Could it be love?

didn't except to fall in love...


-Krystal's POV- 


"UNNIE! Hurry up! It's 1:50pm already!" I called out, from the front door, I heard Jessica's footsteps running down the stairs. 

"I'm here!" She panted, shutting the door and locking it. 

We got into Jessica's car and drove off to the amusement park 


-Taemin's POV-


"Donghae hyung ~ I'm going now" I told him, heading out to the door 

"Where?" He asked, coming out of the kitchen 

"Oh! Sorry! I must of forgotten to tell you" I apologized "I'm going to the Amusement park with my friends" I said to him

"Can I come?" Donghae asked, he's such a kid "I've got nothing to do all day anyway" He sighed, I nodded it was fine since Donghae was already dressed anyway "I'll drive" He told me, I just nodded


-Amusement Park-


-No one's POV-


Krystal and Jessica arrived to the amusement park before Donghae and Taemin 

"Parking was so hard to find" Jessica exclaimer, Krystal just giggled 

"Well Victoria and Amber said to meet in front of the stage" Krystal told Jessica, they two walked off. 

A few minutes later Donghae and Taemin arrived 

~ beep ~ beep ~ beep ~ 

A text arrived to Taemin 

To: Taemin 

From: Minho 

Instead of meeting at the front, come to the stage 


"What is it?" Donghae asked Taemin

"Nothing really, but we have to meet at the stage now" Taemin told him, the 2 started to walk off. 



"Krystal! Jessica!" Amber and Victoria were waving to get their attention from a distance 

"There they are" Krystal smiled, pointing to her dorky friends, the sisters walked up to the 2 

"Hey, you made it" Amber happily smiled 

"You don't mind, if we invited some more people do you?" Victoria shyly asked the sisters, hoping they would burst into anger when they saw who they invited 

First Krystal saw Jonghyun, Onew, Minho and Key appear, she was quite surprised Victoria invited them

"Krystal" She heard a familiar voice behind her, and it was no then 

"Taemin" Krystal sighed "I should have known there would be trouble here" She eyed him for a while. 

"Hey Princess" Donghae winked to Jessica, putting his arm around her 

"Get away from me!" Jessica quickly said, moving away from him "Why did you invite this loser?!" She tried to keep her temper in 

"Seriously, we didn't know Donghae sunbae" 

"Oppa" Donghae corrected them with a cheeky smile 

"Donghae oppa would be coming" Victoria finished off her sentence 

Jessica groaned "I should of known there was going to be trouble today" She muttered under her breathe 

Donghae just laughed “Okay, we’ll leave you kiddies alone” Donghae winked to Taemin

“We?” Jessica looked at Donghae in disbelief

Donghae nodded happily “Come on princess” He said, holding her hand and dragging her along with me

“SAVE ME!” Jessica screamed


“I’m really hungry, I think I’ll buy a snack” Amber said, thinking of an excuse to leave Krystal and Taemin alone

“I’ll come with you” Jonghyun and Key said both at the same time, and Amber nodded

“We’ll be back later” Amber said quickly, running off with Jonghyun and Key

Victoria looked at Minho and Onew, giving them the come-up-with-an-excuse look, but they didn’t know what to say

“I really need to go to the bathroom!” Victoria said quickly

Minho and Onew agreed “Yeah, I’ve been drinking too much water lately” They said, and the 3 ran off to the bathrooms.

Just like that Krystal and Taemin were left alone, there was a long silent at first until Taemin spoke

“I guess they’re trying to set us up” Taemin chuckled

Krystal looked at him, she actually thought the same thing “They really at lying/acting” she sighed

Taemin laughed “I agree…so you want to do some, since we both know there aren’t going to come back?” He suggested, Krystal was sort of against the idea, but she couldn’t deny that he was right

“Fine then” She sighed, walking off somewhere and Taemin followed her to the cotton candy store “1 please” Krystal polity smiled to the counter lady, then Krystal realized that Taemin was also there “Make that 2” She said

“You were actually thinking of me” Taemin and chuckled

Krystal just gave him cold eyes, not wanted to admit it “Here you go” The lady passed them one each

“Thank you” Krystal and Taemin both said at the same time, walking off together

“What a nice looking couple” The lady said to herself looking at the 2.


