Boxers, Doodles and Alarms

My Fiancé in Disguise


Chae Young’s POV

Last night was hell.

I don’t know how I managed to sleep on the first night of my stay.

Heck. I was even shaking when I was talking to my roommate. Thankfully, I don’t have to face him or I will not be able to deliver my lines anymore.

Honestly, I have a script in my hands.

Yoo Rin and I have thought of the possibilities of the scenes that I will encounter when I’m here.

Just as we thought, he will rummage to my things and look for something.

But we have planned it beforehand, hahaha.

I didn’t bring any pads. Yoo Rin will send my other baggage tomorrow with my other things. I’ll just have to deal with the absence of my other beauty regimen for a few days. Hehe.

And here’s another plan.

Yoo Rin will post as my girlfriend during my stay here so that my uality will be out of the question. Yay. This is the advantage you get from reading and watching a girl-pretends-a-boy story. Hehehe. You can forecast things because they happened already to other people.

And Yoo Rin happened to have connection to this school. Uncle Park is really a member of the board here. We talked to him and he said yes because he can’t just let Yoo Rin down. Haha.

I ran out of our house. No one can stop me anyway.

Mom and Dad went to Japan just as we planned. Woo Young-oppa helped me too. Even though I find it hard to talk to him (I’m not good at talking to boys), I somehow made it because I need to learn some tips. Watching TV and reading may help but experiencing would mean a lot.

I’m at the winning side.


I look over to Jin Ki whose sleeping at the other bed across the room. Psh. I’ll get back at you for hurting my forehead.

I got up and fixed my beddings quietly. I haven’t noticed this last night. But the room is freaking dirty!

And what is that thing hanging at the…OMG. Is that a boxer?

This guy is so…EEW.


If I’m really a guy, I won’t let my things hanging just everywhere and make sure I clean my room everyday. (That’s what I do before going to school. Teehee.) I will get sick if I don’t keep my room tidy, says my nanny. So even if we do have maids, I make sure I know how to clean up.

Just like an imaginary light bulb twinkled in my head, I thought of an idea.


This is getting interesting.


Chae Young’s Cleaning List 101:

1. Remove hanging alien things at the different areas of the room.

Alien things: also known as the hanging boxers of your roommate who’s still sleeping right now.

And his other boxers too. Wahahaha.

To do with it: THROW it at the trash can. Make sure you use thongs when picking it up.

2. Wipe the dust at the study tables and cabinet tops.

3. Arrange the books and notebooks at the study table.

4. Sweep the floor.

5. Wash it with a wet mop with soap, and then rinse with a mop so it won’t be slippery. Make sure it dries afterwards. He’s lucky that I don’t want him to slip. My mind won’t be able to take it if he hits his head on the floor. Hehehe.


Now the only thing left to do is to take revenge from this guy.


Aside from throwing his boxers, what should I do?

I look over the place. Huhu. I feel like crying. I did an amazing job at this room. *wipes imaginary tears*

Hahaha. Now I know what to do.

I know I brought something like that. Hahaha. And this is really getting better.

I must check my things.

I know I have that.

I guess that should be enough.

I will not put his under things on display yet.

I will do this first.

Sorry, Sunbae. You picked on me first.

Hahaha. Revenge is truly sweet.

Afterwards I will go to my first ever class.

I so love this.



Onew’s POV

*alarm clock ringing*

“Okay, okay, I get it.” Damn alarm clock.

Oh wait.

I rubbed my eyes so that I can see it clearly.

What the hell?! Ten AM?

As in TEN in the MORNING?

I am so late!

My classes start at eight. And it’s freaking Laboratory day today!

Damn it. Who could have set this alarm?





Where the hell is that gay?!

He is so getting it to me. I’ll make sure he pays for this big.

I ran up to the bathroom and removed my clothes. I need to catch up. My group mates might kill me for not attending. I am their leader!

I need to hurry up.

Need to bear with the water. I need to take a bath.

“What the hell?!” I was horrified as I looked at my face at the mirror.

*obscene curses*

 *obscene curses*

*obscene curses*

“What did he do with my face?!” I can’t easily remove the black lines he drew at my face. He made me look like Jig saw!

Just when I needed to hurry up.

“I’ll really kill you, Kim Jin Young. I’ll choke you to death!”


It took me twenty minutes to remove the things he drew at my face.

I rubbed my face real hard. And now it’s reddening.

He really needs to pay for this.

Now I need to hurry.





Where is my underwear?





I looked around. I noticed just now that our room is clean. But this isn’t going to compensate the damage that guy made to my face. I just hope I won’t get any allergy for that.

