
My Six Wishes

I woke up in the middle of the night and felt something clinging onto me. I thought it was Tia or Tara.

Get off me kid!  I mentaly cursed and tryed to pry them off me.

"No... Minnia!" They mumbeled in their sleep.

My eyes widened in shock as i realised it was a mans voice. I screamed and pried their hands off me quickly. I ran out my bedroom door as i was still screaming. The person chased after me yelling. "MINNIA!"

They voice hit me and i realised what had happened earlier, the box from mom, the 5 boys in my house, and my sleeping girls.

I stopped running and shut my mouth immeaditly.

"Gongchan?" I said and turnned around.

"Minnia! Whats wrong!?" He asked worried as soon as he cought up to me.

~Flash Back~

"She has left you the house and everything in it." The lawyer said in shock. Even though my mom and i had not spoken in some time she had still left me her huge fancy house after her death?

This did not make sence.

"Did she say anythind else?" I asked confused.

"No. She just left you that. You get everything in there." He said then proceded to stand up and leave.

I got up and went to the waiting room to get Tia and Tara.

"Come on girl's were moving to a new house." I said and smiled through my tears.

They looked more excited then sad as we crawled into my car. We had been sleeping in it for the past 2 months, seeing as we had been kicked out of the last 3 apartments we had. We could not afford any of it. I could barley support Tia and Tara, let alone rent an apartment and support myself.


So. I decided to forget the apartment. I put all my money into raising Tia and Tara.

We pulled into the drive way of our new 'home'

I walked nto the stunning big houde and started to explore like a kid in a candy shop.

It seemed like my mother knew the twins were going to be living here, because there were 4 rooms. One was Tia and Tara's, seeing the big T on the wall.

One was mine, as the shelfs had M's all over them.

The others were for guest's.

It was big and beautiful.

It was all mine. And did not cost a penny to me.

But i did have to go through all her stuff. I could not bare it. It would remind me too much of her. I will just have to put it all into one of the spair closets.

I never want to touch it.


~End Flashback~

"Oh my god i cant belive i actualy let you sleep in my bed. I DONT EVEN KNOW YOU!" I yelled at Gongchan.

"Minnia. You created us." Baro said from behind me. He was holding a crying Tia.

"I.... I did... but i..." I said not thinking about anything but that night.

"Minnia i understand if this is all just too confusing for you. Ill sleep on the couch." Gongchan said and sat on the floor cutely.

"No! Ill sleep on the couch." I said. I really wanted to know how they got here. Well i knew how they got here but i didnt know how they were... made.

"We know Minnia. We will explain in the morning." Gongchan said.

"Know what? What?" I said confused.

"He can read your thoughts...." Baro said. "Mabey we should explain now..."

"READ MY THOUGHTS!?" I yelled. He nodded as the rest of them came out.

Strange. So You Can Hear This?

"Yeah but you chould talk outloud instead. It makes it less confuesing." Gongchan said.

"Sorry. So... Who made you guys..." I asked curously.

"Ill explain." Sandeul said, looking verry smart with his glasses on. I took Tia from Baro's arms and soother her hair so she would stop crying.

We all sat down in the living room as Tara came in and joined us.

"You see. We werent 'made' by someone. We perfer it to be called created." Sandeul said nicely.

"Sorry.." I said and frowned a little.

"Its fine. Anyways, we were created by your mom. In a lab. 3 days before she died."

~Flash Back~

As the last ingreadent dripped into the beaker a puff of red spoke exploded into the air and a man appeared.

"Let me get you some clothes." The creator said and walked away, just as soon as she left she came back with clothes for the man.

"Thank You." He said and started to slip the clothes on.

"Come here" The creator said and pulled the man to a cloneing device. She pushed him inside then proceded to type stuff onto the small keyboard.

She made 4 coppies. All had diffrent personalities. All looked diffrent, But all were Minnia's type.

She had been 'stalking' Minnia latley and knowing she was going to have to die soon, she wanted to give her daughter the best.

And she did.

After the men were shrunk and clothes for them were shrunk she went to sleep, for 3 days. It sealed the deal.

