ℳusically ℬeautiful [Closed ; Hiatus]

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♬ usically eautiful 


Musically Beautiful, an average-sized shop in Seoul, South Korea that sells beautifully made clothes inspired by songs hand-picked by the manager and co-manager themselves, brings together ten female workers including themselves. Each of these female workers has experienced a part of each of these songs that contribute to the growing success of their small store. They all realized they needed the help of businessmen and women to expand their store and create a small chain, eventually making it a worldwide name brand. They couldn't do all this on their own, especially if something interferes with their inspiration. What if the doors they've closed to their pasts open back up? Will their clothes suffer with their mixture of emotions?

Who are these girls?



lot ines

+Won't Even Start+ David Choi

3 months. The happiest time in his life only lasted 3 months... until September. He could’ve sworn she was 'the one' until everything went wrong, and they ended it. If he said it didn’t hurt, he’d be lying his face off, while she simply moved on, cherishing the happy times and creating new ones. As far as she knew, he continued on with his life, while she did the same. In reality, he kept near to her. Always telling himself to talk to her, and turning away at the last minute. All he wants is for her to be happy… even if it means that he has no other choice but to walk away. But when they accidentally bump into each other, will he really let her go? Or will he try one last time to get her back? aoeitheroh aeiohtirhtrithe hieorahterhteha reaiothrtehrt ioehratierhto hih heiroahtert hreoiathrithoi erhtaoihtia oaierhtoiehtoerht eaoirhterhitato herohtaerotiea kkmiearhtokrhterht hoehrtieraho aeoirjtoaijt aeporjterpotjre jeaporjtapertre eijatoie eirtaoe


Maroon 5 +Payphone+

Beep beep beep. The number you are trying to reach has been disconnected. If you would li—

Her phone wasn’t working anymore? Did she hate him that much? He walked away from the payphone he used to try and reach her, full of disappointment. It wasn’t exactly clear as to why she left, nor was it clear if they really ended. One thing he knew for sure though, everything they had simply fell. He tried everyday to call her using the only number he knew by heart. His friends told him to give up, his heart told him to keep going. He knew she would never hear of him if he kept skipping classes and not taking school seriously, so he promised himself and her that he would make something of himself. Nearly a year later, at the top of his class, and working in one of the best business offices in the world, he’s made a name for himself. When she and her co-workers enter the office looking for anyone to help them, he gets assigned to help them. Will he act like nothing ever happened and simply see her as a client? Or will he dial one last time…?
+Pretty Boy+ 2ne1

He is the number one pretty boy - able to get any and every girl with just one look… except one girl. She could care less about looks. No matter how hard he tries, he can never get her. Why? All she wants is a man who’s CONFIDENT... and this boy is definitely not confident. She loves confident boys and is more than confident in herself. Often coming off as rude to others, that’s just her true self coming out. She won’t even spare him a second glance for now. They met by accident at a local shop and he quickly fell for her, so he tried out his looks on her. She, on the other hand, scoffed at his looks and walked away leaving him dumbfounded. He’s figured out where she works and goes there often to try and talk to her but always fails. No matter how hard he tries, until he is confident with himself and shows that to her, that pretty boy better move to the left.
 EXO +Machine+

A porcelain doll. That’s how everyone describes her. She’s always folding clothes not looking at anyone or anything. When customers ask for her help, she simply walks away. She’s the most beautiful person you’ve ever seen, but there’s something everyone always wonders about her. Why does she not show her true feelings? She barely talks, and when she does, it’s so quiet - it’s basically a whisper. No one knows her true feelings, but no one has really ever tried to get to know her. That is until one guy is more than intrigued by her. He will try to get closer to her, understand her heart and story, and hopefully get her to be whom she really is. Will he succeed in getting her to open up? Or will she forever be a porcelain doll? jaoeirhoierhte ioaewhtiehtei oaihwetiewhowthw haoiwethwehti ioawehtaweit oiaewhtoieht aioewhteihta ioaehtieth aiohetihe haieohtethoeithhi
+Fantastic Baby+ Big Bang