“So I never imaged you like cotton candy” Taemin truthfully told her and chuckled

“Well… it is yummy” She smiled like a kid, who shocked Taemin, but he didn’t say anything because he didn’t want to ruin this moment

“You’re right for once Jung Krystal” He poked his tongue out, teasing her

“What’s that suppose to mean” She told him, hitting him on the arm lightly

Taemin just laughed happily, then he saw a rollercoaster in front of them “You wanna go on?” He asked her, but she quickly shook her head

“NO” she screamed, he laughed at her cuteness

“Don’t be scared” He told her, holding onto her hand and dragged her to the rollercoaster

The man seated both of them in and once everyone was seated in safely “okay have fun” The man said and started it

Krystal was screamed when they headed down, she quickly grabbed Taemin’s hand tightly, Taemin was just full of joy, because Krystal was holding his hand and the rollercoaster was fun

Once then got Krystal dropped now on the ground “If I wasn’t so tired I would kill you right now Taemin” She said to him

Krystal just giggled to him, and the two continued to talk and roam around the place




“Come on Jessica” Donghae was calling out to her, but Jessica stopped at a shop where they sold couple head bands, Donghae walked up to her “I’ll buy us one” He winked to her

“No thanks!” Jessica told him “I’ll be wearing one with my future boyfriend” She coldly told him

“I thought you hated boys?” Donghae smirked to her

Jessica was confused with herself now, she did want to were a couple head band with someone special but then again she always says she hated boys “Shut up” Jessica said to him

Donghae put a rabbit headband on Jessica “You look so cute”  

“You should wear it” She put it on Donghae’s head and laughed

“It looks better on you” He put it back on her

“You look funny in it” Jessica jumped up to put it on Donghae, Donghae was happy he got to see this childish side of Jessica

“Fine then, you should have this” Donghae said picking up panda ears “They suit you well” he smiled to her, Jessica smiled like a kid

Donghae paid the money for them and they walked somewhere else

“Let’s take a photo together” Jessica didn’t know what she was saying

Donghae smiled “So you’re asking me?” he asked her, Jessica blushed in embarrassment “Come on” He held onto her hand, Jessica’s heart was beating faster her cheeks felt warmer

“What is this feeling?” Jessica asked herself quietly

Donghae and Jessica took photos together “They look good” Donghae said happily

“We’ll have 3 each” since the 3 took 6 photos together

Jessica put the pictures in her purse

“I’m surprised you didn’t throw them away” He , Jessica blushed

“I will!” she screamed

“Don’t princess” He smiled to her and held her hand “Let’s go for a walk” He smiled warmly to her

While they were walking Jessica decided to break them from holding hands since she felt weird being around Donghae, she was a few metres away from Donghae and she poked her tongue out to him

Donghae laughed at her cuteness “Am I really falling for her?” He asked himself


-Krystal's/Jessica's POV-


Why do I feel this way now? Whenever I'm around Taemin/Donghae I'm so happy but I feel so weird inside. Am I falling in love?! No it can't be! But I feel so free when I'm with him... 

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soojungie94 #1
Please update!!!
vincent123 #2
Chapter 25: Please Update Soon!!!!!!!
I really like your story and I'm so excited to know what happened next~
Chapter 25: hm..... wish u update this fic... you know nowadays many taestal moment....
please comeback...
Chapter 25: Haha!! Haesica!!! Taestal Is More real and I can prove that!!
-Tiffanyy- #5
Update soon please?
natybear505 #6
i like your story! please update so excited!
Mariaaa #7
please update soon :) :) new reader here super anxious!