An Unhappy Hyung...

The Hyung and The Evil Maknae

Eunhyuk POV


I came home late after practice. I felt so pissed off at kyuhyun that I didn't even bother to greet the members and went straight to my room. My roommate and best friend Fishy (aka Lee Donghae) sat on his head reading some yadong magizine.


"Yah! Why do you read that kind of stuff? I'm gonna call Kibum and tell him what his boyfriend’s been up to!" I shouted at him playfully.


"Tsk! Who are you to talk? At least I only read it. You're the one who keeps downloading the real stuff onto your smart phone! Seriously Lee Hyukjae, we can hear the moans past the bedroom door!" He retorted.


Ugh! He got me. I sighed and headed for the bathroom to take a shower.


I stood under the hot water hoping it would calm me down but the whole day’s problems kept replying through my brain.


Sighing, I exited the bathroom in sweatpants a t-shirt. Donghae took one look at me before pursing his pouty lips and demanding me to confess.


I sighed once again. “It’s Kyuhyun.”


Donghae cocked an eyebrow. “The maknae? What’s wrong with him?”


“Nothing, it’s me! I’m desperately in love with him but he annoys the crap out of me every single day. He doesn’t even like me.”


Hae frowned. “What happened Hyuk?”


I looked on before once again reliving the incidents of the day...


Earlier In the Practice Room:


I was practicing the new 6jib dance moves today when suddenly the lights went out.


Light problem? In SM? Wierd! And they say we're the richest entertainment company. That Lee Soo Man probably forgot to pay the electric bill again. I thought and immedietly smacked myself for thinking such thoughts about the great LSM. As I was debating I heard a low humming sound. HmmHmmHmm and it kept getting closer!





"Yah! Eunhyuk-ah! Are you crazy? I'm asking you a question! Have you seen my PSP or not?!" Our maknae, Kyuhyun, interrupted my thoughts.



"Oh that was you humming!? I was scared to death Kyuhyun ah! What the hell happened to the lights?" I asked, rather annoyed that he scared me like that



“I turned them off.” He replied coldly, his eyes still searching for his PSP.



"Yah, don’t you see I’m working? Why would you turn them off?" I yelled,



"Aish, don’t be so noisy. They’re back on now, aren’t they! Whatever. I guess you haven't seen my PSP then." The younger spoke before exiting just as soon as he had come


End of flashback ***


"Thats it?" Donghae asked.


"What do you mean thats it? This is a serious thing. Why won't he call me hyung or something? Am I that unimportant?"


“Hyukkie, what I mean to say is that you’re misunderstanding. Kyu may act like he hates you and he may tease and torture you but you’re his favorite hyung Hyukjae.”


I sighed once again. “Then why won’t he call me hyung~” I whined.


Donghae chuckled. “Such a childish hyung you are monkey.” And with that, the fish walked out.


I sat gawking. What kind of an advice was that?!




I woke up late again. I brushed my teeth and took a 5 minute shower.


"Wookie ah, I’m hungry!" I wailed as I walked into the living room.


The only members with a late schedule were Wookie, me and ... Cho Kyuhyun.


I groaned as Kyu walked out of his room. He was the person I least wanted to see right now.


The maknae glared at the disapproving sound I had made. “Shut up Hyukjae. I’m cranky and I don’t want to deal with the likes of you today.”


His coldness made my heart hurt. I pouted before looking away from him and back to my breakfast. I was too busy messing with my rice that I didn’t notice a certain brunette right behind me. Only when the certain person bent down and blew hot air into my ear did I finally jump up.


I spun around to see a smirking Cho. I sighed before glaring and spinning back around to sit into my seat. “I am not talking to you.”


Kyu laughed before coming in front and seating beside me. “You just did.”


I inwardly cursed.


“If you don’t mind me asking, what is it that I did so wrong?”


I glared at him.  “Everything, you do everything wrong.”


Kyu raised his eyebrows. “Ouch. I didn’t know it was your time of the month again hyung.”


I blushed before shaking my head furiously. “Shut up Cho!”