In the morning when she woke up, she went outside and walked to the bridge accrost the street.

She stepped once, twice, three times and fell off the side, onto the concreet street below.

~End Flashback~

"So my mom ma- created you all?" I said.

They nodded.

"How did i give into you so easily?" I asked.

Gongchan avoided my eyes. "Um.. That was my fault, see we each have our own power..." he said, still avoiding my look "And mine is that i can controll your mind... And read it...so i can make a decision for you, make you think something, or make you move unwillingly. I can do it to anyone. See!" He looked over to Jinyoung adn Jinyoung slapped himself.

"YAH! Ouch! Ill get you Gongchan!" Jinyoung said angrly.

"Wait. So you all have powers?" I asked, still trying to get the concept into my mind.

"Yeah, See mine is healing." Dongwoo said and picked up a pen that was on the tabel. He stabbed Baro then healed him.

"Did your demonstration have to involve STABBING ME WITH A PEN!?" Baro yelled and something flew at Dongwoo's head from accrost the room.

"Im assuming thats your power Baro." I said and Tia crawled over to Baro and sat on his lap. He just smiled then nodded to me.

"Mine is lame. Im just a super genious. I can solve any problem in the world in under 5 seconds without being biased." Sandeul said and seemed a little sad about his 'lame' power. I smiled.

"I think thats pretty awesome!"

"Well mine is the coolest." Jinyoung said and smiled happily that he got the 'coolest' power.

"Well no sherlock, considering everything gets ing cold when you want it to be. Or hot when you want it." Gongchan said and rolled his eyes.

"Wanna see Minnia?" He asked.

"Sure..." I said nervous as to if he would catch my house on fire.

He held up both his hands. One had a small flame in it, the other was covered in ice crystals.

"Woah!" I said intreaged by his power.

"Cool right?" He said cutely. I nodded and smiled.

Tara looked up at me. "Mommy can i go touch it?" She asked cutely. I nodded and she got off the couch and ran over to Jinyoung and touched his cold hand then giggled.

"I still dont understand how i accepted you so fast."  I said.

"Your mom left you something before she died. It was a package in one of your appartments." Gongchan said.

"Yes i got it. It was chocolates and a bottel of wine." I said and thought back to when i enjoyed the snacks.

"It had a potion in it. She had been planning it for a very long time, he death, these house plans, us. All of it. And that was just a small peice." He said.

I immeaditly felt betraied.

"Im sorry." Gongchan said and his eyes shined over.

"Its not your fault. She was thinking of the best." I said and let a tear slip down my face. Tia and Tara both crawled over and hugged me.

"Mommy dont cry!" Tia said.

I started to sob onto Tara and Tia's arms.


Those tears. They had been inside me for 6 years.

I hadent cryed since the day Tia and Tara were born. Not once.

And now, It was all comming out.

All over a box of chocolate and a bottel of wine.

I am such a wimp.

Crying over things like this is what breaks me, now ill be depressed for like... a month.

Whatever. Ill get through it.


"Mommy's done now girls." I said and wiped my tears away.

Tia and Tara let go of me and sat dowwn next to me, they had red eyes also and they both had been crying.

"Im sorry you feel like she did something wrong but she had too." Gongchan said, creeping me out again with his mind reading.

"I just need to sleep." I said and stood up. "Gongchan, you can take my bed. Ill sleep with Tia or Tara."

He hung his head in sadness.

So now he thinks im mean. Bad start Minnia.

"No your not mean. Good start Minnia." He said and smiled up to me.

I let out a sigh.

~In The Morning~

I shifted in my bed, slighty rolled over, then stood up.

I walked out the door and to the room nearest to mine.

As I opened the door there was a little girl sitting on the toilet crying.

"Tara! Whats wrong!?" I asked worried.

"My tummy hurts!" She said and sniffled. I heard wailing in the living room.

"Ill be right back!" I said and ran to the living room to see my other daughter screaming in pain.

"MOMMY!!!" She yelled and held up her swolen hand. I ran back to the bathroom knowing she had touched my roses. I grabbed her eppi pen from the cabinet and ran back.

