
To Love and Be Loved

"Okay, CUT!" director yelled. My heart didn't hear anything, it just kept fluttering. I looked back up at Tae Yang who was smiling in front of me. 

"...manager-nim." I breathed.

Please, please help me escape from embarressment...if Tae Yang saw how obsessed and fan-like I was, he would definitly think badly of me. I couldn't let him think I was a crazy fan!!!!  Luckily, my manager saw the plead in my eyes and shifted his weight to turn at me. 

"Make-up touch up. Hee-jin goon is ready for you."

I let out a sigh of relief and sneakily peeked at Tae Yang who was still watching us. I turned my head and spoke as best as I could. 

"Excuse us."

I quickly bowed and nearly ran away with manager-nim laughing non-stop. 

"Wow, your dream is actually happening..." manager-nim started, trying to stifle another laugh. 

I glared at him as I sat down on the chair, greeting Hee-jin unnie. He continued.

"Haha, 'jinjja!? Are you fooling me?', haha really Mollie, that was hilarious!" ***He's mocking mollie on what she said earlier**

I covered my eyes with my hands. Hee-jin unnie chuckled. 

"Oh Hee-jin unnie, not you too." 

"I thought it was cute, natural and real. It proved that you are a fan, so that's a good thing." she commented as she finished up my touch up. I squeezed my eyes shut. 

"I am such an idiot! What if he thinks I'm crazy! Ugh, I am such a ....whaaaaa." 

"And, you're going to be on tv....haha" manager-nim added, not helping me at all. Another glare made his way. 

====Knock knock=== 

We all turned. It was Tae Yang and his manager. My stomach clenched. 

"Excuse us, but the producer would like to film them eating lunch together so don't eat anything yet...well Mollie can't, but yeah just letting you all know." his manager explained. 

"Ah, thank you. Luckily our Mollie was about to eat a donut, but we wouldn't let her.." manager-nim said without laughing. I nearly punched him in the gut when Tae Yang looked at me and smiled again. Perfect. Just perfect. My hands fell to my sides immediately. Manager-nim chuckled. 

"Don't worry, I'll get you something better than a donut." Tae Yang said after winking. 

Just then a producer came in and told us that filming was about to begin in three minutes. I clenched my stomach. Please, don't let me throw up. Hee-jin unnie gave me one final look and smiled before letting me go. Tae Yang and his manager waited at our door. 

"Since we're so close, let's go together." Tae Yang said. 

And all I could do was nod. Manager-nim chuckled. Tae Yang's manager was oblivious. 


The producers called this filming part the usual "getting to know each other in the awkward way". Legitly, they wanted us to become friends, aka the stage of silence through awkwardness. Tae Yang was to take us to the cafeteria to first eat, since that's what I;m known for: eating, i know right? Then we would talk and play a skinship game so we could get close. 

The first day of filming went well. It didn't feel as awkward as I feared, and I was always happy. Tae Yang was perfect in every scene and fortunatley, my inner fan girl was controlled throughout the day. As for manager-nim, I hope he doesn't talk to me during the car ride home. I feel like my eyes could burn him. 

Yes, if I could, I would've not left Tae Yang's side, haha. Let's just hope that tomorrow I could control myself more. 


"What are you thinking about?" 

I blinked and looked up to find Hyunsik right in front of me. We were sitting in Cube's cafeteria across from one another eating, well Hyunsik did. My plate was left untouched, shockingly. 

"Ah, I really don't know...I was just day dreaming." I confessed.

He blinked twice in disbelief, looked at my untouched food, and back to me.

"Really. did filming go?" he asked in a quiet voice. I perked up. 

"It was really fun. I found my husband through an xylophone and elevator. And!!!! Guess what!?!? Actually, guess who my husband is!!!" I nearly shouted. Hyunsik finally laughed and inched closer. 


"You totally could guess correctly, but given that you thought what I thought, you wouldn't think of this person...but it is!" 

