Chapter 2 - Meeting

The Virus.


Jessica’s POV

“Excuse me, may I know where the General Office is?”




“Hello? Did you hear what I just said?”




Why isn’t she replying me? Does she not understand English? Dad said that this school is one of the few top schools in South Korea where everyone can speak English. Did he lie to me again? I mean, what kind of prestigious school is this when people here can’t understand simple English? Man… I guess I will just have to try my luck and randomly walk around. I thought to myself. I was about to walked away when suddenly, the girl I was speaking to spoke.

“Sorry! You said something about the General Office right? Just walk straight, turn left and you’ll reach the General Office. Never seen you around before, I assume you’re a new student?” replied the tall tanned brunette. 

I scoffed. Is this lady dumb or dumb? Isn’t she asking the obvious?

“Yes, I am. I just transferred to this school today,”

“What’s your name?”


“Where’re you from?”


“Wow. Why did you come to Korea then?”

Starting to feel annoyed by her persistent questions, I decided to cut short her, “I got to go, I’m late. If we happen to see each other, perhaps I’ll tell you more?” Before she even replied, I was already on my way to the General Office.


Yuri’s POV

I was on my way to class when I saw this blonde hair girl walking aimlessly, when I focused my eyes on her. I felt that I was electrified, electric shocked by her beauty.

When she spoke, her words felt like melody playing in my head. I couldn’t react, my throat went dry.

“Excuse me, may I know where the General Office is?” her first sentence was, I was stunned and marveled by the sweetness of her voice.


“Hello? Did you hear what I just said?” the impact of her voice just kept coming strong at me. My heart was thumping rapidly, I felt like I was getting a heart attack.

“HELLO!” She exclaimed, I was snapped out of my thoughts, back to the reality.

“Sorry! You said something about the General Office right? Just walk straight, turn left and you’ll reach the General Office. Never seen you around before, I assume you’re a new student?” was my reply to her.

“Yes, I am. I just transferred to this school today,”

Wanting to know about her, I tried to carry on the conversation.

“What’s your name?”


“Where’re you from?”


Every reply was sweet and short. However, I persisted.

“Wow. Why did you come to Korea then?”

“I got to go, I’m late. If we happen to see each other, perhaps I’ll tell you more?” and she scurried away.

My feet felt like they were glued to the ground, I stood paralyzed and watched her as she walked away.

Jessica is her name. What a beautiful name that is, totally suits her. I hope I get to see her again… I grinned sheepishly with these mind thoughts.

Drats, I recalled that I had class and was now even later. I’m so dead. I hope Miss Boa doesn’t find out that I’m late again if not I’ll be in deep .



Tiffany’s POV

I was at the front of the classroom’s door and was about to open it when I heard someone screaming in exasperation.


Hearing that, I chuckled. Kim Tae Yeon is really a byuntae; she should be laying her hands on her all-year-round target who is Sunny. 

“You will do fine without me, besides, food is way too important for me, without food I will not be able to have the energy to save you too! SO DEAL WITH TAEYEON YOURSELF!”

And that will be Soo Young, she is way too obsessed with her food. No one can tear her apart from it.

 “HAHAHAHAHA! No way man! Without you, I will not be able to survive in school. You are my energizer, my sun. Without my sun, I’ll die. You could think of this way, I’m the battery while you are the charger. Your job is to recharge me! And the recharging method happens to be SKINSHIP!”

I literally face palmed when I heard that coming out from Taeyeon’s mouth. Although I wasn’t able to see Sunny’s reaction, I’m sure she will be feeling the same way as well. What an interesting class I have. I’ve got people who love skinship and people who are way too obsessed with their food.

“Class is starting now, everyone return back to seats I have an announcement to make. Before that, Kim Tae Yeon, I think that is enough recharge for today. Keep your hands off Sunny’s s. Isn’t touching her enough for you? Go back to your seat. Sooyoung, DO NOT EAT IN CLASS. How many times do I have to repeat myself?! At least, don’t eat it during MY lesson. If Miss Boa happens to walk pass, I’ll be in trouble. And if I’m in trouble, you’ll be in trouble. Keep your food now!”

“Yes… Miss Hwang,” answered Tae Yeon and Soo Young in unison which resulted in Sunny grinning.

“So what is the announcement?” 

“Are we going on a school trip?”

“Are you leaving the school?”

“Don’t leave the school! I’m sure we will all be depressed if you are leaving the school.”

“Could it be that we are going to have a transfer student in our class?”

“Seohyun, you got it right! We are going to have a transfer student in our class. She’ll be arriving soon. So everyone, I guess you should anticipate her arrival?”