"Lay down sweetie." I said. She laid down on the floor and i stabbed the needel into her leg.

She screamed, and cryed.

I soothed her hair and wiped away her tears as she calmed down.

"Is everything okay?" Dongwoo said and looked at me worried. He was the only person besides me who had woke up from the screaming girls.

"Please help me. Watch Tia while i go work on Tara's tummy problem." I said and stood up.

As I ran to the bathroon I heard Tia say "Dongwoo Appa!" I walked into the bathroom to see Tara smiling.

"All better Mommy." She said and giggeled.

I smiled back and hugged her.

"Good, lets go see what Tia and Dongwoo Oppa are up to."

We both walked out of the bathroom and into the living room.

Tia and Dongwoo were laughing at Sandeul.

Tara saw the puppie on his pants and laughed too.

"Love the pants Sandeul." I said and walked to the kitchen, giggilng.

I realised it was 7:00 and i hurried to make the girls toast and eggs for breaakfast.

"TIA! TARA! COME SIT AT THE TABEL SO YOU CAN EAT BEFORE SCHOOL!!!" I yelled as i started to cook.

They both ran in and sat in their chairs.

"DONGWOO AND SANDEUL!" I yelled again and they both walked in.

"We can help." Dongwoo said and ran to the eggs on the stove and tended to them.

I ran to Tia and Tara's room after giving them a small smile.

I pulled out this outfit for Tia:

And this for Tara:

Knowing Tia, she would get cold so i set out this jacket for her:

I ran to the kitchen to get Tia. She came with me and we went to her room. SHe got dressed and immeaditly said "Mommy! Im Cold!"

I grabbed the jacket and she put it on then smiled.

"Mommy's so stylish!"

"Thank you sweetie!" I sad and scooped her up. We went back to the kitchen and i grabbed Tara.

After she was changed she went back to finish her food. I saw that everyone had waken up.

"Can you watch them while i go get dressed?" I asked Gongchan.

He nodded and i walked to my room.

Once inside i slipped out of my pajamas and into this outfit:

I walked back out to the kitchen to see Tia and Tara washing their hands togther and waiting for me to walk them to the bus stop.

"Lets go girls." I said and helped them dry their hands on the towel. We then walked to the frint door.

"Okay ill be right back boys... Just... dont break anything." I said and walked out the door.

"Mommy?" Tia said as we walked to their bus stop.

"Yes Tia dear."

"Are those 5 going to be our Appa's?" She asked.

"I dont know darling."

"Mommy?" Tara said as we kept walking.

"Yes?" I said and looked down to Tara.

"Can those 5 be our Appa's?" She asked.

"Mabey Tara." I said and sat down at the bench. Just as soon as i did, the big blue bus came to take them to school. They smiled. and waved.

"Bye Mommy! I love you!" Tia and Tara said at the same time.

As soon as the bus left i started to walk home. Thinking heavly about my 2 children. I walked in my front door to see the 5 boys sitting on the couches in the living room.

"Hello Minnia!" Baro said and smiled.

"Hi Baro." I said and took off my shoes. They were already bothering me.

"So, Minnia... What are you going to do today?" Jinyoung said cutely.

"Well. Im going to try to figure you out."





Hello :D

SO SORRY! Iv been very sick lately, seeing as i have a kidney problem, but had to study, so i took 3 or 4 5hr enegery drinks and had to get my stomach pumped..... 13 times D:

Oh well!

I want to thank


for the poaster, background, and caractor chart!








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Sorry guys. I like passed out on tuesday and woke up this morning. I cant update untill tommrow after noon :///// Sorry!!!


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@kima_siksin Lol okay to answer youe 2 problems. 1 ill get to that, you will see. sorry to confuse you. 2 ill get to that too! Thanks for commenting :D
ok, the idea is really good but i have a couple of problems with this... 1.didn't you say she was poor? that house looks pretty rich to me XD and 2.it is not normal for any girl, ESPECIALLY not a girl who was ____d to accept 5 random guys living with her and say within 5 minutes of meeting them "you can sleep with me tonight and we will rotate every night" XDDD
the idea is very original though, so good job on that :D