He is a party king, while she… is a party queen. At nighttime, they both come alive and are always at a club or party. During the day, she works at the store, while he works with animals. Despite their fun night lives, he really only wants one thing – for her to feel who he is, to look past any and everything he may have done, and to just see him as he is now. Rules don’t exist in their books, and he has told her everything horrendous he has ever done during the parties. They’ve never met in a calm situation, always at a party or in a club, where the sound of the base meshes with the sounds of heartbeats. When they meet for the first time ever during the day and see each other calm, will she be able to look past everything he’s told her during parties? Or will she only see him as the fantastic party boy, who could never keep a relationship?
Jason Mraz featuring Colbie Caillat +Lucky+

They were best friends, who ended up together. He moved away, but they managed to stay together. They haven’t seen each other in years, but they’ve stayed faithful. Her friends tell her to move on, while his say she’s already found someone else. They don’t understand their love. When he comes back to South Korea looking for her, only to find out that she’s moved and changed numbers, he becomes utterly lost. When, by chance, one of his new friends says he remembers seeing someone with the description he tells him, a spark of hope is found. While the girl finally agrees to her friends’ wishes and says she’ll give him 6 months, if he doesn’t show up in that time, she’ll move on. Will his new friend come through for him and actually help him find her? Or will the 6 months pass by and be forced to move on? iwoeahoiehtaerohtr eroihtaeirhtht
+A-Yo+ SHINee

Hundreds of thoughts rushed through her head everyday – during school, during work, at night when she tried to sleep, all the time. Her grades were always two digits, while her school ranking was three. She was a hidden genius as her friends said, but her mind was always busy. She would always go straight to school, then to work, and then home to study. She could barely sleep at night because of all of her thoughts. That is until one day, when a stranger she bumps into on the street decides to help clear her mind. Skipping work for the first time ever, he takes her all around Seoul and clears her mind for what seems like the first time ever. When the day comes to an end, they regretfully say goodbye and separate. She returns to her normal lifestyle… until one day, when the stranger shows up as graphic designer looking to help out and get some money in the process. Will she trust her heart and let the stranger clear her mind? Or will her restless thoughts keep her from him?

Clara Chung +Heartstrings+

Her last boyfriend was supposedly ‘the one,’ until it ended very messily. Since then, she has kept her heart closed to every male she has ever met. Being completely sure that she is never going to fall in love, she’s given up on the idea. Until she stumbles upon a photographer, literally stumbling on him in the park while walking and texting on her phone. When he helps her up, unconsciously, she smiles. He decides to walk with her while talking about his photography and what it means to him. Instead of being cold towards him, she is warm and smiles more than usual. When she realizes what she’s doing she quickly leaves but always shows up back at the park to see him. He asks her to be his, but she rejects saying she wants to take it very, very slow, and… he agrees to take it slow. Will she let him undo her heartstrings that have been triple knotted? Or will her heart forever be locked? aoiehwtiwehtoi aoiwehtieht aiothreihti oaiehtirethreht haoiewhtiehto hioehtaierhtoei awoiehriesh ohaeieo
+You and I+ Park Bom

They weren’t exactly best friends, but they were close enough to know almost everything about each other. Every time she fell, he was always there to catch her. When she was lost, he would grab her hand and lead her; when she was hurting, he would carry her. She always depended on him until one day. One day, his world came crashing down, and instead of him supporting her, she had to be there for him. She tells him that although she can’t do much for him, she will always be there for him. She tries extremely hard to make up for all the times he has helped her, and in the process realizes that she has fallen in love with him. When she confesses he tells her that he is being forced to move. There’s only one way for him to stay, and when he tells her what it is, she decides to put everything on the line for him. Will she be able to succeed and keep him with her? Or will he end up being forced to move away and cause two worlds to come to a grinding halt?
Michael Buble' +Everything+