Kyu laughed wholeheartedly before picking himself off the seat. “One more thing, don’t forget we have Sukira with SNSD today. Goodbye now and don’t kill anyone cause of your man period.”


Kyu ran into his room just in time to avoid the bread I had chucked at him.




My heart hurt. Everything had gone wrong.


Kyuhyun and Seohyun had flirted throughout the whole segment. Even in our little interactions, Kyu still included the girl.


My heart hurt seeing the two act lovey dovey but I didn’t let it show. I smiled my fake smiles and laughed my fake laughs. The staff all knew about Kyu’s and Seohyun’s date tonight. I didn’t want anyone’s love to be ruined.


Of course it did matter a bit that mine was completely gone now...


“Hello beautiful.” A deep voice cut through my deep thoughts. I looked up to see a tall handsome male.


I frowned, confused. “M-Me?”


The man smirked as I shivered. This whole situation was a bit scary.


“Of course I mean you, beautiful. So, what’s your name?”


“Umm, I’m sorry but I’m not interested.” I spoke before starting to walk away but I was pulled right back.


“I asked you your name.” The man hissed, his grip on my wrist tightening.


I cried out. “Stop it! Let me go!”


The man just laughed evilly. “No one can hear you sweet pea. It’s too late for your “fans” to be out.”


Tears began to grow at the side of my eyes. I had seen this scene too many times in horror flicks and I was beyond terrified at this point.


“I-If I tell you my name, will you l-let me go?”


The man laughed once more before shaking his head. “Nah, first I wanna do you and then I’ll think about letting you go.”


I shivered as his hands left my wrist and forcefully encircled my waist. I struggled in his hold, not wanting this dirty feeling of his hands any longer. Unfortunetely he was too strong.


“Don’t make me hit you.” The man threatened. “You’re too beautiful for me to harm your face.”


I scowled. “Stop it! Let me ing go!”


The man didn’t stop. He brought his face closer and closer until his lips were only a few inches away from mine. His ugly breath ghosted over my lips and that’s when I grew frantic. My first could NOT be this man! Without thinking further, my hand moved on its own.


The sound echoed through the empty street; the sound of my slap. The man stood wide eyed.


He opened his mouth but closed it, his eyes suddenly looking behind me. I frowned before turning my head as well; almost instantly hoping I hadn’t.



“K-Kyuhyun?” I exclaimed as I saw my maknae behind me.


The said man didn’t even look my way; he was too busy glaring at the hands on my waist. “Let him go.”


The man growled before shoving me aside. He took long strides towards Kyu.


My eyes widened, I sensed a fight.


“I’m going to hit you so hard, you’ll fly to Mercury.” I heard the man’s voice.


Kyu laughed, no happiness inside. “Oh yeah? Well that’s big talk for such a small guy. Come at me.”


It all happened too fast. One second Kyu and the mystery man stood a few feet away from the other and the next they were on the floor wrestling. Kyu threw a few punches and the other did as well. Soon, Kyu had him pinned to the floor, his face bleeding heavily.


“And this one’s for touching my man!” Kyu yelled before throwing one last hard punch at the man. Groaning, he lifted himself off the male and walked towards me.


My eyes scanned the dried blood on his lips and the cut on his eyebrow. I opened my mouth to say something but was rudely cut off.


“Not a word.” Kyu replied coldly before grabbing my wrist. He dragged me all the way home before shoving me into his room.





"Hyuk..." he began but I wasn't going to let him tease me right now.


"That's Hyuk hyung to you maknae!" I spit out angrily. All of the anger over the years was now releasing in the ugliest way.


 His eyes looked a little scared and hurt, but I myself was too hurt to care. "Hyukjae... Hyung, what were you doing with that man" he started but was once again cut off.


"Whatever I do with any man, what’s it to you!" I spit out. I knew it was all a lie. I was actually glad Kyu had saved me but I was too stubborn and angry to be honest right now.


"Hyung! So you wanted that man to touch you?" he raised his voice.


"Well why not?! You never touch me or want to be with me so why not?


He told me I was beautiful, you don’t even like me!  And the ironic thing was he was a flipping stranger Cho Kyuhyun and you've known me for the past 6 years damn it!


