Cage turn to Nest When You said You LOVE Me

e Myself to My Older Brother.


After 1 years.
Sunggyu Pov.
Here I'm standing in front of this house. I know that he will leave even I said don't. And I know he
hates this house the most. I did the cruel to him. Even I knew he would hates for me for that dark
impulse. I wanted to make him mine. I wanted to llove love you, Soo. 
My little brother.
None Pov.
"Welcome home....... brother!''
Myungsoo stare at the figure he tried to reach the most the time he thrown him away from his life. He never leave the house he waiting for his angel back to embrace him.
Sunggyu thought Myungsoo leave the house.But he's wrong when he saw the one standing before him now.
''Half a year--- that's a long business trip... really long!'' Myungsoo reached Sunggyu face. He forgot that he never get thought of Sunggyu face before this.
''You...... haven't left?'' Sunggyu stunned at his spot. And he numbed when Myungsoo to his lips.
"T was planning to leave. I dealt with it for 3 years ago. Saved up my money and looked for an apartment,...''
Myungsoo grabbing Sunngyu coat tightly. The tuggeg in his heart have to voices out. Sunngyu have to know. Sobbing is presently without he care to.
"--- planning to never see your face again... I thought I'd  definitly break free from this cage...."
Sunggyu locked his self still. He hurt the the boy he love the most...... cruelly. He can't bear to bring his hands to sweap the tears. He scare his hands are too dirty to hold the one before him now.... so he locking his self.
" ---- then why?-- you're still here?--''
He tried to step aback to bring the distance. So he think that Mungsoo can breath easyly.
But Myungsoo stop him with burned his face to Sunggyu face.
''----- but---''
When Sunggyu moved , Myungsoo unexpected hugged him tightly. Sunggyu who shock with it , afraid to moved.
''------ it's diffence story if you love me! and we're not a blood tied.'' the house was echo with Myungsoo screaming.
Sunggyu sign...
" I do.... but...."
Sunggyu shock with Myungsoo who roughtly attack his lips until they drooling in the kiss battle.The kiss was full it desire and mixed with Myungsoo tears they can taste the salty on they saliva.
When Myungsoo leave his lips.
Sunggyu lock his stare at Myungsoo who sobbing like 5 years old kid who miss his mom. His tears dripping on his cheeks.
''------ these arms were a cage that imprisoned me, but ---- if you tell me-- you love me--- they become a nest ---- where I can rest right----- hyung?''
Sunggyu in another felt guilty to letting the tears dripping without ending. He the tears, it send a heat to Myungsoo body.
Sunggyu took Myungsoo to his embrace....
"It's alright for me too say it?"
"I want to hear it from you.... tell me! Hyung tell me. With it you can heal me."
Sunggyu took Myungsoo in his palm. Eyes to eyes.
"Even I'm a monster!?''
" I don't care! I want it too.... I want it's you! say it!''
"I love you, Soo!'' 
It kiss unite them that night and it turn to unstoppable heat on the bed. For the first time. They love on the bed.
Blessing had long distant
and the cage was closed
as the two kept captive by it wished------
I never expect anything in this fics ! But Thank you for who're just a view this fics.And who are subs my fics. and---- any comments are my honor to have it.
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Chapter 4: ahhhh cute cute cute story. MyungGyu i love!! <3
woosoogyu #2
Chapter 4: Hi...! Just finished reading your angsty myunggyu story which has a happy ending.. ^_^
Love reading this... If only Sunggyu speak the truth & not show his love this way, they would have cut short more years... ^_~
An awesome story that makes me want to read more from you... ^_^
Chapter 4: oh hey. just dropping by to say that I like this~ xD
Chapter 4: Love the storyline~
Chapter 4: NICE STORY!!
Chapter 4: This is awesome :DD Myunggyu is so amazing!! <3
Chapter 4: OMG! I love it ^^
Myunggyu is my favorite couple :)
Great story ;)
ailisu #8
AWWW CUTE!!! lol I like it~~~
ailisu #9
.... why can i imagine this so vividly?? LOLOL
cant wait for it!! >o< ehehe
one of the first time read FF XD