Chapter 4: Kris Wu

runaway princess
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Chapter 4

Kris Wu




 name: wu yifan (kris)

age: 21

occupation: bodyguard




his name is Wu Yifan 21 years old, his close friends and family calls him kris. kris is the middle child of Mr. and Mrs. Wu.  Kris' dad is a very famous architect from china,canada and korea while his mom is a famous pastry chef in korea. Kris was born in china. when he was 5 years old, he and his family move to canada until he was 12. Mr. Wu who already establish a name in his field as an architect decides to move his family to korea to broaden his knowledge even more. the wu family move to korea when kris was only 12. while kris father was busy working, his mother is also busy, busy establishing a name for herself as a pastry chef. 

Mr.Wu decides to enroll his son Kris in an exclusive private school for boys. little kris has a very bad temper, as in VERY bad. one time when he was still studying in canada, a kid was hospitalize because kris beat him.  thankfully kris gang stopped him just in time, if they didn't stopped him maybe the kid will not just stay in the hospital for 2 weeks but a month. when mr. and mrs. wu found out about their son beating a kid his junior they made him swear not to do it again. but to their dismay the beatings didn't stop kris. since mr.wu wanted to braoden his knowledge about his field he decide that he and his family needs to move. mr. wu decides that they will move in korea, he also thought that the move to another country will make kris control his temper. 

kris 2 months of studying in his new school in korea was smooth, but nearing to his 3rd month in his school kris temper went back. it made kris annoyed at the people in his school. it annoys him because some boys in his school and other schools are angry at him for being popular to the girls. it also annoys him that not a single kid approach him to talk or even wanted to be his friend. whenever kris is walking in the hallway, they would give him a huge space just so he could walk. would you also believe that even having a locker frustrates kris? yes it frustrates him because not a single person wants to be his locker neighbor.

but that all change when one day he met a new transferee from china. Kris life took a 360 degree turn since then. kris even called the kid his life saviour, his best friend and his "new brother".







it was monday morning , kris dad drop him in the entrance of his school. as always kris eyebrows furrowed while he was walking in the hallway towards his locker. nobody dares to confront him because of his temper. they are scared that they might get a beating from him.  when kris was near his locker he saw a tall kid with raven black hair opening the locker next to his locker.

the kid face kris when  he was done putting his book in his locker. the kid eyed kris every move but kris just shrug it. the kid was about to talk when a ball was about to hit kris head, the kid instantly took a step behind kris and caught the ball. the kid walk towards the guys who are playing with the ball and gave it to them, he told them not to play ball in the locker hallway. the kid once again walk to his locker and face kris once more.

kid: why are you alone?

kris: ..........

kid: are you a loner?

kris: ..........

kid: are you deaf?

kris: ..........

kid: do you have enemies?

kris: ..........

kid: why are your eyebrows like that?

kris: ..........

kid: you mad with someone?

kris: ..........

the students who are in the locker hallway eyed the kid who keeps on asking kris a question. some gave the kid a pity look and some gave him a worried look. students are worried for the kid because he didn't know kris temper and students also pity the kid because not a single word came out of kris mouth, he made the kid look stupid.

time stopped as student gasp and eyes widen when the kid touched kris eyebrow. kris stopped putting his books in his locker and look at the kid. nobody touches kris, he hates it especially when someone touches his face. kris eyebrow furrowed even more, his face was now red in anger. kris turned his body towards the kid and punch him in his face, but kris jaw drop when the kid dodge his fist. now kris was even more angry thinking that someone dodge his hit in an instant. kris tried to hit the kid once more but the kis still dodge the hit.

students can see how angry kris is but it bewildered the students when they saw the kids curious look. just as kris hit the kid again, the bell rang and a hand was stopping his fist. the hand that was stopping kris fist belonged to the kid. kris look at his fist then  on the boy, a questioning look played on kris face when he saw the kid is smiling.

kid:  woah! your fast. but not fast enough. anyway i better go to my class. you should too. you don't want to be late in your class. bye! hope we can do that again

the kid shouted to kris, while running backwards the kid keeps on waving his hand to kris. a small smile plastered on kris face when he saw how the kid runs. the student was stunned to see kris smiled, it was their first time seeing him smile like that, even though it's just a small smile.  


3 weeks later..........


just days after what happened in the locker hallway, kris immediately learned the kids name. huang zitao, some students call him zitao or just tao. kris also learned that tao new wushu ever since he was little. he thought that what happened in the locker hallway 3weeks ago made sense. that's why he can dodge that hit that fast. that's why his reflex is fluid.

kris would frequently go to his locker just to see the kid. even though kris still would not talk to tao, he was satisfied knowing that the kid was not afraid of him unlike the others. unknowingly kris would smile every time tao starts to talk.

for weeks tao would always greet and talk the stoic kris in the locker hallway. he would always tell stories about his life and friends in china. tao was satisfied  with the silent treatment that kris is giving him, knowing that he is always there beside his locker doing who knows what.

tao: it's been 3 weeks and your still not talking. hmmm... now i'm very convince that your are deaf... but if your are deaf, why would you study here? why are they letting you stay here even though your deaf? well anyways, even though your deaf i'm still happy.