She had always been his everything. He’s just never told her. Unexpectedly though, when his co-worker suddenly says he is going to take her out, he realizes he has to make his move fast. In the process of building his courage, his friend beats him to the punch. As he watches the girl of his dreams go off with the wrong man, he slowly shows her everything he can give her, even though it may not be much. She slowly comes to the realization of his feeling, but she rejects the thoughts saying she’s heads over heels for her current lover. Will she eventually be able to accept her friend’s everything? Or will it be too late for him to give her, his everything? aoiwehtitherit woieathweihti aoeithiehteit difaosifhae oifaohsihtorithaeo ogihagiorhao haiogirhotha iofhapoih haoierphgoreihtp aoighpoirhto sdiohfiwehnvsdo aoihtoiewht fdoiahgihar adifoshgoiha aoihieht diohocvtai oaighroithwo iohfaiet woifoiaehieht aoiehtioehio aoishfioahs aoiehotierhtir hoaeirhtorhto aoihtoiweht wihtoeihtowfweoit



01. Please stay subscribed to read updates :).
02. No bashing of any kind.
03. It would be nice if you commented every 2-4 chapters, if not every chapter. We know you have lives. We have lives as well. When you do comment, please don't just put the standard "Update soon!" We won't get angry or anything. It would just upset us. At least put a heart or smiley face to know you actually enjoyed it.
04. Please keep your applications open if you are chosen and are a cameo. The ones featured in Chapter 1 (marked as chapter 13) are the cameos. You will show up quite often :).
05. No plagiarism of any kind.


Hello, my lovely readers! I'm back with an apply fic under my name instead of my usual co-author's name. The whole idea and plot lines were thought up by her while I'll be doing everything else :3. Anyways, I hope a lot of people will apply! We're really excited about this story even though I, myself, have a bunch of other stories going on. We'll post up the applications, master list, and hints tomorrow so please subscribe and anticipate it! I'm also sorry if the color of the rules hurts your eyes... if it does, just comment below, and I'll be more than happy to change it.

:3 Blueiris891 (aka marie)

Note: Anything that seems similar to other stories are just plain coincidences. We own nothing but the storyline and I don't own Yixing.

© Formatting and everything is done by Blueiris891

[Musically Beautiful] Sorry, guys! The next chapter should be up tonight or tomorrow... I've been busy, and I have too many stories going on .___.


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OnceUponAnEclipse #1
Chapter 19: I think that's a good idea. ^^ Because that way each girl gets their own story told in detail and all at once, so the readers won't forget. (or die from waiting? Haha) I can't wait to read them! ^^
Chapter 19: so it's going to be individual one shots then a whole chapter for all the girls or . .? o.o

quitting? q,q whyyyy
Chapter 19: Does that mean every girl will get a oneshot, then the story will end? :O
Chapter 19: wee!!! Fighting achie changsha princess!!!
_shuppylove #6
Chapter 19: oh! it's ok for me if u redo everything author-nim. it would be really organized if you do it like that and we can closely catch up with every girls' story! ^^ so yay! we will wait for your update author-nim! fighting <3 <3
Jkpops #7
It was a really good fanfic :D
Chapter 15: urmm i know its quite late to comment this but i want to thank u for the cameo appearence:)
Chapter 18: So glad there was an update! :D I can't wait for the next one. ^^
Chapter 18: Onew leave Lay and Eunmi alone to mak wonderful babiss B| lewl. /brickes
Aaahh... as much as I like onew... meh lol Lay apparently wins 0. xD
Ah poor Kris, having to deal with his best friend's man problems and pouty faces. Meh you love him anyway si daheck /bricked.
Eep. Myungsoo missed Sooyun AGAIN?! Erm. so many frustrating retionships~
On the bright side Saebyul and Chen are making progress! (And Yuna and Minhyuk? *winkwink*) plus Chanyeol and Kyungmi xD
Poor Kris, i'm sure you'll get there somehow... someday. :)))
Little Boy, why you doing aegyo in front of people you don't know and don't even understand? xDDD

Ah, I wonder what would happen if the problems start to come since everyone seems connected one way or the other (especially the boys)
awesome update!