Chapter 6

Dream High : Taecyeon & Suzy version

Taek and Suzy sat as far as apart as possible throught out the whole time on set . Taek would once in awhile glance over to Suzy  trying to see what's she up to  , and then he saw Suzy laughing happily with SooHyun .

Damn . Taek thought to himself ,  No wait , what am i doing ? am i jealous ? Wtf . -.- 

Taek finally understood his feelings , probably not exactly the kind of feeling he wanted to settle on but he always knew there was something , Something about Suzy that make her special .

She's so pretty , so cheerful , so strong and mature for a 17 years old . I guess Taek was always attracted to her , one way or the other except he never really realised .

And now he did . . . 

"Should i keep this feeling or should i tell her ? " Taek thought in deliema . What should i do ?

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shinee3112 #1
Chapter 1: Awesome story
Chapter 10: Update soon!
ghastac #3
Huaa.. I love it!! This story is so cute
cute .
awwwwiiee so cute! :)
i love it!!! is it possible to make it longer..i dont want this story to ever end :S<br />
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HAHA..i'm gg cray cray..<br />
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But you did a darn good job!
2481 streak #7
Aww, cute story! ^-^ Too bad it ended so quickly. :( Oh well, you did a good job and I glad I found this fanfic. :)
sweeterlemon #8
Yay you updated!!!! But the story ended....:(
ow....huhuhuhuhu. i dunno if its a good thing or a bad thing that the story ended...
awwww. :( update sooooon please!!!