Where are all my boxers go? Did that gay just look through my things?

Damn it.

She just put my things in the trashcan!

He put my underwear at the trashcan at the bathroom. The hell!

I know I don’t put my things in order, but he can just leave it just like that. No need to put it on there. Now I have to buy another set.

He is so getting it to me. He’s testing my patience.

First, he set the alarm late.

Second, he doodled on my face.

And now, he threw my underwear at the trashcan.

Just you wait, Kim Jin Young.


I was not able to go to my morning classes.

Now I will just attend my afternoon ones.

“Hyung!” It’s Key. “You did not attend your morning classes?” he asked as I put down my bag at my desk.

“Yeah, and it’s because of that damned roommate of mine.” Key’s eyebrow rose because of what I said.

“He looked angelic to be a bully, Onew-hyung. You just woke up late. Cut him off you faults.” Now I’m being the one blamed.

“Just shut up, Key. I’m too pissed of to talk about that damned guy.”

Key grinned at me. “Seems like you’re losing your control with the guy huh.” He taunted. “Let’s see. He’s our classmate at our science subjects. He appears to be a second year but since he was almost done with his second year studies at his former school, he would technically be a third year too. A third year irregular. Our teacher said it would be a first time for us to have that. It appears that your roommate is an intelligent guy.”

“I don’t care.” So what? I’m still one of the best at ZSUN Boys High School.

“He took over our group earlier at chemistry. And did your supposed to be reporting.”

“What? He did that?” He messed up with my morning, now he’s taking over what’s I’m supposed to be doing.

“He’s good even if he stutters and he can’t look at our eyes, which is so surprising.” Key looked really amused. “So what you would do hyung?”

I can’t think of anything.

Is that guy really planning to piss out the hell out of me?

“So hyung. I guess you should be ready though. I heard he’s the best at their school at sciences and languages.” Then Key left.

So what if he’s a competition.

“Good afternoon, sunbae,” it was Jin Young sitting at the desk beside my desk.

“What’s good in the afternoon, gay.” I really have to control myself not to choke him to death here. I stood up and look down at him.

“Nothing. I think the red marks look good in your face.” She chuckled. I gritted my teeth in annoyance.

“Get up. NOW!” He’s pushing me to my limits huh. He did not get up his seat so I have to drag him out of our room.

“Yah. Jin Ki. Stop.” Who cares. Bull.

I drag him to the school backyard and pushed him to the wall.

I saw him wince in pain as his body collided at the wall but I don’t care.

“Is everything you do getting here is just to get my attention, Kim Jin Young? I don’t go for gays!”


Author’s Note:

I got sick yesterday due to lack of sleep for the past days that’s why I wasn’t able to update. Mianhe.

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Chapter 2: Plans Chae Young! Good. You're giving me nice idea for that brief thingy. ! <3
Chapter 1: Okay. This is so cool! I am really looking forward for the next chapter!<3
Chapter 8: Unnie? When will you update? :( I LOVE THIS. I LOVE KEY! ASDFGHJKL!
Chapter 8: YES! Reverse harem! I love that genre too! <3 Update update! I miss reading this!!
onewswifey #5
Chapter 2: LOL with the ____ thing...
onewswifey #6
Yes! an update!

Seems like a love...square?
Chapter 7: Unnniiiiii!!!! You finally updated \o/ can I call you unii?? And omg Onew likes Yoo Rin!!!! NNNOOO!! I'm shocked he likes the best friend of the girl he's forced to marry... I wonder what will happen!! So curious!!


Unniii update sooooon I can't wait any longer!!! <3<3
ZeRynna #8
Chapter 7: Truthly saying.. I'M HAPPY YOU UPDATED! :DD

Ok.back to the seems like both Onew and ChaeYoung have their own love..Onew with Yoorin and Chaeyoung with Jonghyun..
I believe Onew's heart shattered into million pieces because of that..Poor Onew..
I hope he won't bully Chaeyoung though..
Chapter 6: OMG will jinki find out so soon??? :o this story is getting interesting :P

Can't wait for the next chapter!! Update soon <3
ZeRynna #10
Chapter 5: Finally the question is answered!So..Minho is her brother's best friend..and will be the person who will protect her from now on.
Why do I sense that Minho will have feelings for her? Don't know why..maybe just my feeling..
Her brother died because he was protecting her :'( WHY MUST HE DIE?!?!
NOW,I just can't wait for some action between Onew and her! *wicked laugh*
Hwaiting on writing the next chapter! :D