kris: ................

tao: do you know why i'm happy?

kris: no *whisper*

tao: even though i can't see your face because the door of your locker is covering you and i keep on talking, your not walking away from me. your still here.

kris: ....................

tao: i hope we can be friends. i really really want to be your friend. ooohhh... you know what? i learned something...

kris: ....................

tao: i learned that your chinese-canadian. so it means your just like me but only half

kris: +what does he mean+

tao: you might be asking about what i ment about that. it means that your also a chinese like me but half coz the other half is canadian.

kris: +ahhhh...this kid amuses me+

tao: but i still don't know your name *crosses his arm across his chest, tilted his head, put a finger on his temple and scratch it*

kris: learned that i'm a chinese-canadian but you still don't know my name? aigoo this kid+

tao: but you know

kris: +what?+

tao: i will be more happy if we start to hang out *pout*

kris: +hang out?+

tao: hang out... because we only see each other at the same time and location...i hope we can eat together, play and go to the mall. i will introduce you to my cousin xiumin oppa.

kris: +xiumin oppa? oppa? huh?+

tao: ah...mianhe... what i ment is xiumin gege

kris: cute...+

tao keeps on talking for 5 minutes more but he was cut off by the school bell. tao whined and pout when the bell suddenly rang. he cursed the time, he wanted to talk to kris longer but he can't do anything about it. seconds passed tao and kris closed their lockers at the same time. tao looking away while kris looking at tao with a smile. kris looked away when tao turned and face him once more.

tao: i better go....i'll just see you again tomorrow morning stranger. bye

tao was about to turn around and walk away but a hand grab his wrist. tao look at the person who just stopped him. kris bit his bottom lip to supress his laughter when he saw tao's cute reaction.

kris: hi tao, i'm kris... we can be friends... uhm, we can eat together at lunch break... so i'll just see you in the cafeteria, ok. oh by the way. you should call me kris gege coz i'm older that you *patted tao's head*  

kris  releases his grip on tao's wrist and walk away as fast a he could. while walking he can't stop smiling remembering tao's reaction when he started to talk to him. tao on the other hand fist pump and keeps on jumping from his spot when the stranger finally talk to him, he was so happy that he got a new friend now.  



end of flashback









kris p.o.v



kriiiiiiing kriiiiiiiiing


it's morning already and still i'm not use to wake up this early. it's already 3 years since i started to work as a bodyguard and yet waking up at 6 in the morning still irritates me. hi there! i'm kris wu and i'm working as a bodyguard just like my best friend huang zitao or tao for short. tao and i have been best friends for 9 years. yep 9 YEARS, can you believe that!

to me, those 9 years being best friend with tao are the most wonderful years that ever happened to me. why wonderful? well because, first i met him. second he taught me how to control my temper, many things have change because of him. third he and his dad trained me well. fourth tao's dad taught me how to handle a gun. fifth, tao's the reason why i became a bodyguard. and lastly, when my parents was mad at me because of my decision not to finish my high school and not entering college, he never left my side, he was there for me.

after 6 years of getting mad at me, finally. finally my parents accepted the path i chose. i'm so relieve to know that my family finally accepted me being a bodyguard.woooh, a huge weight has been lifted up because of that. well, it's been 4 months ever since i left the prime minister's household. and it's been 4 months ever since my parents took me in. yes yes, i've been living with my parents now since they are back here in korea. while i'm still busy reliving the memory lane, i didn't realize my mom walk inside my room and sat in my bed.


mom: sweetheart time to wake up

kris: mom, i'm already awake.

mom: then get up already. tao will be here any minute now

kris: *groa

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summer24 #1
Chapter 14: I need an update of this please!! Aw is that baby lulu? Sillyboy:(
Chapter 14: Awwww~ So Cuteee!!
I Love this Fanfiction!!
Update soon please..!! :)
Chapter 14: I spot a little TaoRis moment!~~ <3
And is that Lulu? :( my poor baby :(
I hope he'll get closer to Sehunnie~~ :D
Chapter 14: I spot a little TaoRis moment!~~ <3
And is that Lulu? :( my poor baby :(
I hope he'll get closer to Sehunnie~~ :D
Chapter 14: Thanks for the update.... gomawo
Chapter 14: hi i‘m new here~ :D
really excited with your story author-nim
is it luhan? who walk away taoris?
update soon please :)
Chapter 12: I want more sooyoung and kris moment kekeke good job author nim
Chapter 12: Awwwww. :"> BaekHun has pet names for Soo~ bunny and kitty xD so cute :3 HAHAHA!

And LuHannie is soooo cute tooooo >:D

And yea, I love jealous Kai HAHA! So childish xDD

And wait. Wasn't the other bodyguard Sungyeol? Why did it suddenly change to HyunSik?

I'm glad that Soo is not that harsh to Suho too~ <3

Update soon ^_^
KamiliaBBC #9
Chapter 12: aigoo...maknae fight..bth want to win SooYoung's heart....
tsk tsk tsk...
rude rude rude...
kai, you better help the princess to be a nice girl...