The Final Gift

You Got It Seriously Wrong
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Hi Guys, Mianhae i missed yesterday's updating. My connection is really bad and i can't use it half of the time but i just got it to work! Please Enjoy!



When they pulled back from the hug they were all smiling, behind Onew's smile there was still the pain and hurt from his past memories that might not ever truly go away, but each one of his dongsaengs was now there to help him as best as they could to get past it and to make even better memories to replace his past ones. They all wiped any remaining tears from their eyes and cheeks, Key even came over and did Onew's for him, just being a typical Umma and Onew couldn't help but smile again as he did so.


“Kamsahamnida Umma” he said after Key was happy that his face was dried,


“No problem, Sweetie. Do you feel better now?” he asked gently.


“Ne, thanks to you guys. Thank you for listening to my story, i'm glad I don't have to hold it inside me anymore”


“You're welcome Hyung. Remember we are always here for you, just like you are for us.” Jonghyun replied. None of them tried to apologise for what he went through. There was nothing any of them could have done to prevent it and saying sorry wouldn't do any good now, all they could do was to just make sure Onew always felt loved and cared for with them. After a moment of comfortable silence, Taemin looked up and spoke.


“Hyung, I know what will make you feel better. If right now you follow us outside, into the dark where you will be kidnapped by the SHINee van and we will take you to a surprise mystery location!” Taemin said with a completely serious face. Everyone took one look at the maknae, then to each other, before they all burst out laughing in unison. Taemin took a moment to pretend to look annoyed or offended before a cheeky grin spread across his face as well.


“Really? You think it will help?” Onew said behind his chuckles, trying to act timid but failing miserably.


“Oh, Yes Hyung. I'm sure a long drive into the middle of nowhere is just what you need!” Minho said, trying to contain his laughter.


“Arasso, then I guess we have no choice but to go!” Onew finished, smiling. So still joking and laughing, the five of them grabbed their jackets and headed down to the van, ready to take them to Onew's surprise. On the way out Jonghyun grabbed his new gift and took it down to the van with him.



During the ride there, Jonghyun showed his new present from his leader to the other three who looked at it intrigued and with smiles of either happiness or embarrassment at some of the photos. They all agreed it was a very sweet and personal gift to give him and they could see in his smile, how happy it made their lead vocalist. The whole journey, they distracted themselves in the scrapbook and the memories of it all, until eventually the van stopped in the middle of nowhere like they had said. There were no lights around except for the torches Minho and Key pulled out of their pockets, they had planned well for this. Jonghyun looked towards their confused leader and smiling, reached out his hand to grab his. The Leader looked down for a moment at their entwined hands before looking up into the face of his Dino member and smiling. They all turned to each other and grasped hands while they walked together, Key and Minho on the outside of the line, holding their torches. Then when they got to a certain point the other four stopped suddenly and turned to their Leader. Minho then pulled something else out of his pocket. It was the blindfold he had asked him to wear for his surprise two days ago. Smiling, but also confused, Onew took it and secured it on his head without asking the questions that were burning in his head. They held hands again and directed Onew over to a little area.


“Hyung, we are going to take off the blindfold but please look at the ground” Key said before coming behind him and taking it off. Onew did as instructed and kept his head lowered. It was still dark around him all except for a little name plate, with a light hanging over it. He looked down and read:



Onew: The best Leader we could ever have. He has cared for us and protected us from the very beginning. He is kind and funny but he also has a pure heart. Hyung is the best thing that has ever happened to us, he brought us together and he keeps us strong. Fighting! His SHINee dongsaengs.

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10/12 - Hi! I'm back, i'm just planning on editing the format structure a little, i hope it will be easier to read now ^_^


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12345654321234565432 #1
Chapter 23: Oh my gosh
That was beautiful.
You finished this story really well.
Loved it
aileessa #2
Chapter 23: I loved it. You are great. Author-nim,Fighting!
Chapter 22: Huhuhuhuhu I like this story sooo much T_T
I'm not SHINee fans. But I like their song and love to watch their variety show.
And suddenly I found this story~ The feeling is just too much :(
I cried T_T Thank you authornim!!! ^^
NyugenTree #4
Chapter 23: Wow the story is just amazing.
Imagine what it would beElike if they made an actual movie for this. I would totally watch it with a bag of 2 hundred tissues...... anyway awsome story. Definitely made me cry. Good job! ^^
StebXRaided #5
Chapter 23: I re-read this story because I remembered how much I loved it and I realized that I hadn't commented already! So though this is long overdue, I really feel that I have to comment on how beautiful and full this story is. The connection within the characters really felt so real and when it was at its worst, it shattered my heart, twice. The reconnecting was gradual enough so that it was realistic and dramatic, but also felt extremely cleansing at every single milestone and by the end, though I had shed many tears, my heart had been fixed and felt stronger than ever. These types of stories that talk about such strong connections and the small mistakes that can break them (and truth-telling that can make them) really resonate within the soul so much that I really have to wonder how on earth you do it? And I know this is just a comment on a fan fiction but this entire story really means so much to me. I hope it affects other people in the same (or at least similar) way that it has affected me and that more people read this utterly beautiful and stunning story. Keep up the fantastic work, I absolutely love it! :-)
Chapter 23: Omg this story has made be cry,laugh and angry at the shinee boys and the way they act towards onew, but the end was beautful and heart warming total loved it thanx for writing this
AptonKey #7
Chapter 23: This has either been plagiarized or I've read it before