Ho: Forgive me Lay, but it is my duty to protect you, I'll not break the promise I made with your father. I'll not let them hurt you.

He was holding my hand, one of the strangers shoot, Su Ho put himself infront of me, and he received the bullet for me, falling on my body. His chest, his completely stained clothes, traces of blood appearing and gradually flooded most of his clothes, I have held him in my chest. I could not believe what he just had done.
My mother's bodyguards, listened the shoot, and ran to catch the strangers, I could only feel the blast that they left behind them, I returned to my target. Su Ho.

Su Ho: Lay, I don't want that you cry, show your father the happiness that he wanted to see, which I have been able to discover at this time. Show me one last smile.

Lay: ¿Why SuHo? ¿Why?.

Su Ho: Since I told you, my mission is to be your Guardian, now and forever.

Lay: NO! NO! I cannot accept that you die... Su Ho stay with me.

Su Ho: I'll keep you in my memories all the time. Promise me you'll do the same.

Lay: I pro...mise you.

Su Ho held my hand a last time, a small smile look down my cheeks, and he gave smiled back, he pressed with strength, our hands and tried to keep them together for awhile, but his eyes were closed and his heart wasn't beating as before, some last words emerged in what was his last breath.

Su Ho: Hold my hand, not ever move away.

I moved a tear that fell at that time, to bring his body to mine and will give him a little of my heat to remember me, I hided my tears on his back and I stand with him sitting at the entrance until the police and ambulance arrived. I removed myself of him slowly, I was only emiting anything else more than tears and cries that were barely audible. My guardian was no longer holding me.
In all the time I spent with Su Ho, I could discover feelings I never had discovered. He taught me what was friendship, He showed me a fondness that embraced me all the times and do not make me feel bad. I was inside a new world, where I could know what love was. If I had to say something right now to him, if he were with me by my side, taking my hands and crashing our fronts I could only exclaim:
Thank you.
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Chapter 1: Omg :'(
Because because, suho, nooo
I'm crying right now.....omg! I'm so emotional
; A ; I don't know what is wrong with me... I'm always writing sad stories ; _ ; Forgive me please
awww so sad..
i don't know lately i always trapped by SuLay's sad ending like this.. :'(
omo it was so pretty and it made me cry ;-; i loved this <3