Chapter Three

Cloud Zero: with Minnie and Woonie


Me and Yesung are pretty stupid. Mostly Yesung, but I admit I have to take some flack this time. Why? Well, after our little debacle in the kitchen and Yesung’s jaw dropping announcement that our friends (most likely his friends) were behind this whole fiasco, we decided to confront them. So after coming to that decision, we went to our respective rooms to get ready for our confrontation. Except, that it wasn’t really respective. Our rooms, that is. Well, let’s just say that didn’t go too well either. We both ended up heading to the same direction. Funny, how we both knew where to go. This is kind of how it went:

“What are you doing?” I hissed at Yesung, “I’m pretty sure this is my room.”

“No. It’s most likely mine.” He argued back.

So, when we opened the room, we realized that it might have been both of ours. Most likely because smack dab in the middle of the big master bedroom were two full beds.

“Well, that makes sense, I guess.” Yesung mentioned, as soon as we stepped into the bedroom and noticed the beds.

Thankfully, the room was the only thing we had to share. To my great pleasure, we had separate beds, wardrobes, and toiletries. We went to our own wardrobes to change for the day. Except the moment when I looked at the vanity mirror, I screamed, “Ahhh! What the hell is this?!”

“What? What?” Yesung popped his head back into the room.

“This!” I screeched, pointing to my clothes. “This abomination!”

Yesung looked me up and down, then cracked up. It was nice to see that he was laughing at my expense. Not! He wiped some fake tears from his eyes, while simultaneously holding his stomach with his other hand. When we made eye contact again, he burst out laughing again.

“Oh God! This just made my day!”

“Ha. Ha. Very funny.”

I looked at Yesung and noticed he had on normal clothes: black jeans with a black t-shirt. So not fair. Why was I the only one with the weird outfit?                                   

I went back to my wardrobe and changed into something that was, well, more me. After changing into some fresh jeans and an Outkast t-shirt, I callously dumped the clothes I had on earlier, which was some kind of uniform (that better not be no maid uniform), on the bed and headed out of the room without waiting for Yesung.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

So now here we both are, standing on the steps in front of the house, after realizing that we didn’t have any way to get to our friends.

“Okay, so here is our options,” Yesung said as he paced back and forth in front of me, while I just stood there with my arms crossed. “We can A) take the bus.” “No way!” I interjected. “Fine. B) We can take the metro rail,” and after hearing my scoff, continued “Or C) we can call your sister to come pick us up and then drop us off.”

“Boy, there is no way that I am taking any sort of public transportation. I am above that. And I am not letting my sister come just so you can ogle at her.”

“Fine,” he rolled his eyes, “Our last option is that we invite our friends here and confront them here. Except, I don’t even know the address to this house.” He stressed out the last part. Jeez. Drama queen much.

“Oh one other thing.” He stopped pacing and stared directly into my eye.

“What?” I backed up a step, getting freaked out. Not like I already wasn’t, what with the situation we were in.

“When we meet our friends, let’s go along with the prank and fake us getting along.”

“What?” I almost screeched again, “They are the ones pulling the prank, if we play along that’ll just mean that they are winning. Plus, that’ll also mean that I don’t get to practice my judo skills on them. They deserve that much.”

He looked at me exasperated and rolled his eyes again, “First of all, that was karate, and you only took 2 classes in the third grade. Second, look at this.” He took out a photo from his back pocket and handed it to me. I took the photo from him and noticed that it looked like the one I saw earlier (yup, the one I saw before running around the house like a madwoman. Hey, you would too if you were me).

“Ahhh!” I dropped the photo like a hot potato, after noticing its contents.

“Yah!” Yesung yelled at me, and picked up the photo again. “Look at the photo.”

“I won’t.” I nearly wept. “I can’t. I can’t believe we’re married.”

“This is like the 50th time that you mentioned that today.”

“I know but I’m in denial, and my mind refuses to comprehend the fact that you and I…..” I broke off while staring miserably at the outside world.

“I know. I know. Well, stop being in denial, and maybe after today things will work out in our favor.” He said and handed me the photo back. “Okay, the reason why I said what I said was because, look at the date on the photo.”

I looked at the photo, then stared back at Yesung quizzically, “It says here…3 months ago?”

“Exactly. If this is a prank from 3 months ago, it’s way too long to be a prank. On the other hand, if this is a recent prank, then how does the picture from 3 months ago fit into this?”

“But,” I continued his explanation, “It could be possible that we took this picture before as a joke, maybe at the mall or a fair. And then our friends decided to use this to pull a prank on us.”

“Yeah, but I don’t remember this.”

“Neither do I. But we could have been drunk.”

“Yeah, but what are the chances that you and I would ever—even if we were the last people on earth—do something like this. Even as a joke.”

“We would have never got married either, fake or not, but voila here we are.” I pointed out.

He gave me an impatient look, then said, “Well I guess we will know after we talk to our friends. So you can see why I said that we should pretend we are a couple to catch them in surprise. If we took this picture as a joke and they're really pranking us, then, well, if we play along, then the joke is on them. Not us. Get it? ”

I supposed so. But the idea of acting anything friendly or more than that made my stomach queasy. It reminded me of that time I ate a three-day old sandwich with signs of mold growing on it, way back in fifth grade. Yesung had tricked me and said that if I ate the gross, smelly, moldy sandwich then I would become pretty like Jessica, who was the most popular girl in the class at the time. He said it was a beauty secret and that even Jessica had done it. Seeing that he was rising in popularity amongst the boys and girls, I took his advice and ate the rotten food. Much to my disdain, I later found out harshly that he was lying to me. Except in that case, I had a really bad stomachache and was stuck on the toilet for 2 whole days. This situation might be a little better, but I had no doubt that I was likely to throw up anyway.