"Hahaha, you are totally crazy..." 

"C"mon, guess." i pleaded. 

"Dong Woo."


"Won Bin"


"Ummmm, Seungho?"

"C'mon Oppa! You actually can get it right." We were about two inches apart now. I could feel my heart fluttering...surprising me. I reclined back a little bit. 

"Hmmmm. I give up Mollie." He sighed. I laughed and naturally inched closer again.

" husband is....*drum roll*, Tae Yang!!!!!" I shouted out and clapped my hands. 

Hyunsik's expression became...expressionless. He inched back towards his side of the table and crossed his arms over his chest. 

"I'm serious! My partner is Dong Young-Bae, Big Bang's Tae Yang, in the flesh!" I explained. He still had no expression. 

"Well Oppa?"

"Oh, uh, great. Isn't he your...favorite or something." he said nonchalantly. I nodded, eyes wide open. 

"He Is Amazing! He was so...perfect. And I could not stop staring at didn't help that the cameras were always in my face as well." 

"That's great..."

"Mmm, we ate together and he showed me around some of the YG building, but we had to cut short because of some filming difficulties and time. But we had enough anyways to make it to the first episode, so it was fine. By the way, are you going to watch my first episode?!" I smiled prettily. 

Nothing. "Yah, Hyunsik Oppa, what's wrong? Did you not eat something good?" I walked over to him and put my hand on his forehead. He cringed. 

"I'm f-fine. I was just thinking." 

I watched his face for a few seconds then wrapped my arms around his left arm. He raised his eyebrows. I pulled in closer. 

"Who do you think I am? I am your best friend...I know when something is up..." , I sighed before speaking, "I'm afraid oppa." He was about to start before I interjected. 

"I'm afraid that because I'm going to be filming a lot more and I won't be seeing any of you a lot, we will drift and you won't...tell me anything anymore. You won't share when you're sad, mad, anxious, excited, worried, hurt. And...and, we..."  a hand covered my eyes. Something only he knew that helped me. 

Even if I could only remember a bit form my past prior to my adoptive parents, when I was little,  my mother always put her hands or a cloth over my eyes whenever they were about to to a drug deal or do drugs. Ever since then, I would cover my eyes if I was in a bad situation or was scared. It would calm me down, be the thing that made me feel safe, back into another world of mine where I couldn't be hurt. 

"I'm sorry. I was just being foolish. Don't think about it..." he started. His left arm wrapped around me and tugged me in. 

"Didn't I tell you to not think like that? We will never ever be seperated, it's not possible. And, I always tell you how I'm feeling. I was just a little mad that you would be filming again so soon. Yesterday you ended so late, I'm worried about you. You always overwork yourself and don't say anything."

Leave it to Hyunsik to always be looking out for me...I felt even worse now. He was always so worried. 

"Oppa..." Tears started falling slowly down my face. He lightly laughed. 

"Why're you crying. I told you that you would never cry anymore. Stop." he wiped my tears away. Then, he placed both hands over my eyes. 

"I don't think you want to go to filming looking like that." he tried to joke. 

"I don't think I even want to go anymore." 

"Hey, don't say that. Don't worry, geez. I just want you to be safe and sound. Just promise me that, kay?" I nodded my head. 

"Now, where's the Mollie who would punch their oppa in front of the CEO?". I laughed and gently pulled his hands down from my face. I looked at him seriously in the face.

"I am so blessed and grateful to have Oppa....if I didn't meet you...I don't know where I'd be..." I qickly hugged him and stood back up. 

"Promise me...promise me you'll tell me whatever is on your mind. Even if the time is not appropriate. Even if it might hurt me, you'll tell me" I held out my pinky.  He gazzed at it, then smiled my favorite smile and held out his pinky.

"Promise. Only if you do the same to me." I nodded and our pinkies crossed. 

