I like candy!

My Six Wishes

"What do you guys do..." I asked. There were so many questions I wanted to ask. So much I wanted to know, yet none of it would fumble out of my mouth.

"Well, I like candy..." Gongchan said. I giggeled to myself.

"I do too, want to go get some?" I said adn looked at his eyes. Deep and dark.

"Sure!" He said excited.

"Well we will once I get to know you guys better. There is so much I need to learn."

"We have an instruction manuel." Sandeul said.

"You do!?" I sai then tought about it for a few seconds.

"Yeah. Its in your attic." He said and I gulped.

"Why would I waste time reading when I can hear it all from you?" I asked and smiled.

Everyone smiled but Dongwoo.

I looked at his worried eyes and blinked a few times.

"Dongwoo?" I asked, trying to snap him out of his daze.

"One of the girls is hurt." Dongwoo said, looking at me with the worry still in hie eyes.

"What! How do you know that!" I asked confused and worried.

"Well when your mom created us, she set us to love you, Tia, and Tara, and you 3 only, plus whoever we make in the future. My poweres are tied to my love for You, Tia, and Tara. So when one of you are hurt, I feel it." Dongwoo said.

"O-one of my babies is hurt!?" I yelled and stood up.

"Calm down Minnia!" Sandeul said and I looked upset.

I stood up.

"Do no tell me what to do." I said and walked out my own front door. I ran to my car, barefoot and upset. they were all following me. I allowed them to get into my car.

"Hurry up. I want to see if my girls are okay." I said as Baro crawled inside the front.

As soon as they wew all inside my car I stepped on the gas and sped off towards my daughters school.

When I got there I ran to the classroom my girls were suposto be in but Tia wasnt there.

"Tara! Where is your sister?" I asked.

"The bathroom, why?" The teacher said.

"Did I ask you?" I snapped at her.

"Mommy, Tia is at her locor getting her kwani pen. She left a while ago." Tara said and looked into my worried eyes. I ran out the door to Tia's locor to find it open, but there was no Tia.

"TIA!" I yelled.

"Mommy!" I heard. I turned, horrified, to the stairs to see her hanging onto the broken railing.

"TIA!" I screamed. I ran to her as she slipped more.

In my mess of tears I grabbed her arm as I dangled dangerously from the edge of the broken stairs.

Dongwoo came running towards me and grabbed Tia and I and pulled us both up and onto the stars. I sat there hugging her, crying. " Shh, Its okay baby."

Tia looked up at me.
"Mommy? Did Appa's tell you I was in trouble?" She asked.

"Yes..." I said and looked at Dongwoo. He smiled.

"Mabey they all can be your Appa's." I wispered.

They all smiled. I stood up, picking Tia up as i did. I walked to Tia and Tara's class room and glared at the teacher.

"My daughter almost died and its all because of your supervision." I said and slapped her.

I grabbed Taras hand and she stood up.

"I hope you feel like a wonderful person." I said to the teacher, full of rage and stress.

"Bye." Tara said and pulled me out of the class room. She walked to my car, still pulling me.

"Mom. We need to have a serious talk." Tara said adn lookes at me.

This is so cute. I thought.

"Yes?" I asked her and smiled.

"Please transfor me and Tia from this school. I do not want my sister getting hurt again." She said and looked at me. Her face had a really angry expression. I got down on my knees so I was at eye level with her.

"Okay sweetie. I dont want her to get hurt either. I dont anyone hurt." I said and smiled. I hugged Tia and Tara tightly.

"Lets go home mommy." Tia sugested and giggled.

 I noded and opened the door to the car. Tia and Tara both crawled in first.

"Okay no. Get out Tia and Tara." I said and they crawled out.

"Now, Baro, Gongchan, Dongwoo, and Jinyoung try to squeeze into the back." I said adn they all mannaged to.

"Tia and Tara sit on a lap and behave." I said and they guys all smiled.

Tia crawled into the car and sat on Baro's lap.

I wated for Tara to sit on someones lap.

"Tara st on a lap." I said and gestured to the cramed back seat.

"Sandeul appa. Can I sit on your lap in the front?" She asked. He smiled and nodded.

He walked around to the other side of the car, opened the door, sat down, and let Tara sit on his lap.

 I smiled and got into the front seat.

As I was driving home I was thinking about work.

"MINNIA! You have work!?" Gongchan said loudly.

"Yeah, I dont know where to take Tia and Tara for a baby sitter. Soomin is bussy and A-" I said and was cut off by Jinyoung.

"We can watch them!" Jinyoung said excited.

"Yeah momma, they can watch us!"

I frowned then sighed.

Yeah Minnia. We can watch them, My love. I thought.

"Gongchan." I said and pulled into my own driveway.

"Yes?" He asked.

"Dont do that. It creeps me out." I said and giggeled as got out of the car.

