Chapter 1

My Pet Fish (On Hold)

*Eunhyuk's POV*

"How about this one? He looks like Nemo." Sungmin said, pointing to one of the bigger fish in the aquarium we were currently looking at. 'He really does look like Nemo, but I want something different.'
"He's nice, but I want something else."
"That is what you said about all of them!" He yelled, and some people in the store looked at us weird. 
"Calm down, Sungmin. I just don't have that feeling about any of these fish." I sighed and looked around at the rest of the fish.
"What are you talking about? What feeling?" 
"A special feeling. They say you get this weird feeling in your stomach when you find the pet that's right for you." I explained to him. 'Seriously, what idiot doesn't know about that?'
"What are you blabbing about? And who's 'they'?" 
"Well, you know, its 'they'. Everyone says 'they'." 
"Whatever Hyuk, you're weird. We checked out the whole store, so let's go home. I'm so tired." Sungmin complained, dragging me out of the store. We walked to my car and I shuffled through my keys to find the right one. Just as I opened the car door, a woman ran up to us holding a bag of water.
"Please take it! Take this fish before I go crazy!" She grabbed my arms and place the bag into my palms. Before I could even open my mouth she ran away fast as lightning. 'What just happened?'
"Who the was that?" I asked.
"Who cares! You got a fish now, and for free, so let's go." I looked in the bag and saw the fish swimming around. He turned to me and stared into my eyes. I felt like I was being struck by lightning. 'Wow.. he's so beautiful! Its almost like he's glowing!'
"Well, hello there. What will your name be?" I asked the fishy with a smile. I noticed the a sticker on the bottom of the back. It has "Donghae" written on it. 'Donghae? That's so cute!'
"Its nice to meet you Donghae, I'm Eunhyuk." I told him and pointed at myself.
"Are we going or what?" Sungmin grumbled at me. 'What's his problem? He must be sleepy.'
"No, we have buy fish food and a fish bowl for him." I smiled at him, despite his fowl mood. Before he could reply, I ran into the store to get a bowl and food. In five minutes, I was back in the car.
"Let's go now." I put the stuff in the back seat. 
"Finally!" Sungmin exclaimed and I drove out of the parking lot. Within a few moments, we arrived at Sungmin's apartment. We bid goodbye and he went in. On the way home, I would glance in the cute little fishy's direction. He was looking outside the whole time, at everything we were passing by. When we arrived, I took all his stuff in and then came back to the car to get him. I carried the bag in and placed it on the kitchen counter. Then, I filled the bowl I bought for him with tap water. When it was halfway full, I turned off the faucet and grabbed another bag that had contained blue aquarium pebbles and an aquarium accessory. I put them both inside the bowl. Without much concentration, I started untying the knot on Donghae's bag.
"Aren't you excited for your new home Donghae? Doesn't it look cozy?" I said to him and noticed him starring at the bowl. He looked up at me and nodded. 'What the ....? Did I just see that he's nodding? Okay, I seriously need some sleep.' I shook my head and finished untying the knot. When I had completed the task, I poured the bag into the bowl and Donghae swam up to the little castle thing and hid behind the bars of it. I frowned. 'Is he scared of me?'
"Am I scaring you? You don't need to be scared of me, I won't hurt you. I'm a friend." I said to him and smiled. He swam out from behind the bars and up against the glass. He stared at me, as if waiting for something. 'Maybe he's hungry?' I walked to the other bag and got out the fish food. I had bought two kinds, the flakes and the seaweed. I decided that he should have the flakes first. Reading the directions on the box, I poured the right amount into my hand. I turned to Donghae and smile to him.
"Its dinner time Donghae." I said to him and and poured the flakes into his bowl one by one. He swam up and ate them eagerly. While putting his food away, I looked around for a place to put his bowl. 'Okay, I can't put it in the kitchen, so maybe the living room?' I searched the living room for an empty spot and couldn't find one there either. 'Not in the living room, so where? I gotta check my bedroom.' I walked into my room and instantly noticed that the dresser next to my bed only had an alarm clock and small lamp on it. 'That will be perfect for Donghae!' I went back into the living room and picked up Donghae's bowl. We walked into my room together, and I placed his bowl onto my dresser table.
"This will be where you sleep Donghae, and I'll be right next to you. See? There's my bed, where I will sleep." I told him, pointing to my bed. Grabbing some clothes out of the closet, I went to the bathroom to take a shower and brush my teeth.
"Donghae, I'll be right back, I just have to take a shower. Be good!" With that, I walked in and had a quick shower and brushed my teeth. When I walked out of the bathroom, I was already in my sleeping clothes, which consisted of black basketball shorts and a white tank top. Jumping into bed, I went to turn off the light. 
"Good night, Donghae! Sleep tight, my little fishy!" I said to him and turned of the lamp. Just as the light died, something almost magical happened. Donghae was glowing the most beautiful shade of blue.
"Donghae! You are so pretty!" I said to him and blushed instantly. 'He's just a fish. So why am I blushing?' I ignored that thought and drifted to a peaceful sleep.

Some Info: Sorry for the boring 1st chapter. Hopefully it will get more interesting. I wanted to ask you guys a question, do you want this story to be Eunhae friendship or love? Can you please tell me in comment. Also, if you're wondering, Donghae isn't going to turn into a person. The pictures below are Donghae's fish bowl, the castle thing that he has in his bowl, and Donghae himself.




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Chapter 1 I will post on Saturday. School will be starting this week so I will only post once a week on Saturdays.


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Chapter 1: sooooooooooooo intertinggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg......................
sofyywayy #2
So cute please update soon I want to see the falling in love parts ^^
OMG cute <333
Update soon ><
Love :) update soon please <3
Caitlynlyn #5
Caitlynlyn #6
Erm.. What's this story about?