oh that boy . . .

{ oh that b o y ... }

listen to : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zRJ4IzpfVUs (   



You. The ever-so hopeless romantic.

But it wasn’t like you to be so lovey-dovey like that. Actually, It was your boyfriend’s fault. Choi Seunghyun. The only man on this planet that could bring you to absolute mushiness and smiles. How you loved that man and how he made you feel.

And oh that Choi Seunghyun …with his intense, sharp black eyes—and his cascading black eyelashes that barely skimmed his cheeks when he closed his eyes. His6’’ build and mysterious aura. His y Cheshiresmirk that meant he was up to no good. And oh those luscious full lips. How you loved those luscious lips …

How they teased and nipped at your lips and neck every morning as he watched you wake. How they greeted you every night when he got back from practice with s. Oh those luscious lips …

And those hands … those soft and gentle hands that caressed you in such loving ways. Those soft and gentle hands that held you to him –oh so gently– oh those hands. And that abnormal hair of his. When he had first dyed his hair white you weren’t so happy about it.

You had told him that it had made him look “like an ahbujji”. Therefore, making him chuckle in that deep husky voice of his and pull you in for a deep, romantic kiss.

 But slowly you realized that his abnormalities are what made him … well … him. You realized that it really brought out the shine in his eyes. As weird as it sounds … you liked the white hair on him. Of course, he was the only one who could rock the white hair and still look young. You were just glad he didn’t so some crazy perm on his head like Jiyong. Oh that hair …

And as you watched him sleep on the black leather couch across from you, you felt the love you had for him quadruple sevenfold. You watched as his soft, labored breaths raised his chest … and slowly brought it back down as he exhaled.

He his side and mumbled something incoherently. You smirked at the sight.

His long legs were scrunched up beside him, his hands –oh so soft and gentle– tucked under his head, and his full, luscious lips, slightly parted. All of his admiring swagger and alluring mystery disappearing. You watched him as his eyebrows furrowed and mumble something again—something that sounded a lot like your name.

You giggled and walked as quietly as a cat towards the man of your dreams.

You sat next to where his head was placed, and you caressed his firm and well-sculpted jaw-line and cheeks—his high cheekbones glowing in the dim light of the condo lamp and the flashing of the low-volume Television. You noticed that he had developed dark circles and frowned.

 ‘Aish … he hasn’t been taking care of his health ever since the promotions of their Big Bang comeback started …’

You smoothed out his sharp eyebrows and he moved his head on your lap. Oh those eyebrows. Those eyebrows that teased you playfully when he was in the mood to be mischievous (if you know what I mean). At the sudden memory of last night you flushed red and turned away from his handsome face. You sighed and looked back at him.

“… If only you knew what you do to me, Choi Seunghyun.” You whispered and traced his full lower lip. And at that, he nodded his head forward. Your name spilled out of his mouth at the action. Oh the things he could do with that heavenly mouth of his. How that heavenly mouth kissed you every morning when you woke up, till the time you went to sleep. That heavenly mouth that he placed by your ear … murmuring sweet nothings. That heavenly mouth that man had.

You stared, well, more like observed him, intently. You traced his nose line. Oh that nose. That nose that nuzzled your neck and sniffed softly at his favorite fragrance that was you. You felt his whole body shift and you froze.

His eyes fluttered open, and his intense, sharp black eyes looked up at you. And that Cheshiresmirk was soon in place. “It’s rude to stare, you know?” Oh that deep baritone voice of his …

But you didn’t let that distract you. You soon returned the smirk with your own retort. “I was not ‘staring’.” You stated. He gave you a look as if saying; ‘Oh Really?’

“Yes really, Seunghyun-ah,” You rolled your eyes. “I was merely admiring the beauty that is my pretty boyfriend.” You slyly look down at him. He sits up and gives you an annoyed look. “Pretty?” He kissed his way up your neck. “I. Am. Not. Pretty.” He said in between kisses.

“R-right … coz’ you do ‘y’ s-so much better.” You stuttered as his lips neared yours.

“That’s my girl.” He smirks and completely places his luscious, full lips on yours. He slyly slides his tongue inside your mouth, and twirls it around yours. You let out a soft moan as his heavenly mouth worked wonders over yours. And just when you were about to wrap your arms around his neck, he pulls away abruptly.

His eyes –those intense, sharp black eyes– keep a lock on your own. He caresses the side of your face and plants a small kiss on your lips. “Oh Seunghyun …” You sigh.

He smiles a small smile and places his forehead on yours. He breathes in your scent that now surrounds all of his senses. “Saranghae.” He mutters shyly. And at that, your heart fluttered and you placed a big kiss on his lips.

“I love you too.” You smile. He pulls away, smirking. “Good. Now let me get my sleep, woman.” He lays on your lap and closes his eyes. Leaving you stunned.

“Yah! Choi Seunghyun! Way to ruin the moment!” You smacked him on the shoulder. All you heard was his chuckle. “C’mon, aren’t you going to rub my back like you usually do?” He teased. You rolled your eyes once more and lay down with him. Soon, both your breathing labored and you wandered into slumberland.

With the man you loved.

And to many, he was known as T.O.P, the almighty Tempo. But to you, that boy was Choi Seunghyun. The dorky, quirky, awkward boy you knew he was at heart.

Oh how you loved that boy ... with his intense, sharp black eyes and his luscious lips, and his absolute perfection. Oh how you loved that boy and oh how he loved you.



{ a / n : I know … it , but I do hope you enjoyed. and I’ll be making oneshots for the rest of the Big Bang members. so don’t be afraid to tell me who to do it on next, and give me an idea of what you want it to be about. } -- frankiepark.



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Chapter 1: awww..
i really like this story..how you describe him..
its like am being there with him..=)
Niya23 #2
lghdfggytrghy So cuute I loved it, it was an easy read and so sweet it nearly made me puke skittles when I awed( in a good way XD)
cutee >\\<
Your writing style is really good. Well written and Easy to read and understand, i really love it. The story was really, sweet? LOL You did a very nice job, the good choice of words helped feeling the love between the two... veeeeery good.
Awh! This was a cute oneshot !
ohmyyoungbae #6
THIS IS AWESHHUUUMMM! im now going to creep through your other oneshots! <br />
:D thanks for writing so awesomeelyy!
stellar #7
Ooh, this was good! Very nicely written~ I can't wait for the others. ^^
melodymuse #8
oh! this is so cute :D :D
yjdghjksbdh! greatly written, just what´s going on in my mind...