“Is she pretty?” asked Hyoyoung

“Pretty will be an understatement, I guess…?”

“Wow. I hope I get along with her as soon as possible and then I’ll be able to touch her too,” stated Taeyeon with her famous ahjumma laugh.

“You’ll see Sunny beating up that girl soon,” teased SooYoung

“SOOYOUNG! Don’t be nonsensical. Why will I be?” Sunny retorted while glaring at Sooyoung

“You know the answer yourself. Because you love –”

Noticing Sunny’s flushed face, I intercepted the conversation,

“Okay enough teasing. You girls ought to behave yourself and not scare the newcomer later on.”


“Oh! She’s here already.” Exclaimed someone

There were lots of murmuring around and I could understand the excitement they all had.

“Please come in,” I spoke, knowing that Jessica is here.

When Jessica opened the door, everyone kept quiet and I heard loud gasps from the students’ mouth. Instinctively, I turned over to take a look at Jessica, my jaws dropped upon the sight and I blink my eyes numerous time to find out whether I was dreaming, I pinched my thighs to double confirm it. My heart was thumping quickly, I felt like I was going to have a heart attack. She was beyond gorgeous. There were no suitable adjective to describe her as everyone word will most probably be an understatement for her. Everyone in the room including me was mesmerized by her beauty and we seemed to have lost the ability to speak. Our souls seem to have escaped our body, realizing that she stood outside for a while already; I quickly asked to come in.

“Jessica… right? Please come in and introduce yourself to the class. We have all been awaiting your arrival.”

With her slender figure, she walked herself into the classroom gracefully. I knew I had to quickly change my focus on her to elsewhere before I give myself out. To my amazement, Taeyeon was drooling and it was so much drool that it had wetted her paper. Staring at Taeyeon, I mouthed to her telling her to wipe off her drools, it’s unsightly and creepy. Taeyeon noticed my words, quickly wiped her drools away and smile back to me sheepishly to me. I rolled my eyes.

“Hi everyone? I’m Jessica Jung,” Jessica spoke with an icy tone that sent chills to everyone’s spine.

She’s so damn hot and alluring. Looking at her huge s, it makes me felt like fondling with it, her makes me feels like grabbing it and slapping it. Her lip which makes me feels like wanting to and nibble on it. Her exposed neck was tempting me to mark her and show everyone that she is mine; she belongs to me and is Tiffany Hwang’s property.

I was too absorbed in my thoughts when she suddenly turned to me and stared at me with a plastered smirk which seemed to me that she knew what I was thinking. I was caught off guard and I shuddered. Wanting her to get away from me due to close proximity distance we have with each other now, I quickly told her to go to her seat.

“Jessica, there is an empty seat over at the back there. Beside where SeoHyun is sitting, that will be your seat from now on. Go over to your place and we‘ll be able to carry on with the class now.” 

Now, I thought to myself how I am going to survive with her in my class. How am I going to concentrate in teaching? And why isn’t my heart back to the regulate beat, it is still beating rapidly. As I was thinking, Jessica had her right hand supporting her face and she stare at me right in my eyes. From that point onwards, I knew I was in deep trouble, I have contracted the Jessica Jung virus which is deadly and I know it will kill me in the end ultimately.

A/N : Will edit my mistakes at a later date. I'm not able to update frequently for now as i'm focusing on my national exams too. Please understand me :\ . Exams are really important. Hahaha >,< I DONT EVEN HAVE THE TIME TO SPAZZ ABOUT JESSI :| . Sigh. T____T *STRESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS*

I hope this chapter is not disappointing. Thanks for everyone's comment! <3. I appreciate it alot. I shall not keep harping that my grammer is poor (But i really think it is) before you readers get irritated!

Have a great day and be well!

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cengkoiz #1
Chapter 2: nice story, please update soon
Chapter 2: for tiffany, jessica will be such a good virus then...hehehhehe....keep updating!!!
Chapter 2: update soon yeah?~ :D
KalakiMae #4
Chapter 2: please update again soon :)
shiroshai #5
Chapter 2: yeah bring the jessica virus~~
will wait for u to update~
Chapter 2: author-ssi...your story is really really cool....
it still continue right...?
HAHA ByunTaeng ! :b Jessica's forever sending icy chills to everyone <3
Fany's thoughts are like super cool! xD
can't wait for next chapter & good luck on your exams ^^
windyheartsnsd #9
kk, Fany and her thoughts, tsk, not healthy at all XD
I think u are pretty good, for the 1st time writting! U juz need a beta reader or editor to proof read in advance!
Keep up the good work!
Waaay!! Finally chapter2!! Love JeTi! Onlyy JeTi please and pls again dont want yulsic here too... :-/