They all got out behing me. We went inside and I went stright to my room to get drressed for work.

I put on this outfit:

I worked as a ramen server at a ramen shop. People all loved me. I guess..

I mean, every day someone would ask where I was. I think that means they liked me.

"Okay. Im going to go to work. Please guys. Take care of them. Dont let Tia touch my roses adn Tara's inhaler is in my bedroom, in the drawer." I said . "Tia doesent eat meat and Tara likes macandcheese, so if you guys want you can just come into the ramen shop for dinner. Ill make Tara macand cheese. Please just... be safe!"

I was ruunning late.

"I have to go now. Give mommy hugs and kisses." I said. Tia and Tara ran over to me. They both hugged me and kissed me on the cheeks.

"Bye!" I said and ra out the door.

Be safe. please ont let the girls get hurt. I thought, knowing Gongchan could hear me.

We will Minnia. Be safe yourself.

I smiled. I will!

I got in my car and drove to work.


"So.. Tia and Tara... What do you guys want to do!" Dongwoo said excited.

"I want to color!" Tia said excitedly and Tara nodded in agreament.

"Okay! We can color. Show me where the colors are." I said and smiled.

Tia grabbed my hand and drug me to the spair room in their house.

"This is mommy's studio. She paints all the pictures in the house." Tia said and pulled on a white sheet. It fell off a large canvas and I was shocked to see a beautiful painting of a woman in a white dress, who had red hair, crying but smiling.

"Mommy calls this one battle scars." Tia said and pointed to the crying womans wrists. There were bloody cuts all over them. I looked at her leg to see a little girl hugging her.

Tia showed me a few more before we came to a desk that said 'Tia and Tara's Colors'. I opened the cubbord to see markers and crayons and special paints and paper. I grabbed some paper and crayons. Tia led me back out to the livingroom.

"Okay girls. Be careful and dont get any on the floor."

"Okay Appa. We wont!" Tara said adn reached for the crayons.

As the girls sat at the diningroom tabel adn colored pictures, us guys sat on the couch and talked about Minnia.

"SO, how are we going to get her to fall for us?" I asked.

"I dont know, but you know what happens when she loves one of us more that the other." Baro said and sighed.

"Yes, I know." Jinyoung.

"Well, we have to make sure that that doesent happen. I dont want anything bad to happen." Dongwoo said.

"What will hhappen when she is forced to pick one?" Sandeul said.

"You know. We will come back." Jinyoung said. "She will just go through alot of pain"

"Mommy doesent have to go through pain. We can keep you forever!" Tara said. They had been listening the whole time.

"We dont want her to, she will just need to love us all equaly. Once she love's us as much as she can, then she needs to love us all as much as she can, or else one of us will have to go away or only one of us can stay with her and all the others will go." I said to Tara.

"OH! So mommy has to love you all as much as she loves us?" Tia asked.

"Yes!" Dongwoo said. "And thats alot!"


I was at work, obvously, when my boss aproched.

"Minni, can we talk." He said. "In my office."

"Sure! Ill be right there!" I said and set a bowl of ramen on a table. "Enjoy!"

When i started walking to his office, i wiped my hands and started to worry.

As I opened the door to his small office in teh back of the shop, i screamed.

He sat there on his desk, , and smiling.

I ran. I ran home, all the way. I did not care what was around me, I just ran.

When I stepped in the front door about 30 minuetts later, Tia and Tara were sitting on the chairs in the dining room, coloring.

I looked over to Baro, and Gongchan sitting in the living room. I was crying heavly and they ran to me.

"Minnia!" Gongchan yelled.

I looked at him and he hugged me.

"Minnia, whats wrong?" He asked me as soon as I had calmed down a little.

"My boss called me into his office today, so I went in, but he was !!!! I felt so... Violated, over again." I said, thinking about my first... incident.

"WOAH! Well.. just.. go clean up and we will talk about this when you are.. ready." Gongchan said and I nodded, liking his idea. I ran to my room, took a shower, and changed into this:

When I went back out to the living room, everyone was doing something. I just went back to my room and went to sleep.


I AM SO MAD. So I did this on like, friday and I thought it poasted.





<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3


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Sorry guys. I like passed out on tuesday and woke up this morning. I cant update untill tommrow after noon :///// Sorry!!!


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@kima_siksin Lol okay to answer youe 2 problems. 1 ill get to that, you will see. sorry to confuse you. 2 ill get to that too! Thanks for commenting :D
ok, the idea is really good but i have a couple of problems with this... 1.didn't you say she was poor? that house looks pretty rich to me XD and 2.it is not normal for any girl, ESPECIALLY not a girl who was ____d to accept 5 random guys living with her and say within 5 minutes of meeting them "you can sleep with me tonight and we will rotate every night" XDDD
the idea is very original though, so good job on that :D