All this drama...

Stay With Me


Hyorin’s POV

YAH Byun hyun! Who are you with and what were you doing!? I yell out pissed off.

Hes cheating on me. Hes actually cheating on me right now. I loved and trusted him the most…

“ew, whose that girl?” the girl sniffed, looking at me distastefully

L Joe immediately lets go of the girl’s hand. “Ani, it’s not what it looks like Hyorin.”

I scoff sure you just felt like holding hands with some girl you don’t know… and start whispering who knows what in her ear.

“Hm, oh really? Because it looks like you’re going on a date with ANOTHER girl.”

“I thought you were dead Hyorin…”

“is that really such a great excuse!? It’s only been three months and you just move on like that?!”

I leave, betrayed and hurt with watering eyes.

As I leave, I feel someone grab my arm.  I look up. And see a blonde guy holding a basketball.


I pull my arm away from him. “leave me alone.”

I put my head down when I feel the gazes surrounding me.

“ Ah don’t be like that, come let’s get you something to eat.” The blonde guy pulls on my arm again.

“I’M FINE” I yell frustrated at everything going on.

L Joe appears, and then pushes the blonde guy away. “Yah watch it. Don’t touch her like that”

I look at L Joe pissed off “Ani, I don’t need help from a cheater. Hey blondie I’ll go with you. “

The blonde guy smirks at L. Joe and leads me away to a nearby café.

After getting far enough from L Joe, I start to talk. “What was that for?” I say somewhat coldly.

“Well it looked like you were starting to regret that outburst you had so I tried to drag you out of it, well maybe that was a mistake, I’ll pay dinner to make up for it?” the blonde guy says uncertainly.

I start laughing hard. “Ani, You didn’t have to do all that. Was that all you’re worried about? I can deal with that any day. He was just a boyfriend.” Though I was still hurting inside, I didn’t want some stranger to pity me.

“Chincha?” the blonde guy looks at me doubtfully.

“Yah, I’m a girl that dealt with far worse things than just cheating”

One truth so far…

“okay than” the blonde guy drops conversation as we enter the café .

I order something random off the menu, and he just orders coffee.

We finish eating and we walk out of the café.

“umm can I have your name” the blonde guy suddenly asks.

My name? I just met this guy…  I stare at him doubtfully

“Uhh Chonun Hyorin imnida”

“Ohh, you have the same name as Hyorin noona from SISTAR”

“sistar? Whats that? And your name?”

“Ah SISTAR is another dance group, we have a neighborhood club, Chonun Hyunseong imnida”

“Ah… I see now, ok.” I look awkwardly somewhere else.

“Ah! Yah Hyorin?”


“Play basketball with me? And then later I’m going to the club. Want to come?” Hyunseong asks somewhat eagerly.

“I can play basketball for a while, but I don’t know about the club, where is it?” Not wanting to put down his happy mode, I don’t make any promises

We start walking towards a park. I put my heavy bulging backpack down and instantly feel refreshed after all that weight off my shoulders.

Hyunseong puts down his things and starts dribbling the basketball, it goes up and down and then he shoots a three pointer.

“Wahh, You’re so good!” I exclaim, impressed.

“Haha so you want to play? I’ll go easy on you”

“Psh I’ll go easy on you”

“ohh really now? Well good luck”

-10 min later-

I am dead tired now. I’m panting trying to catch my breath, and I am drenched in sweat.

“Eww what is all that sweat?” Hyunseong says playfully, sweat-free

“ugh I’m tired, I’m going home…”

“WAIT! What about the club then? “

“I don’t think I want to go today…”

“Ok well we’re going on the same bus right?”

“Ah yeah. Ok 358?”

“Yeah I’m on that bus too, Ok let’s walk together then”

We walk to the bus stop talking about random things, and before we know it, we were on the bus.

The bus keep stopping, and driving on until we’re at the last stop.

 We look at each other. “You too?” we say both at the same time

“Then we’ll see each other more often?”

“Maybe~ It depends if I feel like it right?” I say teasingly

“Yah call your oppa with more respect!”

“HAHAH you’re my oppa?! Yeah right, you should just be an ahjussi” deepening my voice at the word ahjussi

“Yah I do not look that old! Look at my soft wrinkle free skin! And Call me oppa! Oppa! Oppa!”

I sigh “arrasso~ Hyunseong oppa”

“YAY I win~~~”


“Ah don’t you remember on the bus you said you would never call me oppa?”

“psh when did I say that~” I laugh as we walk through the neighborhood. “Ah! Theres my house right there!”  But then I see Halmoni come out of the car…

“Hey that offer about going to the club with you… is it expired yet?”

“Ah not yet. Why?”

“I think I change my mind now, I want to go to the club”   

“Oh ok, we just need to keep walking for three minutes”

We walk for a while and then I see this rather large house, smack in the middle of the neighborhood.

“This is it!” Hyunseong says proudly.

The house is painted white with a golden sign with words that say, starship entertainment talent

“Come on, I might be late for practice!”

We start running through the hallways. Until we get to one of the rooms, “This one!” Hyunseong says breathless. I enter the room first.

“Yah Hyunseong where have you been-“the guy stops his sentence midway. “ITS YOU”

I look up. No way again!?



haha yea whats up- few people who actually read my story! 

sorry about not updating last week, idk i chose really hard classes this year so i've been stressed liek crazy

Soo yea anyways how did you like it? Sorry for any grammer mistakes >..<  I just typed this up randomly 

Lol more drama and coincidence~ anyone know which guy stops his sentence midway? theres probably only 2 possiblitilies! stay tuned for a monday update (hopefully) cuz i need to makeup for that chapter i missed. 

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iliveforgrapes #1
Chapter 3: heeyyyy
asiancitylights #2
@iliveforg____s heyy :D
@ cropped_angsy i just realized i cant say if ur rite or wrong cuz i mite give away big parts of the story orz but thx so much for the nice comment xD i'll update regularly! so u'll find out soon ^^
Cropped_Angsy #3
Is that youngmin? The one that hyorin though the _______? and oh my l.joe's there. Nice story. Update soon^^
iliveforgrapes #4
asiancitylights #5
@kimmii- ok thx! haha yea i see lots of bestfriends on tumblr which is great! >.< but idk a lot of them so tht helps!
and i liek youngmin's character too it was fun making it xD (srry for replying so late...)
kimmii #6
ooh, you can follow fanbases in tumblr for lots of photoupdates of them xD there's itsboyfriendworld, wellyeahkwangmin, and looots more!!
kimmii #7
i like your descriptionof youngmin. awoo! "he's arrogant cause he believe no one can resist his charms". :3
JoJo128 #8
Can't wait :)