The First Night...

Our Hysterical Love

- Hyo Min POV -

You came out of the bathroom as you rubbed your dripping wet hair with you towel.

L spotted you and quickly snatched away your towel.

" Yah! I have no time for such games, I'm very tired. " You said.

" I know, that's why have a seat on your bed first. "

He said as he pointed his hand to your bed.

You followed and sat down on your bed confused.

Then, you felt him wiping your hair.

" Yah, what... What are you doing? "

You stammered as you felt your heart skip a beat. ( Not Because she likes him yet! Not that fast readers... )

" What else? Helping you dry your hair. "

He replied monotonously.

By his reply, you sensed that he was tired too.

" Hey, I can do it myself. You can go slee-- "

" I wanna do it for you. " He said and cut you off sharply.

Upon hearing that, your eyes rounded and your whole body turned stiff as if a paralysing dart had shot into your body.

You felt your heart warmed with his gestures.

* Maybe staying with him isn't that bad after all... *

- End Of POV -


- L POV -

I came out of the bathroom and Hyo Min was already fast asleep in my bed.

If she's sleeping on my bed, where am I suppose to sleep on? Her bed?

She'll kill me.

On the floor?

My back will definitely hurt.

Suddenly, a light bulb appeared on the top of my head and it lighted up.

" I have a brilliant idea... "

I murmured to myself as an evil glint could be seen in my eyes.

I pushed her bed towards mine and soon, both our single beds were connected.

I moved to the side of my bed and slightly pushed her first, to see whether she would wake up.

Fortunately, she didn't.

I heaved a sigh of relief and continued pushing her until she was on her own bed.

I then switched off the table lamp and slept next to her.

I held her close to me.

This young lady, is she some magical person?

Why... Why...

Does she make me happier everyday?

I gazed softly at her splendid face.

* Sigh, she is just a beauty, why did I even mock her the first day we met? *

I then looked at her again.

* And Park Hyo Min, what have you done to my heart... *

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Chapter 23: Authornim , i'm a new reader here ^^
Love your story so much :)
Hope you can update soon .. Please ^^
inspirit888 #2
omo! Why? Oh my god! I luved tat story! Well, i haven't read the other one yet, but it looks lovely to me! Cheer up okay?
inspirit888 #3
no prob
Chapter 23: Aww thanks x)
But I just deleted that story T___T
Chapter 23: Aww, thnx!
inspirit888 #6
Hehe, thanks. Continue reading and support me! Btw, luv ur story, so far, have read the love me instead 1! Update soon, ne? Hwaiting!
inspirit888 #7
Thanks unnie! Good luck for your exams! Hwaiting!
Chapter 22: Wow wow. Cliffhanger >___<
awesome chappies! HWAITING!