Final goodbye ;;

It's our last goodbye ..


It was another usual weekend when I would do my morning jog early in the morning . I breathed in the fresh air and enjoyed the scenery of the Han River . The peaceful moment was broken off by a phone call ;
' Sarangeun Move Move Sarangeun Move Move bangsim hadakaneun domang-'
"Hello ?" , I picked up the call , disappointed that I didn't get to peacefully enjoy my moment .
"Sarang , where are you~" , the person on the other end whined . 
I chuckled , the disappointment I had disappeared as soon as I heard my boyfriend's voice . Oh himchan ..
" You should know by now that I always do my morning jog every weekend right ?" , I asked , smiling widely .
"Hmmm but how can you leave me alone , I want to do my morning jog with my love too " , I could imagined him pouting on the other side , my boyfriend can be a baby huh ?
"I'm already done , oppa , I'm off to buying breakfast later " , I explained .
" Oh is that so ? Arasso I'll see you .. soon , my sarang " , we both chuckled and hanged up at the same time . I stood up and brushed off a few pieces of grasses off my pants and I turned around only to bumped into a wall .
"Ah that hurt " , I muttered as I fell down on my back.
Wait , wall ?
I looked up and my eyes widened , it wasn't a wall , but Himchan oppa instead , he crouched infront of me and hold out a piece of chocolate bun and a cup of hot milo .
I accepted them , touched by the fact that he came here and brought me breakfast . Himchan oppa helped me stand up and he brushed off a few of grasses on my legs . The short contact made me blushed alittle . 
"Why is my sarang so clumsy ", Himchan shooked his head and then pulled me to the nearest bench . 
"Yah it's not my fault I didn't notice you behind me " , I pouted , feeling abit insulted .
"No no i was just joking , mian " , he apologized and kissed my pouting lips . That , never fails to make me blush , again .
I then started to eat my breakfast and insisted on sharing Himchan half of my bun . My morning jog ended with us laughing at each other's jokes while eating breakfast Oppa brought.
Play this please ^~^ 
" We're moving to Singapore by the end of this month " , I froze , I didn't hear it wrongly didn't I ? We're moving to Singapore ?
"W-what ?" , I asked , not believing on what I heard .
" I said , we're moving to Sing-" , 
"But why !? Why can't we just stay here !? I don't want to move , that's final !" , I cut off my dad's words and stormed off into my room .
Burying my head onto my pillow , I cried my heart out .
I don't want to move , what about Himchan oppa ? How would he react to this ? I can't possibly leave him , we've promised to not leave each other ! I love him so much I can't let him go . 
Reaching for my phone in my bag , I calmed myself down and started to dial Himchan's number .
" Yes my sarang ? " , his voice was soon heard after a few rings .
"..." , I didnt answer him .
"___ ? Are you okay ? " , he asked .
I took in a deep breath and answered him , " Mm , I'm fine , I just miss you , that's all " .
He chuckled , " I miss you too , ___ , why are you not asleep yet ? You have school tomorrow don't you ? " , he asked .
My eyes started to tear up again as I imagined myself without him .
It took me a few seconds before I answer him , " Yeah but can't I hear my boyfriend's voice before going to bed ?" , I let out a small smile .
" Ah , who says you couldn't " , he chuckled , " but you should have alot of rest so that we can meet tomorrow after school okay ?"  , he then said .
"Mm , okay , good night oppa .. I love you " , I said .
"Goodnight my sarang , I love you too ", he replied and I hung up .
Tears flowed uncontrollably as I ended my night crying . 
Time flew so fast that it was soon the day before I leave for Singapore .
That evening I called Himchan to meet me at the park , I decided it was best to tell him now .. or never .
Holding on to a box filled with polaroids of our picture together , I waited for Himchan .
It was not long before I felt someone giving a peck on my cheeks that I know Himchan finally arrived .
" What's that , my sarang , is that my birthday present ? I think my birthday ended a month ago " , he stated while grinning but stop as soon as he saw my teary eyes .
"___ ? What happened ?" , he asked as he wipes a few tear drops of mine .
"I-i'm moving S-singapore " , I said as I finally cried out loud .
Himchan froze as he heard what I said , and he soon hugged me tightly .
"When ..? " , he whispered , I could feel his voice cracking .
"T-tomorrow .." , I said .
"but why so soo-" , he stared into my eyes .
" I knew from nearly a month ago " , I cut him off .
"W-what ?" , he stuttered , unable to hold his tears anymore .
" I know I'm selfish for not telling you , but I don't want us to spend our time together when both of us know we would be seperated anytime soon , I'm so sorry oppa I'm so sorry ", I explained as it's my turn to wipe his tears off .
I gave him the box I was holding on to , and he opened it , it was not soon that he started to cry again as he browsed through the polaroids that I took , from our first date , until our last one.. which was yesterday .
"Keep this okay ? I know we will miss each other , and when you do , make sure to look at these all right ? Don't make it dusty , arasso ! " , I playfully scolded him , but tears started to come out , again .
He hugged me once more as we both cried onto each other's shoulder .
For that night , we spent our time crying , hugging each other tightly .
"Can't you talk to your parents over this ? " , Himchan asked once again as tears started to flow out of his eyes .
"I'm sorry , I can't do anything about it .. I-i'm helpless infont of them " , I said .
"W-we can still keep in touch right ? I will stay awake just to skype with-"
" No , oppa , we can't , you HAVE to focus on your practice so that you can be successful in the future " , I cut him off as I sobbed .
A week before I told Himchan about my departure , he told me he would be debuting soon with a few of the other trainees and I was so proud of him .
"Pl-please , we can't lose contact with each other, how would I live !? " , Himchan raised his voice .
Passengers boarding Flight SQ389 , Seoul to Singapore , boarding gate is now open .
"___ ! It's time , we're entering now " , I heard my parents called out .
"Oppa .. I got to go , I'm sure we will see each other soon all right ?"  , I bravely said as I turned around and walked towards the boarding gate
"N-no , please .. ____ dont go !" , Himchan shouted .
I took a deep breath for the last time before entering  . I ignored the calls of my name as I received my passport from the officer .
I let out my last tear and entered the gates . 
Good bye Himchan oppa , I'll see you in the future ...


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Chapter 1: Parting in such sorrow
spartace #2
Mmm ;) thank you for reading & commenting as well ^^ ! I'll try to do a sequel soon , please do support me (:
Monkeybread0609 #3
So good
amanda13 #4
Woah this is totaly heart breaking !! Beautiful !! :')