I am not important to you one bit! I am just a toy that you play with. You're just gonna throw me away after you're done teasing and then come get me later when you need me. I really hate you! You really always hurt me! Why the heck do I always come back for more? I knew you'd never love me back but there was always a hope that lingered! Why?! Why is it you and not that strang-"


I was cut off when Kyuhyun pushed his lips onto mine harshly. Our lips started dancing. I closed my eyes. He bit my bottom lip to let him enter but I declined. This was probably one of those tricks to tease me. I pulled away from him. 


"W-What was that?!" I asked, panting.


"That was to shut you up." he yelled. "Now let me talk you stupid monkey. I would choose you over anything in this world! And Seohyun beats you?! Yeah right!


Even when I'm on a freaking date with her, you're the only thing on my mind. I even ordered a strawberry smoothie today damn it!


Smell my hair! I started using strawberry shampoo!! For who? For you!!!


And after all this, you on the road kissing that man? Who told you to walk by dangerous places like that? You’re so damn lucky I was walking by towards the dorm, Lee Hyukjae! Why didn't you scream or bite him or something?! I don't know what I would do if you were hurt!" Kyu yelled before burying his head in his hands


My heart beats increased as I took in his information.


"W-Why were you thinking about m-me?" I stuttered.


‘Damn Lee Hyukjae! It’s so damn easy for you to lose your cool!’


"Because I love you, stupid!" Kyu cooed in my ear before pulling me closer.


My face turned a bright red. "You l-love me? Then why are you always mean to me?!" I countered, unable to believe my ears.


"I'm sorry Hyukkie. I can't help but be mean to you when you cause me so much tension everyday! Do you know how hot you are? You walk around half all the time, teasing me beyond belief. And the worst part is that you don’t even know it!" he wheezed.


I'm hot? My heart jumped before dropping once more. What if this was just another prank?

“Then why were you on a date with ... her?!”

Kyu laughed. “I’m really sorry for that Hyukkie. It’s just that I wanted to make you jealous. You’re really too cute when you’re so possessive of me. I saw you stealing glances at me the whole recording!


I blushed deeply before frowning once again. I just could not believe this would be true.


"Kyu? Are you playing a prank on me again?" I asked looking deep into his eyes.


Kyu sighed before pulling me into a hug. “Never, Hyukkie. I really love you from the bottom of my heart.”


My cheeks once again heated up as my heart filled with joy.


"Well...?" Kyu said impatiently waiting for an obvious answer from my side.


"Well what?!" I asked innocently. It was now my turn to tease. 


"Yah, Lee Hyukjae" he yelled, his face turning slightly red.


“I’m just kidding. I love you more than anything else in the world, silly.” I laughed just before he pulled me into a kiss. 


The kiss was needy; all the emotions and passion we’ve felt for years pouring out. As we finally pulled away, I couldn’t help but grin.


Kyu chuckled. “Stop smiling like that. You look creepy.”


I just grinned wider before pulling him into another kiss. The brat needed to learn the meaning of less talking and more work.


Work those lips for me Maknae...’  


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Story has been revised and edited! :D Thank You God. xD


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Chapter 1: *O* owwww fave!!! I love this ♥ KyuHyuk

KiHae?! OMG omg.... Perfect!
Chapter 1: so cheeeeeeeeeeeeesyyyyyyyyy mehehe
Chapter 1: hing donghae is kibum's bf ;A; *ignore my eunhae feeling* but kyuhyuk isn't bad at all as i guess ! XD
heyitstheduff #4
Chapter 1: The story is so cute!^^
Chapter 1: this is cuteeeeeeeeeeee....totally love it...ah i think we all need sequel for this...and hyukjae u make me crack hahhha...anyhow authornim thank kyu for writing write more kyuhyuk story in the future ^^
emma13 #6
Chapter 1: Aawww~ so sweet,i found it funny not romantic like use to be, but it's just good u know? Do we need sequel? Kkkkkkk ^.^
analee592 #7
Chapter 1: Hohoho...this is funny.. ^_^
Cho_Mori #8
Poor Eunhyuk~
^.^ But it was funny