"Well, I'm sorry for being emotional...I need to go get ready to film." He ruffled my hair.

"Kay. Be careful, try to eat something there..." He winked. I laughed again before going towards the elevator. 



At first, I really thought she was just day dreaming, but then she wouldn't stop talking about him...Tae Yang. I didn't believe it, wouldn't . How is it that the one time I don't want someone on WGM to be with someone they wanted to be with, they are. She was now spending every day with him, talking with him,  eating with him, having fun with him, being close to him,  laughing with him, and smiling with him. I couldn't stand it. Her smile, my smile. It was mine. She was my best friend. She knew me more, she and I hung out more. Yet, here he was about to steal our friendship. It didnt help that she was also a fan of his, ugh, why Mollie. Why did you have to be paired with your favorite idol? 

She suddenly came over and put her hand to my head. 

"I-I'm fine. I was just thinking." I quickly replied. She watched me, then wrapped her arms around my left one and pulled in. Something was definitly wrong. She started to become afraid again...worrying about us drifting apart- her greatest fear. She was still so hurt from her past...

I covered her eyes with my hands, something that only I knew. She was comforted by this action. Ever since she was little, her eyes were covered when something bad was going on and it gave her a sense of stability, a safehouse. I felt comforted by the fact that only I knew this calmed her- only I could do this. 

"You always overwork yourself and don't say anything." I finished. Why was she so stubborn. She never complained, even if she was really mad. It's what I admired and hated from her. She needed to think about her self for once.  Tears fell, geez, I hated it when she cried. I felt like punching a wall or someone, she shouldn't ever have to cry. When she was sad, I was sad, when she was mad, I was mad, when she was happy, I was happy. Why did she need to think so much and care so much! 

"Promise me?" she held out her pinky. I held mine out and promised, in turn that she did the same to me. I would tell her whatever was on my mind, even if the time wasn't appropriate, even if it could hurt her, even if it could hurt me....

I watched her go off to filming, smiling again. Shining again. 

In sense, I needed that promise myself. She would always come to me, be by my side with her trust. 


"Seriously though, one would think you two were a couple." I glanced up. It was Junhyung and Dongwoo from B2ST. They sat down next to me.

"In the company all we hear about is Hyunsik and Mollie, or Mollie and the BTOB members..." Dongwoo added. 

"Really  though. If you're comfortable, we'd like to know if you two were dating...ya know? " Junhyung hyung smiled. 

"Eh, we're just really good friends, best friends.", I started. DongWoo and Junhyung looked at each other. 

"Hyunsik-goon, are you kidding us. No friends who are boy and girl act like best friends for long. They ultimately love each other. And you and Mollie were pretty close there. Hard to believe that was just between friends."

"I mean we're closer than that but not lovers or anything..." I hastily replied. "Plus, company rules..."

"Actually Gikwang oppa told us that you were jealous how she's paired up on WGM with Tae Yang shii..." they chuckled a bit. I glared at them.

"I don't want anyone messing with her just because they're trying to get viewer ratings..." I said before getting up and excusing myself. The hyungs looked on, thinking of something that I would have punched them for had I known what they were planning. 


This girl...why did I care so much? 









-- This was a little confusing to write, I actually wasn't sure what to write about, so sorry T.T

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unicornsruletheworld #1
Chapter 9: pretty pretty please update soon :D love Taeyang oppa<3<3<3
Thanks for making Tae Oppa so sweet <3
Hehehe Hyunsik Oppa is also very sweet ~~ such nice Oppas xD
Update sooooon! ~~~
Chapter 4: ㅜ____ㅜ can that be me?! Lol
:) it's like. it will be fun to read <3
bgreenwivy #5
Chapter 2: This is a great beginning. I like how you ended the last chapter. I look forward to seeing this develop.
HoneyHanie #6
Woop wooot~!!! Good beginning.. I like how its not ure normal girl meets boy In a park thing... I'm starting to loooove this ;p