Ninja Onew and the Harmless Date

My Fiancé in Disguise

Chae Young’s POV

After I made some favor for Jin Ki, I tagged along with Min Ho, since he asked me.

Shucks. Why do I feel so giddy? My ghad. I can’t help but feel some imaginary butterflies as we walked side by side at the bazaar near the school.

Jeez. Why do I’m feeling this.

“Can I call you Chae Young when it’s just the two of us?” Min Ho asked, breaking the silence between us. I bet he’s feeling a little awkward too.

What’s happening? I haven’t read this in my books.

“Oh, yeah. Sure.” Sigh. What the heck.

“I’m puzzled that Jin Young didn’t tell me about you. Why do you think so?”

“Well, he wants to protect me so bad. He told me before that he doesn’t want other boys to just met me and use him. He’s kind of proud of his looks and since we are twins, he admits that I’m you know…” I trailed off. Of course, I don’t want the word pretty to come from my mouth. I want other people to praise me, willingly.

He looked at me with adoration…okay, I’m not sure. “Well, if that’s the case, you’re pretty. I just hope I’d see you in a ladies’ dress.”  He said in pure hope.

Dress? Like I really wear something like that. Hahaha.

I like comfy.

Heels look great but I’ll pass.

Dresses look really pretty but hell; I don’t want to show my legs.

“Who knows?” I gave him a non-committal smile.

“What would you like to have?” he asked as we passed by the first shop. I grinned.

“I want coffee.”


I ordered a cappuccino while Min Ho ordered a glass of juice instead.

I freaking miss coffee.

And cheesecake.

Thankfully he didn’t ask why I want coffee. I am too lazy to explain.

“So, what are you going to do with Onew-hyung?” he asked while watching me eat my cake. As in watching? What the heck.

“Uhm…Who’s Onew?”

“Lee Jin Ki, your roommate. It’s his nickname. “ Oh. So Onew huh. Sounds cool.

“Do you think he will allow me to call him that?” I like his nickname. Seems unique hehe.

“If you guys will be in good terms, he might.” He knotted his forehead. “You have a crush on him?”

I can’t help but blush in utter embarrassment. “Yah!  Just because I asked if I can call him that, you already call it crush? Tch. What if I accuse you of having a crush on me when you asked me if you can call me by my name? This guy.” I glimpsed at him and he looked off-guarded.

Hahaha. Serves him right.

He cleared his throat before answering me. “You got me there. Alright. My bad. Forgive me?”

“Silly. I wasn’t mad.” I smiled at him.

I like the air of our conversation. Very comfortable.

He laughed. “I never thought that Jin Young’s little sis would be this witty huh.”

“Well, oppa was more with that.” I laughed too. “But anyhow, can you tell me what Jin Young is like? We didn’t talk much back then. But he always says that I should take care of our family.”

“Jin Young doesn’t talk too much, unlike you, young lady. He usually keeps a picture in his wallet. Two young kids, a girl and a boy.” He paused. “Now that I think about it, it might be you and him, when you guys are still young. He says every time that it’s our schedule to go home from our dorms; he would get to see his girl again. Like how much he misses her. And another picture of two girls, with the one who’s on the other picture and another girl.”

I smiled. “That would be Yoo Rin. She’s Jin Young’s first love. She’s my best friend, and my supposed to be sister-in-law if oppa didn’t die.”

His eyes widened. “Jin Young actually had a girl?”

I frowned. “Why? Is it impossible?”

“Not really. I just thought your brother is made of stone.” And he laughed his heart out. I just slapped his arm.

“You’re mean.”

“I was accused more of that.”

“But thanks Min Ho.”

“For what?”

“For not totally blowing up my cover. I don’t know for how long will I will be able to put up with this disguise, but I assure you, I’m doing this for a reason. If I found out what I need to know, I will out of our school in a jiffy.”

“Of course, I will believe that. But please do tell me if you’re leaving. So that I will know.”

“I’ll do that.”


Onew’s POV

I like how Jin Young tidied up our room. Squeaky clean.