“Alright fine. We’ll act like a couple, but don’t think I’ll enjoy it one bit.” I finally consented. The sooner this was over, the better.

“Good. Now let’s call your sister again. Since she is also behind it, the least she deserves is to be our chauffeur.”


And with that, in less than 15 minutes, my sister was honking for us to get in the car. Of course, Yesung had to call shotgun. “I knew it,” I mumbled. Of course. The only reason he called my sister was so he could spend more time with her. Even when married to me (even though it was fake), gosh this guy lacked shame.

“So Seo Young,” Yesung started, “how are you?”

Seo Young gave him a look, “You just saw me like 2 hours ago.”

“I know. But I didn’t ask how you were earlier. Seemed awfully rude of me.”

I rolled my eyes. I wanted to gag, but unfortunately, I was stuck with these two loonies.

“Yesung.” Seo Young flashed a glance at me, “Is there a reason why you two are asking me to drive you to your friends’ house?”

“We ain’t asking sis, we tell’in.” I piped in.

She rolled her eyes at me, then looked questioningly at Yesung. “Well,” he began, “I felt after yesterday, I should meet them.”


“Why, well…” he anxiously rubbed the back of his neck.

“Yes, why indeed, Yesung.” I chimed in from the backseat once again, enjoying his lack of comfort at the question being directed at him. He just glared at me, then looked out the window.

“Oh lookee, we’re here.” He pointed out the window, and then dragged me out of the car once we were parked.

“Hey, hey, hey, I do not like being manhandled.” I protested.

“Yah, shut up okay. Big help you were back there.”

“Pfft. This was your idea remember,” I glared at him, while rubbing my wrist.

He stared at my wrist, then back at me, “It’s not even red, you doofus.”

“Yeah, but it hurts like hell.” It didn't, but he didn't have to know that.

“Whatever,” he rolled his eyes, “Let’s just get this over with.”

“Fine,” I huffed.

We went inside the building, and entered the elevator, as far apart as we could possibly stand, making sure to keep our distance. Two of our friends lived here together, because they felt that sharing an apartment would lessen their finances. This place was also our hangout, where we could do pretty much anything, mostly hangout and party. They were mostly Yesung’s friends, but I knew them too and they were kind of like my friends as well. If anyone were to be behind this, it would be these guys.

We stepped out of the elevator and proceeded in silence to our destination: Room 255.

“Remember: act.” Yesung said just before he rang the doorbell.

“Yeah, yeah.” I rolled my eyes.

“Hey, what’s up man?” The door opened to reveal a man in his 20s wearing pajamas.

“Hey bro,” Yesung clapped his back, “Came to drop by.”

The man grinned.

“Hi Donghae.” I smiled up at him. He stopped grinning, then groaned, “Dude, why’d you have to bring her?”

I forgot to mention that even though we were friends, yeah we still didn’t get along and would often bicker. Rumor has it that he once had a crush on me when we were in elementary school, but we have been enemies (err frenemies) ever since, so it would never have worked out in any case.

“Nice to see you too.” I kindly replied, “How goes the lady?” Recently, he had been dating some gorgeous lady, so I thought it would be nice to mention it.

His frowned, “We broke up, remember. She cheated on me.”

Really? When? That I didn’t know, I mean they just began.

“Wow,” Yesung laughed, “Only you could change the moods of my friends in just a few seconds.”

“Haha.” I said as I took off my shoes and went inside the apartment. I put the spare indoor slippers on, and walked further into the apartment, only to stop.

“What the hell?!” My eyebrows furrowed, as I took in the scene before me. What I saw were my two brothers, Jinwoon and Doojoon, half- and the other resident of this apartment, also half . But what got to me was the fact that Doojoon and my other friend were hugging on the floor in their sleep.

“Whaa..?” Doojoon half-rose and said sleepily. “What’s going on?”

“That’s what I'd like to know.” I said still confused at the scene before me. “Care to explain?”

“Oh man. You just had to ruin it didn’t you.” Donghae said as he walked in with Yesung behind him. At my confused expression, he elaborated, “I was going to take a picture of it and blackmail them with it for all eternity.” To that, I just raised my eyebrow.

“Ahh! The hell man. Sis, what are you doing here?” Doojoon asked trying to cover himself. I watched in amusement as Jinwoon woke up and reacted the same way that Doojoon had.

“Would you two morons stop screaming and put your shirts on? That goes for you too Jun.K.,” I looked at the other male in the room.

“Aww . Girl, what are you doing here?” And here I thought he didn’t curse. He was supposed to be the nice one after all.

“What are you doing still sleeping? It’s already noon.” I shot back.

After the small commotion, the four of them got dressed and we all gathered in the living room. For a while we all just sat there and stared at one another, none of us saying anything. Then Doojoon broke the silence, “So how did your birthday go, Yesung?”

Yesung glared at him, “You know perfectly well how it went?”

Doojoon just grinned. Come to think of it, they were all grinning.

“What’s so funny?” I grumbled, because I sure wasn’t laughing.

Jun. K. smirked, “Too bad we couldn’t join you on your birthday.”

“And why not?” Yesung asked.

“Well, cuz ya said not too,” Donghae spoke, “You said,” He pointed at Yesung, “that you wanted to spend your birthday all alone with Eunmin.” He turned to me and grinned before looking back at Yesung.

“I said what?!!”/“He said what?!!” We both asked at the same time.

“Yup, you heard him.” Jinwoon spoke this time

I glared at him. “Really, now?” I cracked my fingers ready to spill some blood.

“Wait,” Jun.K. stopped my criminal thinking, “What are you guys here for, anyway?”

“Well,” Yesung looked at me then turned back and said, “We’re here to ask you guys some questions.”

They looked at us weirdly then nodded, “Okay.”

Great. Let the questioning begin.




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