I have to admit that I like his peace offering. Real nice.

But where the heck is he?

I will not throw him out you know. I have a heart on homeless beings.

Of course, my conscience will eat me throwing someone just like that.

Where the heck is he?

Didn’t he know that teachers check the dorms every 10 pm for inspection?

Aish. Now I have to look for him.

Good thing I still have 3 hours left to look for him.

He’s so getting it to me when I find him.

Where should I start looking for him?

Whatever. I need to find him as soon as possible.


Okay. First up. The bazaar.

He may be bringing up someone as a date here, since they can find many stores here.

Hmm. Should I start looking at every store?





What the.

What is he doing with Min Ho?

I immediately hid at the post at the door of the coffee shop that they are staying. What could they have talked about?

Did Jin Young garner a best bud in the name of Choi Min Ho, the weirdo?

Nah. I’m too paranoid to think of that.

Besides, this is just the Jin Young’s second day at the school.




Eh? What’s with the generous smiles from Min Ho? Smiling like talking to a girl.

What time is it…ah. Just 8:45 pm. I grinned. I will stalk them.

I think I am right that Jin Young is gay. He acts as if he’s girl. With the slapping of arms and flirtatious smiles.

I fear for Min Ho. Goosebumps really.

That Jin Young is so hitting Min Ho. *shudders*

Oh wait. They’re going out. Hahaha. Feels like I’m ninja-ing. Hahaha.


The two made it on time at school. It’s only 9:30pm.

I felt relieved knowing that WE all made it in time. I wouldn’t want to be late for the night check at school.

But where the heck is this Jin Young going?

Our dorm room is just in front of Min Ho and Tae Min’s room.

Where is he going?





The school chairman’s room?


He knocked on the door then entered. I immediately tiptoed right next to the door and tried to listen in.

Sounds defensive, but I’m not an eavesdropper. I’m just investigating, okay?

I only heard two voices inside, an old man’s voice and a girl’s voice.

The man’s voice is definitely from our chairman.

But who’s the other one?


Author’s note:

Drop me some of your comments. :D

Mianhe if I didn’t updated immediately. I got sick (until now) and still going to work (getting worse everyday).

Would Onew discover something next?

Subscriptions, Views and Comments are welcomed and loved. Upvoting is very much welcomed too.:D


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Chapter 2: Plans Chae Young! Good. You're giving me nice idea for that brief thingy. ! <3
Chapter 1: Okay. This is so cool! I am really looking forward for the next chapter!<3
Chapter 8: Unnie? When will you update? :( I LOVE THIS. I LOVE KEY! ASDFGHJKL!
Chapter 8: YES! Reverse harem! I love that genre too! <3 Update update! I miss reading this!!
onewswifey #5
Chapter 2: LOL with the ____ thing...
onewswifey #6
Yes! an update!

Seems like a love...square?
Chapter 7: Unnniiiiii!!!! You finally updated \o/ can I call you unii?? And omg Onew likes Yoo Rin!!!! NNNOOO!! I'm shocked he likes the best friend of the girl he's forced to marry... I wonder what will happen!! So curious!!


Unniii update sooooon I can't wait any longer!!! <3<3
ZeRynna #8
Chapter 7: Truthly saying.. I'M HAPPY YOU UPDATED! :DD

Ok.back to the seems like both Onew and ChaeYoung have their own love..Onew with Yoorin and Chaeyoung with Jonghyun..
I believe Onew's heart shattered into million pieces because of that..Poor Onew..
I hope he won't bully Chaeyoung though..
Chapter 6: OMG will jinki find out so soon??? :o this story is getting interesting :P

Can't wait for the next chapter!! Update soon <3
ZeRynna #10
Chapter 5: Finally the question is answered!So..Minho is her brother's best friend..and will be the person who will protect her from now on.
Why do I sense that Minho will have feelings for her? Don't know why..maybe just my feeling..
Her brother died because he was protecting her :'( WHY MUST HE DIE?!?!
NOW,I just can't wait for some action between Onew and her! *wicked laugh*
Hwaiting on writing the next chapter! :D